Chapter 205 Enemy Attack

Ayeraupu immediately ordered the Allied fleets to put aside formation and face the enemy head-on.

However, some aristocrats put forward their opinions. They thought that since the Stinger pirate group dared to take the initiative to attack, there must be a plot in it and they should be cautious.

However, Ayeraupu insisted on his order. "According to the previous plan, the fleet of Max and Leon will be the vanguard, and the main force will support us at any time from behind."

"We are much stronger than the enemy. We just need to follow the plan,"

"If we panic, we will be more likely to be defeated by the enemy."

"What's more, it's just a pirate group. What brilliant tricks can they play?"

"It's not wrong to be cautious, but in this kind of head-on battle, courage is the most important!"

What Ayeraupu said was reasonable, and he was the commander of the mixed force, so the other aristocrats no longer refuted him.