Year 3: Foxtrot By Foxtrot III

(A/N: *Kevin Hart's Voice* Suprise motherfucker! Double chapter!)


"You... You are just a kid." Kyle expressed his confusion as Takashi just smiled as broke the lock of Jade's cell and opened it up. "Wait-Jade! Oh my God!"

"Kyle!" Jade stumbled out of her cell and ignored everything and everyone once she spotted Kyle and both of them rushed to hug each other.

Takashi just smiled, understanding just what they must have been feeling. They were kept in their cells for almost seven years and even though they were only a cell apart both of them never had the chance to speak to each other.

Takashi couldn't imagine what seven years of imprisonment and solitude might have done to their psyche. Looking at both of them, the two were in decent shape even though they were locked away for years. But the lack of sunlight did seem to affect them as both of them were quite pale.

But Takashi wondered if the paleness could only be attributed to a lack of sunlight. But alas, he didn't have much time to ponder. Turning Takashi walked ahead to retrieve his other axe that was lodged in the guard's skull and flicked the blood off of it.

"Come on, we don't have much time." Takashi said as Dokkaebi nodded quickly following behind him.

"H-Hey! Wait! You still haven't told us who you are-"

"Shhhh. Keep it down-" Takashi whispered as he grabbed Jade's mouth and shoved her against the wall of the stairs that lead to the first floor.


"Shhhh." Takashi said putting a finger to his lips as a pair of footsteps were heard. A squad of guards walked by the staircase as they chatted with each other animatedly. "Keep it down if you want to get out here alive."

Jade stared at Takashi's face as he pulled back and after sharing a look from the skeptical Kyle she nodded.

"Alright. But you better-"

"I will. Later." Takashi replied shortly as he tossed one of his tomahawks to Kyle. "Think you can still fight?"

"Huh? I've been working out for this day." Kyle made a small quip despite himself as he caught the axe and have it a test twirl. He nodded in affirmation as Takashi smiled, he gestured for Dokkaebi to position on the other side of the doorway. "Jade, you stay behind me. Kyle, you rush ahead and take the bastards out as quickly as you can, Dokkaebi will cover your ass."

"Roger." Kyle nodded.

"We are gonna circle the lobby and meet the door of the security room after eliminating all the guards." Takashi instructed as Dokkaebi nodded. "Good. On the mark of three."

"Three! Go! Go!" Takashi burst into a mad dash and so did Kyle with Jade and Dokkaebi following behind them respectively. "Heads up!"

A group of three guards jolted in surprise as they heard running footsteps.

The closet guard was unable to react as his head was cleaved off in an instant. Takashi grabbed the second guard by the throat and slammed him to the wall as he kicked the third one in the side of his knee before hitting him in the head with the butt of his axe. Twirling the axe, he attacked the second guard who was pinned against the wall, and cleaved off his head as well before removing the blade that had lodged itself into the all and ramming the spike end of the axe into the third guard's eye.

The force behind the last hit almost tore open his head, but the man died a gory death regardless. Jade who has seen a lot of bloodshed in a span of a week normally wouldn't have reacted to this but the fact that it was a teenage boy behind these brutal executions surprised her.

"Just... Just who are you?" She asked as Takashi smiled. He inspected the gun on the three guards and after a bit of tweaking, he tossed Jade a suppressed MP5.

"You remember GRE right?" Takashi asked and as soon as he mentioned GRE Jade's nostrils flared in anger.

"How could I ever forget what they did to us-"

"Well, I work them-"

"You what?!"

"Shhh. Keep it down lady." Takashi said but Jade didn't listen and instead pointed the gun at him. "Listen to me-"

"No! You listen to me! I have had enough of you GRE fucks messing with my life and fucking me over! I don't want anything to do with you-"

"Listen to me-" Takashi tried to interject only to get interrupted by Jade who almost shoved the muzzle of the gun in his face.

"Be quiet or empty the fucking magazine in your head-" Takashi just sighed be Jade pressed the muzzle against his head and Takashi reacted. Leaning to the side, he twirled the axe, hooking the spike around the barrel of the gun and tugged it, yanking it out of her arms, Jade tried to attack Takashi with a punch but Takashi leaned back and pushed her back with the handle of the axe.

Grunting, Jade pushed herself off the wall and tried to nail Takashi's with the kick but Takashi stepped aside and into her guard, wrapping his arms around her exposed waist, he slammed her against the wall.

