New world , New beginning

I didn't know what in the world was going on at that time . But all I could remember was that I was in a dark empty voided space . And for some reason this freak or should I say some freak was looking at me straight in the eyes.

Grin... As death looked at me straight in the eyes . " wait a second what do you mean by freak !!!! " death yelled in a humourous tone .

It was funny coz deaths voice was something someone wouldn't expect from a grim reaper . I was expecting more of a deep buzzy and scary voice . But in truth ....

Death " what the heck is wrong with my voice , what's wrong!!!! " .

I replied in a sarcastic manner " nothing , I mean it just sounds too good to be coming out of a guy who kills people for a living ."

Death with a frown and stretch marks on face yelled "Too goo , too good!!!!!! " And it was funny coz flames poped out his eye , but for some reason they were rather tiny and cute .

Death " have you in mind I have a family to feed out this Job !!! "

my eyes popped out wide and I yelled " family!!!! aren't you supposed to be some loner who lives in dark castle alone !!!!."

Death " Let me guess anime fan ."

with a tiny drop of sweat droping from the top of my head I replied "errr yeah "

Death looked at me like he was bored and disappointed . But all I was waiting for was to hear that cute voice come out his mouth .

Death "Anyway , have you in my mind that I'm the one who deliberately killed you ." he said with a long grin coming out his skeleton face .

I looked stared at him in a moment of silence till I yelled " you killed me!!!!!!!!! " as my eyes popped out of my face.

Death " yesss but...."

Before I he could finish his sentence I grabbed hold of his skeleton pawm and began to give him continuously huge slaps .

bam !! bam!! bam!! bam!!!

"You have nooo idea what the f** you just cost me .!!! I was supposed to crack a huge business deal which was gonna get me warming up with alot of money and boos!!!!! I was gonna get a girlfriend for once in my life !!!!! do you know how it feels to go to bed every night lonely , with no big chest hitting your chest huuh !!!!! And not to forget I left a bag of kitty litter weather glitter smooth cleaner ice cream in my fridge!!!!!!! " I yelled .

"whose gonna eat it now death!!!!! whooo!!!!!!"

As I continuously mummerd all the bad words that could come out of my mouth .

Death helled my pawm telling me to relax , but I continued to mummer in complaint knowing I had my rights , and I was proud of it .

Death got pissed of with me and started to give me continuous slaps . mummering all the bad words that came out his mouth , and tiny cute squicky voice .

Death " Now listen I killed ."

But I interrupted him by yelling

"you killed me "

Death " but yes..."

me " you killed me!!!!"

Death " yes but!!!..."

me "you killed me ."

Death "shut the f**** up , I can kill whoever I want when I want to you get me !!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled as he began to take a deep breath .

sadly he choked on his own spit seconds after , and I was there trying to help take a deep breath .

Death "cough cough"

me as I tapped his back." there , there "

Death "cough"

me" come on , you're gonna be fine son"

Death" cough , you're not cough my couch dad!"

Soon after he stopped chocking and he was pretty upset as he looked at me . I could tell because his face suddenly turned red . But it looked funny to me . A human looking skeleton with a long coated hoodie and a neck tie . "yeah the humor." I said to myself .

"mind you I can kill who I want when I want ." death said as he looked at me .

I replied "oh yeah that explains alot , as I had a flash back of my cat getting struck by lightning when I was a cat ."

Death " yesss and..."

But I interrupted him again and asked

"death why are your clothes ugly ."

Death bursted out in anger .... as I could see flames literally burst out from his eyes .

Death " mind you!!!!! these clothes are on demand on the international after life market ."


I replied "pfff what!!" as I tried to hold myself from bursting with laughter .

" what's so funny !!!! " death raised the topic as his hands went up and down .

I replied " it's just you guys have terrible clothing decision , or bad fashion Sense ."

Death frowned looking at me like he was ready to completely kill me . "I'm sorry I'm just someone whose too brutally honest . hahaha"

Death " you and I need a great talking too ." death said as he cut his phone call .


"you have ugly clothes " I yelled .

Death just frowned and looked at me saying " you're the most annoying human I've ever come into contact with .''

"Yeah " I said plainly . I was already used to being called annoying . It's always been like that for me ever since I was kid . My dream was to become a comedian , but since people took my jokes to be a nuisance I just stopped and decided to become a business man . Yeah a wealthy Business man .

Death " so now, you have to know exactly why I summoned you here."

me " which Is why ????" I replied plainly .

Death conjured us up two seats and some coffee . Which was good for me coz I was starving . .

Death " now then I killed you for one very reason . you weren't living your life to fullest at all . "

me " that's why ??"

Death "yesss all you ever thought about was your pursuit for wealth , you chose to ignore all other things that were important coz of that . as a matter of fact if hadn't stepped in , you would have died coz of overworking ."

I frowned coz I remembered how boring my life really was . After I graduated from high school , I decided to leave my home country zambia to move to Japan . I thought things where gonna be far fetched , till reality finally struck me .

Death "so now you see why I did it . every human being needs to value his or her Life aswell as the life of others . That's why one enjoy spending time alone once in a while and why one would also choose to forge bonds with other people . "

me "so what now you are the one who killed me ."

Death " yess now I'm going to put you in a new world . "

my eyes widened this time not a goofy way and yelled " new world , as new world !! like that isekai kind of stuff ."

Death "shut up !!!! now look in this new world you're gonna be given exactly 730 days to enjoy your life and live it to fullest . "

me " ohhh so that's all , ahh damn screw it I didn't sign up for this. "

Death yelled as his face turned Red "didn't sign up for what!!!!!!! "

me " nothing " I said with a look of sarcasm

Death "okay now , failure to live your life to fullest will result in death with no hope ."

"pfffffffff " as I spit the coffee in my mouth .

" Now you're kidding , this is injustice I'm gonna request for a lawyer . heck no , no fair !

heck no , no fair , we dead people got rights too!!!" I protested .

Death was pissed off coz I spat the coffee on his his neck tie .

me " I'm sorry " I said

Death " Now look are you exactly dead to begin with , you're talking to me right now aren't ya "

me " What the !!!"

Death "Now look you're gonna start a new life In a new world understood . This is a favour being given to you right now . So that I avoid further process . you're allowed to be granted one wish before you go into this world ."

"One wish huuh " I said in serious tone .

Death "yes any wish ". Death grined .

I paused abit to think this through . As in all that was in my head was become rich and live wealthy . But then again I came to remember that this is a new beginning I gotta think wisely . This is the isekai life I've read manga about and watched anime of alot of times .

me " I want the ability to read people's minds ."

Death " dumb you should have wished for money!!! hahaha "

me " screw you I was trying to be noble by the way ."

Death" Anyway Time to depart , remember your mission in this new world ."

I stared at death so plainly . He conjured up a portal and I began to walk towards it . As I walked begun to question myself . My motives , ambitions and goals . I asked myself why I didn't wish to be rich like I always wanted . But rather chose to just be normal . That something I was gonna figure out in this new life of mine ...

Death grinned at me one last time if he was telling me good luck . And this time with not such a scary grin .

As far I could remember I was nolonger in that dark and hollow space . Instead I found myself on a bed in a certain apartment .

The apartment was small and regular in size .

It only had one bed , a couch and huge big screen tv . The kitchen , dinning room we're all in one room . Everything except the bathroom and toilet .

I laid straight on my bed looking at the sealing . And suddenly I heard a knock at the door . I myself knew I wasn't expecting anyone . And I wasn't at all a people person in my past life .

But what the heck this is a new life , new beginning .

....To be continued .....