Chapter 177 Biological Warship

The intelligence analysis was still going on.

"The Stallone civilization is a creature civilization, which is characterized by itself as a warship. They are also brutal and greedy, and they also worship force."

"In the face of the hunting of the chief hunting master of the Iron Blood civilization, the strong man of the imperial level of Stallone civilization decided to give the strongest counterattack."

"The battle between the two has lasted for a long time."

"In the end, they decided to put an end to this battle in this deserted galaxy,"

"Except for an observation station of Rainstorm civilization, only the universe will witness their final battle."

"The one who can live to the end will have the title of Star Hunter!"

Just as Leon guessed, this observation station was built by the Rainstorm civilization.

The energy core of the Prophet did receive a signal from the first-level star civilization.