Chapter 388 Lie Yang Giant Cannon

"Take back the Lie Yang giant cannon. The fleet is coming back."

Seeing the mysterious warship flying away, the commander of Harold's civilization's fleet didn't want to make things worse. He just wanted to bring the fleet back to complete the mission perfectly.

Although this mission was not so perfect, at least the Liberty was destroyed today, which played a crucial role in his future promotion.

As for whether the mysterious warship would return or not, that was not his concern. As long as the fleet was brought back successfully, his mission would be completed.

If the mysterious warship returned, it would be the next battle. As for who would be the commander at that time, it had nothing to do with him.

Of course, the Prophet couldn't leave like this. Leon wouldn't let it go until he got the Lie Yang giant cannon.

It was the Prophet who left the fleet. Leon found a secret planet and he began to park there, waiting quietly for the cooldown time of the hidden action generation.