Jade grunted in pain and tried to attack but Takashi pressed himself against her placing his axe between them. Jade opened her eyes and tried to push back but stopped as she felt the stop sharp spikes of the axe head pressing against her submental triangle under her chin. Jade strained her neck, trying not to hurt herself as she looked straight into Takashi's dark eyes.

Takashi smiled mentally as Jade stopped resisting. Jade Aldemir was more beautiful in person than he had imagined her to be, even without caring for her skin or hair for seven years, she could still be considered a striking beauty.

(A/N: Who's beauty could make the goddess in the seven heavens jealous and the God Immortal Golden Schlong Wielding Angelic Dragon Demon Diety lust after her 'Jade' like skin. -_- Sometimes I'm glad that I don't even attempt to create fanfics of Chinese Novels. I don't like shooting myself in the dick, thank you.)

Takashi wanted to appreciate her visuals a bit more but alas, now wasn't the time and he didn't want to come off as a predator or lustful teenager either.

"You just don't listen do you?" Takashi mused as he shook his head. "GRE was dissolved after the previous owner died. Her daughter took over the company and has basically rebranded it. It's called LINE Foundation now."

"And... They let a kid like you work for them?" Jade asked cryptically as Takashi just smiled.

"Technically, I own half of the organization." He said as Jade just stared at him in disbelief. "It was also my idea to save your miserable asses. So, it's nice of you to thank me this way."

Jade just scoffed at the sarcasm as she looked away a bit embarrassed.

"Also, I was saying that the safety was on." Takashi deadpan as Jade's eyes shot towards the gun that lay near her feet and true to his words, the safety was on. "You wouldn't be able to hurt me with it even if you tried to you know?"

"What... Whatever." Just coughed a lot more embarrassed than she was before. Takashi kissed her cheek surprising her before he pulled back with a cheeky smile.

"That will do for an apology ." Takashi winked as he began walking away.

"What the..." Jade muttered to herself in disgust as she wiped her cheek with her shoulder before picking up the gun. She switched the gun to full-auto and aimed at the back of the head but stopped as Takashi raised his hand as he was walking away and in his hand was the magazine. Looking down, she groaned. "Fucking brat."

Looking back, Takashi flashed her a smirk before giving back her magazine. Jade caught it and cursed to herself as she followed him reluctantly.

"What the fuck took you so long?" Dokkaebi asked as Takashi just flashed her an easygoing smile.

"Just an ideal chat." Takashi replied vaguely as Dokkaebi looked at the grumpy-looking Jade and flashed Takashi a questioning look. Takashi didn't bother to elaborate as he pulled out a suppressed Glock. Telling Dokkaebi and Kyle to duck back a bit, he knocked on the door of the security room and waited.

"Who? Cameron? What the fuck are you knocking for the door is open man-ack! The fuck dude-ah!" Hearing the footstep approach the door, Takashi grabbed the doorknob and once the felt someone grab the door knob and open it, he slammed his shoulder into the door causing the corner of the door to slam into the man's face, breaking his nose and sending him tumbling to the ground.

*Bang!* x 4

Before the rest of the guards in the room could react, Takashi shot them in the skull with deadly precision. The man on the floor just gawked in horror as Takashi leveled the gun on him.

"Who... Who are you-"


"You don't need to know." Takashi muttered as he put the gun away. "Alright, get it."

"That was quick." Kyle said as Takashi just shrugged.

"Dokkaebi, I'll kill the cameras. You stay here and collect whatever you can find in the drawers and the data servers. Make it quick." Takashi said as Dokkaebi nodded. "I'll right then, I'll be back in a few."

"Where the heck is he going now? Shouldn't we be leaving-"

"We will." Dokkaebi interjected before Jade could get any more excited than she already was. "He just needs to tidy things up a bit."

And tidying is what Takashi was planning to do. Checking the elevator for a camera, Takashi pressed the down button on the elevator panel before he opened his inventory and pulled out one of his favorite assault rifles.

M16 was already a venerable rugged beast of a machine in itself. Attaching a 100-round, BETA C-Mag turned the beast into a behemoth. And Takashi was just itching to let this behemoth loose and decimate anything that stood between his path.

And what's better than Umbrella personnel that can also double down as live walking targets?

This would be a fun session indeed.

(A/N: (◍•ᴗ•◍))


"The server isn't responding to the request, should we go up and check-" The elevator door opened up revealing a clean and tidy, peerless white space with various instruments, a bustling hallway, and of course scientists going on with their research.

