Chapter 439 Disobey the Order

"The armed forces of the garrison fleet are very limited. They are not enough to cause heavy casualties to the students' warships. Even if some of the students' warships' shields are overloaded, we still have enough time to rescue them."

One of the judges gave his reason, and the other judges all nodded.

"That's right. As long as we cut off the reinforcements, this garrison fleet is not enough to pose any threat to the lives of the students' warships." The deputy director of academic affairs Planck also stood up and spoke.

The warship where the assessment committee was located was the core of the entire instructors' fleet, which was a Steel Rose battleship.

At this time, the judges had reached an agreement that they should not give any order to the students' fleet and let them directly accept the baptism of actual combat to see their reaction.

Of course, there were also a few instructors hesitating. They felt that such a plan was not appropriate.