Chapter 313 Clues of the Relic

Leon planned to join his adventure team after finding this nobleman who caused a change in his previous life.

It would be best if he could get the advanced module which caused a huge dispute directly.

Recently, when Leon heard the name Blaine, he felt a sense of familiarity.

Just now, he suddenly remembered that in his previous life, there seemed to be a core member named Blaine in the adventure team of Yorkshire.

Leon guessed that maybe his resurrection had caused the Butterfly Effect, so Blaine didn't meet the nobleman Yorkshire, but met a caravan.

After that, a series of things happened.

Leon even suspected that the advanced module that stirred up the storm in his previous life was from the relic discovered by Blaine!

Everything seemed to have a reasonable explanation, and Leon finally came to his senses.

"Phoenix 7 is a problem. The owner of this warship doesn't seem to be Mike!"

Leon frowned.