Chapter 385 The Dark Substance Reacting Furnace

"The federal civilization has completely decayed. Only I can create a bloody road and arouse the will of civilization to fight. I can't be defeated."

In an instant, Diya's heart was once again burning with flames. He wanted to fight to the end.

The strong will to fight began to permeate the entire structure of the Liberty. Under the strong suppression, the cationic corrosion caused by Lie Yang giant cannon began to be slowly cleared out, and the dark substance reacting furnace began to rotate.

The Liberty returned to its best state at a visible speed, even stronger than before. However, it only took a short time for it to make the Lie Yang giant cannon have a second buffer.

At the same time, while the Liberty was constantly being repaired, he did not stop rushing forward. At this moment, his goal was still the oval-shaped warship with a strange thought.

"I can give up anything for my Liberty. There is nothing that I can't give up. I dare to be supreme."