Chapter 336 Set Out to Explore the Galaxy

Anyone could see that it was the princess's cautious action.

She always paid attention to her safety at any time and anywhere!

But no one said anything. No one dared to look down upon the princess who seemed to be too cautious.

The battle of the star door made her famous!

As the bravest Princess of the Empire, she successfully conquered the heart of the Northland aristocratic family with her strength.

Now when the nobility of Northland talked about the princess, they all looked respectful.

It was not that they admired the authority of the royal family, but that this female warrior was too fierce.

The speech was brief and to the point.

With just a few words, she had made it clear what she wanted to do this time.

The main purpose of this trip was to enter the Blainst galaxy and find a special module chosen by the royal family.

Of course, the royal family didn't have a detailed clue about this module.