Inside a neat and clean room, Hao Qing and Hao Ma sat opposite each other. The distance between the two of them was only separated by a table that stretched between Hao Ma and her father. At this time Hao Qing and Hao Ma were waiting for the arrival of the teacher with glasses who had just driven Hao Ma out of the classroom.
Hao Ma has explained everything to her father, she tells all her problems from her point of view. Of course, Hao Qing couldn't necessarily defend his daughter and judge the teacher. He, therefore, summoned the teacher for further interrogation.
Moments after waiting, a knocking sound rang from the direction of the door. The figure who knocked on the door then began to open the door slowly and walked into the principal's room. The teacher with glasses could see Hao Ma sitting in front of her father. He then walked up to the two and sat next to Hao Ma.
"Lukshi, you know why you were called here?" Hao Qing asked with an aura full of calmness.