"Well, doctors." Takashi began, interrupting a conversation between two older-looking men. The men turned to look at him and their expressions were priceless as they saw a teenager brandishing an assault rifle. "Why make the futile effort? You aren't going to find answers anyways."

"Who... Who are you?! Security! Security!"

"I... Well, I am just a guy with a gun." Takashi smiled as he caressed the trigger with his finger. "A big fucking gun."


Takashi pressed the trigger and all hell broke loose. Rounds began to fly, as each bullet that hit its mark tore apart its target, turning them into dead mince meat. The lab was underground so there was no way the sound could escape so Takashi wasn't worried about being too loud.

CQC was fine but there's a reason men upgrade from swords to guns. Takashi waltzed into the lab, wreaking havoc, as he took one life after another. The umbrella personnel were jumping and ducking under tables and in corners trying to get away from the mad man, but none could escape the reach of the heartbeat sensor on the LINE Comm. They couldn't reach up cause the control room was occupied and couldn't reach out as the server was taken over by Dokkaebi and Takashi had jammed all other means of communication.

The only mercy they got was that their death was quick.

Clearing the first floor of all of its occupants and shoving all the necessary files into his inventory, Takashi turned all of the equipment, machines, and even the dead bodies into MPs.

After being done with the floor Takashi entered the elevator again descended a floor below and repeated the drill, not blinking or flinching as he left death and destruction in his wake.

Takashi was already way too desensitized to violence or death to give an emotional response. Joseph and John made sure of it and Takashi viewed the death of his enemies as just a means to an end. They were just walking MPs for him, waiting to be killed and turned to beautiful matter points and help him elevate to further heights.

Takashi practically never ran out of bullets. Unlike video games, a single accurately shot bullet was enough to take a man's life, two was almost a confirmed kill shot and a spray of 100 bullets was just overkill. And after learning how weapons and ammunition were made, bullets were cheaper than Potatoes to him.

Two magazines, an entire level wiped clean of its occupants and as such six more magazines later, Takashi was finally done with his job.

All left was extracting information from the last floor and dealing with the undead that was kept on this last floor.

The zombies groaned and moaned banging against the enforced glass as Takashi spurged a lot of MP and tossed explosive charges everywhere.

A few C4s would have done the job perfectly fine, but Takashi was a paranoid bastard and he didn't want to take any changes. 50 explosives and 10 gun powder barrels were placed on each floor and they would go off with a click of a single button of a detonator that Takashi smarty stored away, not wanting to set it off by a dumb mistake.

Nodding to himself in satisfaction Takashi walked out of the elevator and knocked on the security door.

"Oh, you are back finally-holy fuck! What happened to you-you... Where did you get that?" Dokkaebi and Jade gawked at the smiling, blood-covered figure of Takashi as he brandished a mean M16 with a double-barrel drum magazine while Kyle just blinked.

"Extermination." Takashi flashed them a thumbs up as he replied shortly.

"What... What about the M16-"

"I found it on a guard. Pretty neat, aye?" Takashi asked as Dokkaebi shook her head at the absurdity of the situation. "Anyways, we are done. It's time to go."

Takashi tossed Jade, Kyle, and Dokkaebi a few assault rifles and magazines as began instructing them.

"We are going out gun blazing but we'll need to maintain a staggered column formation. Kyle and I will take the front, you two cover our backs as we make our way to the front gate. Our ride is waiting outside the compound walls." Takashi instructed as the three nodded. "Also, remember, you see something move within the compound walls you shoot. Once we get out, hold your fire. Dokkaebi and I will deal with the hostiles. Clear?"



"I got this, man."

"Alright, then." Takashi smiled as he and Dokkaebi pulled up her masks before he slammed the front door open. "This... Is to you freedom. Attack!"



Takashi and Kyle lead the charge putting, putting down hostiles and spraying them with bullets. The initial surprise gave the four of them a huge advantage with the first few seconds, they put down more than half of the patrolling guards.

After that, all hell broke loose.

"Reloading!" Kyle screamed as he crouched reloading his M4 as Takashi covered him shooting two guards in the watch towers before shooting down the searchlight.

Takashi has a sudden flash of an idea as he turned on his heel and eliminated all the light sources before retrieving a few marble shape devices and tossing them ahead of him. The devices explode releasing huge clouds of smoke as Takashi trekked ahead.

"Get in line file formation, stay low and stay close we are going through the smoke!" Takashi instructed. "Don't lose sight of whoever is ahead of you!"


Takashi trekked ahead, switching to a thermal scope as he quickly eliminated the guards on the gates before tossing a frag that blew the gate apart.

