Chapter 274 Integration of Northland

At the same time, in the Northland territory, there was nothing to be nervous about.

Inside the Northland main fortress, there was a serious look on the face of Northland.

In front of him stood a middle-aged man with a gloomy face.

"Sir Odyssey, Akana Federation has agreed with me that if anything happens to Northland, they will also launch an attack at the border to pin down the Royal fleet."

"But now the situation is that you don't take any action, but ask the royal family to pull out and attack the star door at the same time!"

"I need you to give me a reasonable explanation for the current situation."

Lord Northland said in a low but majestic tone.

Lord Northland only grabbed the chair's hand, revealing his inner emotions.

As soon as the Northland summoning order was issued again, the fleets from all over the world were gathering.

But at this moment, the royal family seized the opportunity to launch a surprise attack.