Chapter 219 A Patient Hunter

Neither the survivors in the lifeboat nor Walker knew that the black hole cruise did not need to close the shield when they were collecting.

Of course, Leon didn't plan to just put the lifeboat in.

Saving people was one thing, and taking people into the warship casually was another thing.

After saving the person, the Prophet quickly left, showing no intention of continuing to entangle with the planetary life.

The characteristic of the Scorpio giant cannon was that the damage caused by it could not be repaired in any way within 1 hour.

Moreover, the light gray halo on the surface of the planetary life would also consume the reserve of energy.

This could allow the power of the planetary life to constantly fade away.

It was said that Leon was like the most patient hunter, waiting for his prey to lose blood.

The Prophet left far away, and there were only the remains of the energy core cruiser and the planetary life left in this space.