Chapter 420 The Role of Symbiotic Bacteria

After all, Lilia was a top biochemist, so she immediately gave a very reliable conclusion.

According to Leon's judgment, the answer given by Lilia was very close to reality.

"Yes, many void creatures can survive in the universe. They can absorb the powerful rays of the universe and transform them into energy."

Evan, who hadn't spoken for a long time, also supported Lilia's argument.

"Maybe this dragon beast also can absorb the energy of the universe, but its absorption speed should not be so fast, so the best answer is also the only one. Maybe it is because of those symbiotic bacteria."

Leon finally made up his mind.

When all the possibilities were excluded, the only answer left was the correct answer, even if it was impossible.

The number of symbiotic bacteria is too large. If they absorbed the free energy in the universe by themselves, their speed would be astonishing.