Chapter 369 Drawing A Snake Out of Its Hole

Although they were used to the ups and downs, no one could stay calm in the face of a level-seven star beast.

"He has entered the perfect shooting range."

Walker's eyes were firm and he was ready to fight.

"Keep the warship steady and don't shake it."

Walker manipulated the Scorpion giant cannon and stared at the huge creature in front of him. It was looking for the vital parts of the creature.

Moreover, to avoid any impact on the target, he could only try his best to maintain the stability of the Prophet.

The Prophet was like a large ship sailing in the huge waves. How could it not be bumpy?

However, when he heard Walker's request, he didn't show any impatience. Instead, he manipulated all kinds of steering lines and carefully controlled them.

The engine had been driven to the maximum speed, but at this time, it was releasing the thrust wave.

With the rhythm of the engine turning off the engine, the Prophet began to shake like a small boat on the waves.