"The cost is clear! Make run for bandito!" Takashi screamed as he ran out for the gates and turned to give the rest of his squad cover as they came out for the gates. "Go! Go! Get to the alleys! Run for it!"

They did as Takashi instructed and ran towards a narrow alley formed by a cluster of row houses. Takashi tossed a few smoke bombs to cover their track as he shot a few emerging umbrella operators and then ran through the smoke and into the alley.

Tucking the gun away, Takashi tightening his bag as he began sprinting like a madman. Using a trash can as a springboard, Takashi grabbed a balcony and climbed up before running and jumping into the balcony of another house.

He needed to get off the ground. He jumped from the balcony onto a light pole before propelling himself to the rooftop of a low house. Rolling to slow down his fall, Takashi got back up to his feet and climbed up the elevated roofs after executing a wall run.

Finally, onto the heights, Takashi looked around and spotted Dokkaebi, Jade, and Kyle making their way towards the wall where Ela was waiting for them and smiled.

Jade and Kyle hadn't lost their touch it seemed.

"That's good." Takashi said as he took out his grappling hook and used it to aid himself as he jumped and ran across the rooftop. "You guys sure are fast!"

"Aha! You are finally here!" Kyle exclaimed with a shit-eating grin across his face.

"Looks like you are enjoying yourself!" Takashi yelled back as he slid down a pole and before vaulting over an AC unit.

"Damn right! This is freedom at last! You have no idea how much I've waited for this!" Kyle said as he looked at Takashi. "You have got moves kid!"

"Hah! That's a compliment coming from you, Crane." Takashi said. "Let's talk later, I'll go ahead!"

"What?! Wait! Wait! Wait!" Kyle whined as Takashi zipped away using his grappling hook. "That's cheating!"


Landing on top of the wall, Takashi sent Ela a message and she came out of the thicket with the car that Zero used to drive Takashi to Alacati.

"You got 'em?!" Ela yelled out, peeking out of the window as Takashi flashed her a thumbs up.

Takashi shot and attached the grappling hook to the hood of the car as Ela looked at him with a questioning look. Instead of explaining Takashi wrapped his end of the fire on a pole on the wall before cutting it and making a makeshift zipline.

"Go! Go! Go!" Takashi gestured to go down the zipline as Kyle reached. Jade followed and with a nod of thanks, she slid down landing on the hood of the car. Getting off the hood she quickly got into the car as Dokkaebi arrived next but she wasn't alone. Two umbrella operators managed to catch up and climb up the roof. Takashi moved first sensing danger! "Grace! Get down!"

*Bang!* x2

Takashi tackled grace just in time as the bullet scrapped Takashi in the shoulder but the second one hit Takashi in the side. Takashi hissed in pain as blood trickled out of his wounds.

"T-Takashi! Oh my god!" Dokkaebi stuttered disoriented as Takashi's blood spilled over her uniform. "Shit!"

"Argh!" Takashi grunted pulling himself up as he retrieved M16 and started to suppress fire. "Go! Go! Go!"

The umbrella operators quickly ducked taking cover behind broken walls and a pile of bricks.

"But-I won't leave without you-"

"Just go!" Takashi ordered. "You need to go first!"


"GO!" Takashi snapped as Dokkaebi nodded shakily jumping up to the wall and sliding down the zipline after giving Takashi a last look. Takashi smiled as he saw Dokkaebi leave. He could pull that out finally. "It's time..."

Takashi shoved the M16 into the inventory as he retrieved a pulse rifle out of it.

"Time to take out the kagune." Takashi smirked through the pain despite himself as he aimed the pulse rifle. Hearing that no shots were being fired an umbrella operator peeked out of his cover and that proved to be a fatal mistake.

His partner who was taking over behind the pile of bricks watched in horror as, as soon as he peeked out a blue ray of energy shot straight through his head. Half of the man's head had been completely vaporized. The man fell to the ground head, as blood and brain matter began spilling out.

The man watching this felt a sudden chill down his spine and his gut was right indeed.

"I have a plan B." Takashi smiled.

"I always do."


Pulling the trigger Takashi vaporized the man, along with the cover he was hiding behind.

Smiling to himself in satisfaction, Takashi pulled himself up and grabbed his side in pain as more blood began to rush out. They needed to leave now.

Putting his hand on the roof, he turned it onto MP not wanting to leave a single trace of his blood on the scene before he jumped on the wall and pulled out the detonator.

Takashi saw more umbrella operators climb up the rooftops and he just raised the detonator.

