Chapter 268 New Changes

In the past, the territory of Baron Blackstone was just a small star in the countryside.

No one noticed it.

But now it was different. Baron was promoted to viscount by marquis personally sent by the royal family.

What's more, a powerful force was gathering in the territory of Viscount Blackstone.

More than 120 energy core warships, this was almost an unprecedented event.

Of course, considering the current situation of Viscount Blackstone, the royal family didn't issue the promotion order, nor did they publicize it.

The reason why he did so was that he wanted to avoid the attention of viscount and Northland.

Once Viscount Blackstone was targeted by Northland duke, the royal family would be notorious for being cruel and merciless.

After all, the previous efforts of Viscount Blackstone were obvious to all.

As a result, Viscount Blackstone still claimed to be a baron.