Chapter 300 Lanshan Civilization

Of course, this kind of mothership didn't pose much of a threat. It didn't have much combat power.

Its main function was scientific research and colonization, and it hadn't designed too many battle modules.

The length of the warship was fifteen thousand meters, and its width and height were about ten thousand meters.

Around the mothership, there were two thousand escort warships.

This kind of mothership was very common in the universe, and Leon had already been used to it.

Usually, when a certain civilization discovered a suitable planet or living place to explore, it would send out a colonial fleet.

The mothership carried a mini version of civilization, including people, technology, etc., which would develop in a new place for exploration and construction.

Once the first batch of people had a firm life, they would emigrate in large numbers and completely occupy the new habitat.

Observing the fleet, Leon concluded that they must be in an unusual state.