Chapter 240 Unforeseen Events

Shahn took the hint and took out an Atree fruit peel sealed in a high-intensity transparent container.

Even if there was only a fruit peel left on the surface of this level three golden magic fruit, it was still slightly foggy. One could tell at a glance that it was not an ordinary fruit.

"I've heard that miss Lilia is an outstanding pharmacist. I'm sure she'll be interested in it. Please pass it on to her."

Leon said politely.

The security guards didn't stop them.

One of them took a few photos of the Atree peel in the container and sent them out.

Soon, a lady drove a suspended car out of the villa.

"Please get in the car and wait for a moment in the reception room. Miss Lilia will be here soon."

After confirming the Atree peel, she politely ushered Leon into the villa.

After the two of them entered, a young man among the security staff hesitated for a moment, and then secretly moved on to the personal communication terminal two times.