Chapter 330 Abundant Harvest

Walker was the artilleryman on the Prophet. He was already thinking about what would happen next.

"It's just a small number of people. Don't worry about it."

"Remember, the main purpose of us is to get the legacy of the Nuthusian civilization. The other energy points are not important."

Leon waved his hand.

As time went by, the radar was turned on to the maximum power, especially monitoring every move on the sea surface of the source star.

After data intrusion and detection, the images of the secret base at the bottom of the sea were finally presented.

At this time, at the base of the sea, a cube that looked like a Rubik's cube was wrapped tightly. After checking it layer by layer, it finally left the underground treasure house.

An ordinary warship was responsible for delivering the treasure.

There was no doubt that the scarlet ape race was very smart.

However, they had underestimated the detectability of the Prophet.