Chapter 287 Charge

Seeing the three battleships run away, the morale of the Northland fleet fell sharply.

Everyone on the team was jittery. Many people of the aristocratic land were thinking about how to escape next.

But at this time, the old general Wilde showed his cruelty and courage.

"All the fleets, listen to me. Use my warship as the arrow and form a sharp arrow array!"

"Target the War of Goddess!"

"Today is the day to show the coward aristocrats in the capital city what our northland men can do!"

Wilde's voice was firm, calm and a little desolate, like a horn in the fleet, arousing the dignity in many people's hearts.

The Snow Eagle took the lead, which successfully cheered up the morale.

The Northland fleet began to change their array, forming a sharp arrow.

However, just as the Snow Eagle was about to merge with the arrowhead position, it was stopped by another warship.

"General, you don't need to represent the blood vigor of Northland man!"