still a certified jobless reincarnation

Chapter 3 part 1

Written by : Nkunka Ndongu






"Friendly encounter with a stranger...can lead to a friendly opportunity."




Chapter 3 : still a certified jobless reincarnation




My journey to hunt for a new job was only yet to begin. Immediately after I left my apartment , I wasn't quite amazed by the scenery of the landscape in this new world. Reasons being were cos it was no different to the world I lived in before. The architecture , people, and motor vehicles as well as the currency was pretty much the same as it was back when I lived in Japan in my past life.

"I thought this was gonna be the classic Isekai life style!!!! But heck no !!! I had to be put back in a screwed up replica of my past life screw you death!!!!!!" I public

As everyone paused for a second drawing their attention to me " you know those occuard moments"

"Hahaha no need to pay attention to me everyone.. go on go on scram!!" I said in a very occuard manner.

Everyone then begun to continue off with what they were doing. And living about there regular daily routines of course. And I myself begun my search for a new job .

The following are each of the scenarios that transpired while on my job hunt


"I'm sorry our slots are all filled at the moment. We currently aren't looking for anyone." Said a fat assed old man (boss of a certain institution I stambled upon . He was rather fat and looked really wealthy.

" Oh no no no it's alright I completely understand ." I replied

" No I don't " I said to myself mentally.

"I'm sorry we only hire women here." Said a lady who happen to be running a maid cafe

" Where's the Gender equality!!!" I said to myself mentally with a thought bubble of me holding a equal rights flag

Next institution (animation studio)

"Ohhh I'm sorry..but you look rather too young to to be looking for a job."

" I'm 26 years old!!!"

Next institution (NGO)

"I'm sorry but our requirements are a degree or a PHD . You sir only have a high school diploma ."

" A diplo what " I said in replied

Next institution (bank )

" I'm sorry, but we only hire Giraffes here "

"What do you mean by you only hire Giraffes!!!!! " I yelled in reply

Few minutes later

"Ahhhh I seriously had no ideah that job hunting would turn out to be this hard " I said as I sat upon bench while I pulled my hair looking all paranoid . "I got one easily as far as I could remember in my old life " as I had thought bubble of some kind of corruption going on before I got employed in my past life..

"I had a degree before!!!" I said to myself as tears immediately begun to burst out straight from my eyes ." I guess this is the price one pays for dying huhh"

"I completely understand " said a random guy who happen to be sitting right next to me. He added on by saying " The pain of being a qualified business man and yet no prevail ." He said in such a formal manner , I immediately assumed he was British.

The man had very pale skin , blonde hair , wore glasses so I couldn't see the colour of his eyes and put on a grey and black suit.( Tie black..suit Grey )

"Ohh Hi??." I said in a very occuard manner

" Ohh rather yes , I didn't see you there " the man said

" Didn't this guy just give me a slight discription of his life just now!!!" I said to myself looking all irritated.

"Ohh nah it's okay" I replied

"Well my name is Dot !!! Nice to meet you "

What just gotten into me ....I said to myself

" Ohhh Dot you say...well my name is Fin Mortimer. And I used to be an established and successful business man."Fin said

"Wow that explains the suit ." Dot

"Well yess indeed rather. " Fin said looking rather straight and depressed. Though for some reason he seemed calm for someone who recently just lost their job.

"So you said you were an established business man " Dot "opportunity" I said to myself deviously.

"Huuhh well you see a few months ago ..I was CEO of high honor's at a well refined estate ,(company) I established." Fin said so formally ( elegant)

" Ohhh that's pretty cool" I replied

"But you see now. During a certain business meeting. I lost all my investor's and board members out of a miner it!!!!!!! So to be greatly ashamed by it!!!!!" He said in such a loud manner that tears begun to burst from his eyes..

" Well okay....I guess... what exactly happened." I asked even though I knew where this was going.

" This incident is so greatly shameful!!! That my eyes would rather shed a tear upon mentioning it!!!," Fin

"Err?", Dot

"Well seeing how curious you are to know...I will tell you " fin (eleganto)

"What??" Dot

Fin took in a very deep breath only for him to burst out" I am accidentally spanked the investor's bum!!!bums!!!!!" Fin yelled

"Accidentally??" I replied with a shrewd of doubt.

"It was a miner accident..I didn't intend to do it. My hands just moved on their own!!!!" Fin as tears begun to burst from eyes

Surprisingly!! Fin was actually telling the truth. I could see it all in his thoughts.As I unwillingly tapped into fins head. I saw the entire incident and how it had transpired.

Fin was giving a detailed presentation about a certain project his company was soon to work on . And because of how rapidly fast he was shaking and moving around his hands during his explaination. He accidentally spanked the lady standing next to him.

Poor guy everybody seriously started calling him a freak and perv with no manners. And the board of directors which constituted only of women fired him from his own company . How sad

Back to the moment...



Fin " now I am so heavily worried on exactly what I'm going to do , the thoughts rampaging through my head are so tempting!!!! That all I can think about is suicide to end it all!!!" Fin said in a manner of delusional panic.

At that moment, I really didn't know what I could say to the guy .And what made things worse was that I could hear everything he said to himself mentaly , it literally gave me a headache "enough!!!!!!! what do prostitutes even have to do with loosing your job!!!!!!" I

yelled out in irritation and out of delusion.

Fin " prostitutes!!!!! Why I'd rather.....errr" Fin paused as he was about to burst.

" Not say " he said as he nodded his head down out of embarrancemt .

For some reason. I begun to feel some sort of empathy for the guy . And he really reminded me more about who I was back then somehow. "The frustration of loosing all your wealth out of a simple mistake." " really are one heck of an asswhole huh."

"Fin" I said with a sense of calm....


" You really don't have to over whelm yourself with things that probably may never even last forever ya know." I said so very calmly..."what in the world am I becoming... empathetic?"

"Really" Fin replied and a calm and fresh breeze blew around kissing the atmosphere as it softly kissed my brown skin Making the moment rather peaceful and calm.

As the win slowly kissed through my curly hair I said " I remember a time when I was so obsessed with making money. That I literally forgot about so many other things that may have made a slight difference in my life."

And in saying so I had a flash of myself literally forsaking a young little girl who was asking for money to buy herself some food.

Poor little girl literally looked as though she hadn't eaten in months. And I seriously said to her " Do you know what I can seriously buy out of this one coin!!!!!!go ahead and work for yourself!!!!" I said and left skipping around literally saying " mula mula mula. "

I wondered to myself " why in the world am I seriously saying this.And worst off to someone I barely know.i don't understand errrrr" And feeling of lack of understanding

Truly gave me a grin to my stomach.

Fin looked at me as though he was motivated in a way.

" But sadly death cut my life short " I said as the breeze became a tad bit more intense .

"Death did what now!?" Fin said out of sudden surprise ....with bidy little dots popping out of his eye's.

" Ohhh forget about that " I said nervously

Yeah he wasn't gonna forget about it.

To be continued