Chapter 199 The Beam Blasting Cannon

"This is the fleet of Baron Blackstone territory. The commander is Mr. Leon."

"Please surrender now! If you insist, you'll pay for it!"

The communication officer on the Silverfish informed them before the battle as a routine.

Leon sat there, feeling bored.

Even if he had been persuaded to surrender before the battle began, he would do it again.

This so-called routine to show an aristocratic demeanor was extremely stupid.

As expected, they received mockery from the Ida pirate group soon.

"It's just a small baron territory. You want us to surrender? I'll teach you a lesson later, ha-ha!"

Leon waved his hand in disgust, motioning for the communication officer to end this meaningless persuasion.

"Based on the shooting data of this warship, each warship can maintain the shooting speed of formation and move forward at 1/3 of the speed!"

The gunner of the Silverfish was Walker.

It was a huge gap for Walker to change from the captain to the gunner.