Chapter 318 The Caravan Was Attacked

Soon, the direct broadcast was received by the Prophet.

This broadcast was also in a secret form.

"Sir, we have received the message of asking for help from the caravan!"

"They have been attacked by five star owls and are approaching us,"

Evan immediately decoded the message he received and reported it to Leon.

The first moment they received the news, they were excited, and then worried.

After all, the attack of the five star owls could not be underestimated.

For the Prophet, it might be a small matter, but could the warships of the caravan only withstand it?

Once they fought back, they would attract more star beasts!

It could be said that the caravan was risking their lives to approach the Prophet!

"Get close to the target area and protect the caravan with all your strength."

Leon ordered.

Everyone knew what to do without his order.

White manipulated the Prophet and rushed towards the warships of the caravan like a fish.