Chapter 193 Doubled the Efficiency of Acquiring Energy Points

The radar was in the sky near the No. eleven planet, but it didn't find any traces of large mother warships. Leon didn't fight immediately.

According to the intelligence analysis, the Seth Civilization attached great importance to this planet.

Once they made a move, it was very likely that the enemy would react in a short time and send a large number of reinforcements.

This kind of situation was very common for the energy core warship, which often fought alone in secret space.

With a red quality of black holes, Leon didn't need to be afraid of the power of the level-three star civilization at all.

Not to mention level three, Leon even was not afraid of level-four star civilization.

However, Leon suspected that there might be a more advanced civilization behind the Seth Civilization, or even a level seven or even eight star civilization. In that case, Leon would be in danger.