Chapter 426 Maelstrom

The vegetation on the surface of this planet had already reached more than 90 percent. Other than that, a large part of the vegetation was artificial. Besides the forest, the most were the flowers that the princess liked the most.

As a real tourism star, the Valkyrie planet had two universes before this.

In the north of this planet, as long as one raised his head at any time, they could see the meteor shower all over the sky. The meteor shower here would not stop for almost a whole year if it was brought by an insignificant planet.

Leon raised his head. The sky was as blue as a lake. Meteors with long tails streaked across the sky and drew a beautiful picture scroll.

Even Leon seldom saw such beautiful scenery in the universe. Looking up at the meteor shower all over the sky, he couldn't help but sigh that living on this planet was so beautiful.

Looking up was the meteor shower, and looking down was the sea of flowers. Who could refuse such a life?