Chapter 414 Zombie Planet

Some of the zombies jumped faster, while others evolved into scales, which had extraordinary defensive capabilities.

All in all, these surviving zombies had more or less undergone some kind of mutation, which greatly increased their combat effectiveness.

However, although these zombies had been mutated and had a great threat to ordinary flesh and blood creatures, for the steel warship like the Prophet, the zombies caused by this flesh and blood body had no power to fight back at all.

In the face of the powerful firepower of the energy core warship, they would be beaten into pieces at any minute.

Groups after groups of zombies had fallen under the Prophet's cannonball, but Leon had a question in his heart.

According to the distance and range of the light, Leon was sure that the zombies outside this area were not dragged over by the sound, which meant that there seemed to be some kind of information communication between the zombies.