Chapter: Another day…

*beep beep beep beep beep*

A sudden alarm began ringing inside a small apartment late at night as it awaken a very groggy man awake.


*the man reached for the alarm as he missed the button a couple of times before finally pausing on the alarm and successfully turned it off.*


'Time to get up, itadori… *sigh*…'

The young man now known as, Yuji Itadori, Age: 20, currently worked at a liquor store at night, and was single with no living relatives, lived in a small apartment in a small apartment complex. It was affordable and convenient for him as it was not that far from his job.

He began getting up as he let the blankets fall off him as he sat up on his small bed and made his way to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth as he began getting ready for work now.

'What's today? Wednesday? Friday?.. oh, it's Sunday.. hehe.. payday is tomorrow, lucky~'

*itadori thought as he finished brushing his teeth and spit into the sink as as got dressed in his '8-12 Mart' he worked at, it was minimum pay.. but he didn't mind and was rather a good worker who got a dollar extra from the boss. So far things were finally going his way.*


Itadori was abandoned at a orphanage when he was a child who had no records of his birth or who exactly were his parents. The orphanage tried caring for the small boy, but they had things happen to them as the orphanage began suffering financially and began to grow negative vibes..

They had decided to send the boy to another orphanage due to rumors of the boy actually being 'cursed' with bad juju… the orphanage sent him away as he kept being transferred from one orphanage to another finding himself not really forming any friendships with any of the kids.

Itadori was a good boy, he didn't make trouble or was picky about what he ate. He was always very grateful to the caretakers who had sent him away time and time again. They of course felt guilty, but couldn't afford losing their orphanages where many children needed them the most then the growing boy who was kind, but was 'cursed'.

Finally, when he reached the age of 18.. he decided on his own to leave the foster system as he made his way to becoming a working adult. He received love only then as the women from his past childhood heard about this, they gave prayers to his future as they all pitched in to get him a small studio for him to start off from.

He rejected the offer as he leaped off the safety net he was always falling into to the reality of the world..

He would sleep on the streets, eat from left overs the cooks would give him in exchange for dish washing, and never really changed his clothes unless they had begun to grow holes in them.. he felt depression hit him as he would constantly ask his creator or parents he never met, why was he born 'cursed'…

That's until a year ago, he found a part-time job at the dangerous liquor store no one would take. The hours were from 10pm to 5am, paid a salary of $10 a hour, and also had to be male to work.

Itadori took the job as he wasn't afraid of what to come or how the boss tried ripping him off with the pay. Soon itadori began saving money to finally get his own apartment with his hard work, and even got the respect of his boss who gave him raises each time he stopped a thief from robbing the mart. He was living the best life he could ever wish for.. until..

"Hey! I said I'm only taking this.."

*itadori blinked as he realized he had zoned out suddenly as he saw a customer infront of him..*

"Oh! Sorry about that… this would be 2.80."

*the other young man took out his wallet as he blushed as he was 80 cents short.. itadori sighed as he took out his own wallet and placed 80 cents infront of the young man*

"Sir, you dropped this.."

*the young man saw the kind gesture itadori did as he bowed and proceeded to pay.*

"Thank you.. um, is the position for a stock boy still available?"

"Oh! Yeah! Are you interested in applying?"

*itadori asked as he reached underneath the counter to get a application form for the man.*

"Yes.. I have been tight on money so.. I'm just interested in taking the job for a short while.."

"Oh.. okay, here.."

*itadori passed him the paper to the young man but as his hand crashed into the other, something moved inside him as it felt like someone whispered to him.*

'Befriend him..'

Itadori gripped the paper tighter as the young man looked at him with a confused look…

"Um.. I'm not supposed to tell you this but.."

*itadori leaned closer over the counter as he whispered to the young man while seeing it the cameras were on.. thankfully they were off at the start of his shift as the boss was picky and greedy with his money.*

*"don't put on the paper your only staying for a short time, you won't get the job like that… apply for part-time and accept any pay.. afterwards you make the boss let you go on friendly terms when you ask him for a raise.. he's greedy and would rather let his employees go then give them a raise.. that's how the other guys have been working for 'temporarily employment'.. the boss hasn't noticed yet.. so take my advice if you really want the job.."*

*itadori back up as he gave a thumbs up to the young man as the man smiled back at him..*

"Ahh.. alright I got it.. thanks?"

"Itadori.. just call me itadori.."

*the man shook itadoris hand as he filled out the paper and handed it back to him.*

Itadori looked at the name as he read, 'Megumi Fushiguro' … he grinned as he looked back at Megumi now.

"Looking forward to working with you Megumi.."

"Ha.. don't you seem a bit to cocky about the boss hiring me?"

"Nope, because I'm his only longtime work dog who saved him money from the burglary's on his shop… so if I recommend a guy, he takes my word for it.."

*itadori gave him a victory ✌️ sign as Megumi sweatdropped at how itadori seemed more sinister then he looked… he had already manipulated the boss into giving him almost full access of the store.. scary..*

"Ahh .. okay then, I leave it to you, friend.."

*with that Megumi left the store as itadori smiled brightly, he just made his first friend in his life… he really was living the best life he could have wished for..*


Itadori got to speak to the boss after that as he showed him the new application that came in, the boss agreed the man sounded responsible enough so he told itadori if he can train him the next day when he came to work night shift. Itadori agreed as he was excited about working with Megumi.

"Welcome back Megumi! Oh! Here's your uniform you'll be wearing from now and the bathroom is that way.. once your done you can put your clothes here under the counter when your ready."

*itadori instructed as Megumi nodded*

It wasn't hard showing Megumi around the small store and the tricks of getting their broken slushee machine to work as Megumi learned quickly. Itadori found spending time with Megumi the best as they would joke around or pull funny pranks on each other.. everything was great for the following days.