19 | Hunting Contest; Sylvia

Everyone fell asleep after having a big meal with others, talking and laughing caused by Chad. Everyone seems to be drunk and tired so Luna and Elyse gave everyone a blanket while they all sleep on the ground beside the fire.

The fire crackled once more as it burns the branches and a sudden gust of wind made Elyse shiver in cold. She forgets to put a spell on herself again to protect herself from the cold.

Luna and Elyse were the only ones still awake from this time and hour.

"The night sky is so beautiful," Luna commented, sitting beside Elyse while drinking a hot chocolate in her hand.

"If only I could sing here, then I would." She continues.

Elyse looked at her but she didn't say a word. Everything seems to be new to her. Since she was regarded as Aniya's Descendant everyone hates her except all these Descendants of Alphas. She also thought one day that what if the other Descendants also hates her for being the traitor's Descendant?

What kind of reaction will Elyse have?

She thought that once yet she doesn't really care. She has a mission to clear. Even if people will call her a traitor, she will save her family. Since the very most important thing in this world is family. No matter where you go, no matter what happens, family is family.

"Why can't you sing?" Elyse asked breaking the silence between them while the sound of fire crackling is the only sound, they both can hear for.

"I can't because if I sing then Chad will wake up again to bug us." She said getting pissed all of the sudden which makes Elyse laugh.

Luna smiled while staring at her and looks back at the beautiful night sky.

"Did you know?" Elyse stared at her.

"... That I am not actually Lucia's Descendant?" Elyse froze when Luna continues her explanation.

"What do you mean?" She laughed.

"Well, It's because it's complicated." Luna looked down with her gloomy and dark expression.

'Luna'. It was the name that was given to her when she was born. She isn't Lucia's Descendant nor Artemis's Descendant. She's neither of them because her Descendant is Lucia's best friend. Her only friend was killed by Aniya and hadn't got a chance to be mentioned in the history books.

Lucia has many best friends but she has three close friends. And that is Hiro, Aniya, and the other one that was close to the Moon of Night — Hecate.

One night while Luna was sleeping beside her Family, there were intruders who killed everyone but they spared Luna's life. Overnight she became Lucia's Descendant. Even the ones who captured her made her look like Lucia to make others believe she is indeed her Descendant.

Since Luna was still young, she still doesn't understand what is going on. Overnight she became someone's powerful Descendant, what's more, a Goddess. And everyone believed her. They believed she was Lucia's Descendant. Strangely enough, Luna inherited some of Lucia's memories. Although it was only the story of how Lucia was born, she still inherited a 'piece of shard memory' from her. But she didn't inherit her unique eyes that would always change their color in every emotion she feels.

"So?" Elyse asked after Luna explained her story.

"Well, because of that I never got a chance to see my dead family. Everyone just treated me like Luna. That lady earlier? She somehow feels very familiar. As if I know her but not too." Luna said looking at the fire with her blank stare.

"Do you know, Elyse? I believe that you are Lucia's Descendant." Elyse couldn't say a word but look at her. She couldn't find the right words to say to Luna.

Elyse pitied her. She was in great pain ever since she was young. Her biological family died and overnight she became Lucia's Descendant.

She scoffed, "That's impossible. Everyone was saying I am Aniya's Descendant."

"Indeed. Because you look exactly like Aniya, although she has tanned skin. But on these days that I've been watching you from afar makes me realize that you have a heart like Lucia." Luna claimed.

"What?" Elyse asked with her puzzled expression.

But Luna gave her a bitter smile and chuckled, "Well. Everyone is interested in Aniya's Descendant. It's been centuries since then but many Descendants of her died because of the people's hatred. They killed each one of them for no good reason but because they were the traitor's Descendants. Everyone pitied Lucia and they believed that if they kill Aniya's Descendant, her soul may rest in peace since they believed that the disappearance of Lucia was translated to her death."

"There were stories of how Lucia killed herself after she killed the Alphas. Even though they betrayed her, she still has that kindness in her heart that she cannot erase. And so, she killed herself after she killed the last member of Alphas."

"Luna, you say that it's been centuries since then. But I heard that the Student Council was formed just recently after the new Master rose to her seat when the old Master went missing." Elyse said trying to take advantage of the atmosphere. There were some puzzles that she still couldn't give answer.

"Indeed. Our goal is simply to search for the old Master. But, for us. Their Descendants felt very happy because we would have another chance to forgive ourselves. From the past mistakes that we did to Lucia." Luna said as if she's being one of her Ancestors.

"Although everyone disliked us, they still treated us with respect. But it did feel so unfair to mistreat Aniya's Descendant while we the other Descendants were given respect from the people."

"That's why I wanted you to join us in the Student Council," Luna said with a sigh, finally looking at Elyse's eyes.

"Elyse, I hope you will join our council. And let us help each other to find the missing Master." Luna's forehead touched Elyse's forehead as she closes her eyes giving her the blessing of the Moon.

The moon shone brighter than ever and there were white fireflies flying in the air, illuminating the place where they are. As the moon points its light towards Elyse, Luna smiled kindly.

"Please, save Tina." A voice sweetly whispers in Elyse's ears and saw Luna's eyes glowing in red velvet color. It was beautiful and alluring to see such color. And for a moment, Elyse recognized such unique eye color. It was Sylvia — Hecate's daughter and the Alpha of Night Witch. She is also Lucia's best friend whom Aniya killed in the past.

In a trice, Elyse felt sleepy and fell to the ground. Faints from her exhausted soul of hers.