6 | A Painting

Elyse's eyes sparkles in awe as she gazes up to see the huge chandelier at the grand entrance hallway inside The Academy. She walk through the long hallway inside and saw many students chatting and walking pass through her. Other students looked elegant and noble while the others look silent and away from them.

It's a different world for Elyse that made her feel a little uncomfortable and worried for her future. This is the academy that she wanted to enter. The academy that indicates your rank to be chosen as the great magician to serve the master. But as the current situation goes, she doesn't feel confident anymore.

She continued her walk until she reached a garden full of beautiful flowers and green grass. There was a fountain statue and she sat beside it. She looked through the reflection of the water and gazes up to the statue.

A girl holding something in her hand with her caring and gentle eyes looking into it as the water flows continuesily from her hands.

She stand up and continued her walk, the more she continues her walk the more the students disappears one by one as she walked through the long hallway. Elyse started feeling dizzy staring at the long hallway.

It feels as though there's no end to the long hallway. She continues to walk weak and dizzy.

"Elyse..." A woman's voice whispered her name beside her.

"Elyse..." The voice soon become sad and sounded crying.

"Elyse." She turned around to see that there was nothing behind her. Scared, she randomly enters a room and locked the door. She step back from the door cautious on what's about to happen.

The whispering sound and the dizziness she felt disappeared when she found herself to be in a room filled with white clothes covering the wall and things filled in the room.

The saw dusts coming from the outside when the sunlight hits the glass window on the left side. She scans the surrounding room and one painting catches her eyes. The painting were covered with white cloth so she pulled it away and dusts danced in the air which made Elyse cough.

She stares at the painting. It was a young and beautiful woman. Her eyes painted with golden yellow, lips pink as strawberries and neutral colored skin. She wear a white and gold satin dress with a laurel leaf crown in her head.

Just by looking at the emotionless painting, you can already feel the intimidating aura of the young lady. The more you looked into her eyes, the more you feel suffocated and scared.

Elyse noticed the writings below the painting.

"Aniya — The 3rd member of The Alphas."

She gazes up at the painting again and noticed the necklace she wore. Elyse touched the necklace she's wearing today and took it off. She compared it to the necklace in the painting.

It felt strange to see how similar they look.

"It is our punishment." The words her mother filled in her entered her train of thoughts. There was no such thing mentioned in the legend of what exactly happened between The Alphas. The book just made Lucia a villainess without giving it a single explanation of how and why.

Elyse's heart starts to pound fast, flashbacks appearing in her mind the more she stares at the painting and also the necklace. She wanted to burst into cry but there are no tears falling from her cheeks.

She felt her heart bursting into pain with knives stabbing behind her back. Confused faces and questions keep arising in her mind.

She felt dizzy again as the whispers entered — whispering her name.

"Elyse!" A faint voice of a man called her from afar. Her vision got blurry as she tried to reach out to the man.

"ELYSE!" he shouted her name and held her to his arms.

"Hang on there!" The voice became faint until she passed out.







"Aniya." She opens her eyes to see herself laying on the green and smooth grass while a young lady with beautiful ocean eyes, fair white skin and smooth long dark blue hair.

"Aniya!" Her voice become clearer when the young lady called her again. Elyse tried to shake her head but her body won't listen. She felt her body to stood up and tried to shake off the dirt in her dress.

"What are you doing here?" Her eyes widen when she heard her voice that its not hers. The young lady giggles and showed her the baby she was carrying earlier.

"Aniya, look how cute my son is." She said with a loving and gentle gaze as she kisses her son on the forehead. The baby giggles.

The young lady couldn't help but to smile and laugh at the same time.

"Look at this child, Aniya." Feeling emotionless, she looked at the baby and realized how beautiful and adorable he is. Something in her heart — not Elyse but Aniya felt some knife stab in her heart.

"How could i not love this child?" The baby giggles again.

"Look at how cute he is." The emotions Elyse felt does not come from her. It comes from the body she's in right now. A feeling of regret, pain, sorrow and guilt entered her heart as the young lady looked at her with a warm smile.

"Please, don't take away my happiness from me." She said as the sun rays reflected into her beautiful ocean eyes. Tears streaming from her face.

"Forgive me."

Elyse's eyes open wide as she tries to catch her breath. She saw Wayne — staring at her eyes with eyes widen in shock. Elyse's eyes turned ocean blue which is similar to Lucia's eyes on her innocence days.

"E-elyse?" Wayne stuttered as she calls her name. Elyse blinks and her eyes changed into her normal color.

"What happened —" he stopped talking when tears starts pouring down from her eyes. She felt immense pain and regret in her heart. Wondering why, she looked at the painting. 

On the other side of the world — another dimension called, The Kingdom Of Chetan a young lady who has shining silver-white hair and crystal ocean blue eyes stares at the reflection on the water inside her room.

She saw the girl's life from the beginning as the tears fell off from her eyes. Happiness and hope were all printed in her face.

"I'm glad..." She whispered. She covers her mouth with her hands as the tears keep falling.

"Mother, the hope you've been asking for will be fulfilled in the future." She spoke between her sobs.