"From the bottom of my heart Umbrella." Takashi smiled. "Fuck you."



As soon as he clicked the button, the charge inside the umbrella facilities blew up and blew the complex to kingdom come. The Umbrella operator turned back to look in shock at the smoke and flames that reached the sky which gave Takashi ample time to jump down the zipline. Reaching down, Takashi cut the line before getting if the hood of the car and riding shotgun.

"Go!" Takashi said and Ela didn't need to be told twice. She stepped on the gas speeding off as Umbrella operators began shooting at them. Luckily only a couple of bullets reached them and thankfully none of them did any serious damage to the car.

"Well, that was one hell of a show-hey! Hey! What the fuck are you doing-" Ela almost screeched in annoyance as Takashi removed his gear and ripped off his shirt exposing his naked torso for all to see. "What the-You are bleeding out!"

"Yeah, no shit." Takashi said rolling his eyes as he reached for the first aid kit. Pulling out a bottle of rubbing alcohol he poured it over his hands, disinfecting them. He didn't care about the car's floor at the moment, as he then poured some over his wound rubbing it and cleaning it with cotton before pouring some over a towel and pressing it against his wound. He hissed in pain, applying pressure as swear formed and tricked down his torso. "Oh, God! Fuck!"

"! What the fuck happened-"

"I-It was because of me-"

"Now's not the time to do-aahhh! Not the time to discuss that." Takashi hissed as he grabbed the rearview mirror and turned it to take a look at his wound.

"Should I look-"

"No! No! Just keep driving! Get us to Izmir fast!" Takashi said grabbing the flashlight and holding it over his wound. "A-Alright... Hah... It's not that deep. A centimeter or two deep. I'll be able to pull it out safety-"

"What?! No!" Dokkaebi interjected as she leaned ahead and took the flashlight from his hand. "You might make it worse! And if you take out the bullet, even more blood will start rushing out-"

"I know... I know." Takashi said as he looked into Dokkaebi's eyes. "But I can manage this... But... I... I'll need your help. Please?"

"I'll help." Kyle who was sitting between Dokkaebi and Jade in the back said suddenly getting a look from them both. "I trust him... Besides, waiting might make the matter worse either way."

"You... How could you make that face now?" Dokkaebi sniffled as she wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded. "Alright, I'll help."

"Aye, thanks." Takashi said licking his drying lips. "Let me lay back first."

Jade helped Takashi recline his seat a bit, giving Kyle and Dokkaebi easier access to the wound.

"Now do as I say, Grace, you need to clean the wound once again and grab twisters. Kyle give me a piece of cloth and go through my bag. You'll find a jar of Stims, take them out." Takashi instructed as the both of them did so.

"Found 'em." Kyle said as he took the jar out and retrieved a couple of Stims.

"Alright, Grace. You'll pull the bullet out on the count of three. Kyle, you'll inject four stims around the wound once she takes out the bullets and disinfects the wound. Ready?" Takashi asked as Grace nodded. Takashi bit the piece of cloth as hard as he could as he looked at Dokkaebi and nodded.

He braced for the pain that was to come. Takashi felt like if he knew the pain was coming it would hurt less.

"Ready? One, two, three!"



It still hurt like a bitch.


"Ela! Dokkaebi! Mission successful I presume-Takashi! What happened?!" Zero rushed towards Takashi's side as soon as he spotted the unconscious Takashi being carried by Kyle.

"Foxtrot got shot twice protecting Dokkaebi." Ela answered briefly. "First bullet grazed him and the second hit him in the side. We removed the bullet and stabilized him but he still needs professional medical attention. We need to dust off as soon as we can. Umbrella is still hot on our tails."

"Well damn. The boy did go all out." Zero said as he took Takashi from Kyle and greeted him with a nod. "Thank you, young man."

"No, it should be us thanking you." Kyle replied with a strained smile whole Jade just huffed.

"Alright, let's go. The dock is secured by LINE operators, so no chances of spies getting on board the ship." Zero said as he began walking towards the ship as the captain of the ship helped him get Takashi up. "Clean up and get to the ship lobby. Dokkaebi, Captain Joseph will be arriving soon with the chopper once we get the ship sailing, I'll have you brief him."

"I... Alright." Dokkaebi nodded.

"For now just rest." Zero said as looked at the unconscious Takashi with a proud smile. "Rest well, little man..."

"You did well today."


So, double chapter even though I had a family emergency. You better be grateful and let me know just how much you love me lol.

Author's Note: