Chapter 259 The Civilization of the Zerg

About half a minute later, the radar finally sent some preliminary information about the nearby space in a state of silence.

"The civilization of the secret space: Gambs civilization, with a history of 53,214 years."

"Civilization level: level two star civilization."

"Energy: nuclear."

"Scope of influence: 19 light-years, 13 habitable planets, and a population of 98.1 billion."

With the broadcast of the system, everyone was listening carefully.

But Leon seemed to be very anxious, and even a little uneasy. If it was just a level two civilization, Leon wouldn't have been so nervous and emotional.

But the following broadcast made everyone understand what Leon was worried about.

"The civilization of the secret space: Tullis civilization (the Zerg)."

"History of civilization:??"

"Civilization level: level five biological civilization."

Looking at the data analysis on the screen, everyone had an impulse to curse.

What bad luck?

After the radar scanning.