Chapter 235 A Level-three Magic Fruit

Atree was a big guy.

Leon and the others had some experience with this kind of big guy.

Without any experiments, Leon knew that whether it was a super high-energy particle cannon or a kinetic energy weapon, they wouldn't have any effect on this planetary-scale Atree.

A layer of outer layer might be burnt by the super high-energy particle cannon, but it would be recovered soon.

Not to mention the kinetic energy cannon, it was like tickling it.

An ordinary energy core warship, with this tenacious, planet-wide material to fall back on, capable of absorbing the light of the fixed star and replenishing its own extreme individual life, can only be outnumbered.

However, the Prophet was different. The Scorpio giant cannon was the nemesis of such an extreme individual's life.

Leon didn't take action rashly.

Although the wound caused by the Scorpio giant cannon could make its life unable to cut off physical strength and energy.