Chapter 341 Four Warships

However, before he went to investigate, Leon took a second look out of caution.

Leon got goosebumps at his glance.

"Something is wrong! It doesn't look like a wreck, but... Warship!"

Leon exclaimed.

"Something is wrong!"

"Although the interference is very serious, it is not a wreck!"

Lilia said affirmatively.

The eye of the abyss was so disturbed in this area that it was unable to completely determine its target.

But Leon immediately responded, "Leave here right now and go to the place where the War of Goddess is."

White responded quickly and started to control the Prophet to return according to Leon's order.

The Prophet was like a fish, streaking through a deep undercurrent, and moving as fast as he could towards the War of Goddess.

There was no doubt that the eye of the abyss was very powerful, even stronger than the radar on the War of Goddess!

The Prophet had already discovered the danger, but the War of Goddess was still unaware of it.