Chapter 305 The Medal of Gale

He did have something he liked, but he didn't have the nerve to take the initiative to speak.

Now that the opponent offered, he would not be polite.

"Commander Rhine, it's my destiny to meet you. I like to collect a relatively memorable cultural creation."

Leon replied frankly.

"No problem!"

Rhine was very excited. He said, "You can take anything you like with you."

This was an opportunity to establish a connection with the advanced civilization.

Rhine was not stingy.

Even if we don't see each other in the future, we can repay him for saving our lives.

"Mr. Rhine, you are a very powerful person! I hope you can give me the military medal on your chest, which is the best souvenir for me."

Leon looked at the military medal on Rhine's chest. In his spiritual sense, it was this military medal that emitted purple light dots.

Hearing the message from the mysterious warship, Rhine was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect that the opponent's request was only a military medal!