32 | A little Secret and Fire

[Elyse's Point of View]

It's been days since the arrival of students from the Rahania Academy. For days they've been with us in every class or club, even at lunch I see them hanging out in the cafeteria. But I have never seen Louisette going into the Academy's Garden. I don't know, maybe I am expecting her to come to the Academy Garden.

"The Academy's interior and exterior design is all inspired from the Olympia Palace," Chad said that to me once and there's something lingering inside of me that's expecting of her to visit the garden.

Why is that?

Is it because of my memories as Lucia's Descendant? I sigh. This is really confusing. For a moment I am Aniya's Descendant and now I am Lucia's Descendant. When could things go wrong?

For the past few days too Louisette still hasn't done anything to me. Although I am grateful for her not bullying me like the other students, I am feeling more nervous than before because of her eyes staring at me whenever I walk past her in the hallway or in the Student Council Room.

She's staring at me intently with her mischievous smile, smirking at me. As if she's going to do something big in the future. I hate those smiles of hers, it feels like an insult to me and also dangerous. I still can't grasp her reason for hating me just because I am her Descendant.

Did she like Lucia that much? But from what I can remember, Lewis hates Lucia so much. So why is Louisette sticking with her own path of hating Aniya? I can understand that she's the one who caused their suffering and etcetera but I couldn't grasp the very reason of "why".

Why did Aniya betray everyone? Is she simply greedy for power or does she have more reason to betray them?

I heave a sigh. This doesn't matter to me. No matter what happened in the past will always stay in the past. My mission should be not forgotten. I should hurry up and investigate Lucia more.

While the professor was busy teaching us his lesson, little did I know that Louisette who was sitting right behind me is now creating great plans for her great revenge on me.


As soon as the class ended, I went outside the classroom and went to the club. When I arrived at the club door, I saw no one when I opened the door — everything is clean as if no one touched the club.

It's Friday now so I expected for them to be busy here in the club. Where did Arrow and Arbor go?

I close the door and head back to my room. Maybe I should discreetly start my personal investigation. Raymond and the other members are helping me since I joined the Student Council. I shouldn't always rely upon their kindness and must make my own movement.

For the first time in a while, I will be using my magic powers to cover myself going out of the Academy. One of the rules of the school is to not let the students head outside the Academy unless they are permitted to or there's a festival going around in the Aracnia Palace or in the Capital City.

Using my transformation — I changed my hair into raven black and my eyes sweet pink. My face shape looks a little bit different. I made my wavy hair into straight so my disguise won't be exposed. I put the bow and arrows in my magical pocket and made them look small. I held the dagger in my legs, covering it up with my long commoner's skirt.

I looked into the mirror and saw the dark purple necklace on my neck. I removed it from my neck and put it in my bedside drawer.

I glanced at the mirror once more and I head out, walking from my veranda, and silently jumped down and steadily walked away from the Academy.


[Louisette's Point of View]

I hate her.

No, the perfect word should be, "I loathe her."

Elyse may seem to be different than Aniya but what's the matter with it? They're the same. Sooner or later Elyse will betray the Student Council just like what Aniya did to the Alphas. There's no point in changing the past. Everything will repeat itself.

Just like how everything repeated itself from the very beginning.

Lucia cursed us and it all started with my great grandfather, Lewis. Ever since the curse, our family would always suffer from sickness. And each generation, one of our family members will die on the same day, at the same time, and with the same illness.

I couldn't understand why Lucia would do that to us making Lewis's Descendant suffer until the very end. But as I grew up, I understood her. Maybe it's because she believes that every person, no matter who or what she or he was in the past — will never change.

No matter how many times you wanted to change your fate, it will never change. Just like how I lost my mother.

It was cruel but I accepted it. And I pushed all the blame on Aniya.

If only she didn't betray her. If only she didn't plan to use her, maybe everything will be different.

"But you also know that it is your fault." A part of me says.

"You know why Lucia suffered too. Because you were also one of the people who tortured her." Another part of me continues as I keep on screaming from the top of my lungs to stop.

It is not my fault! It is her fault!

That's why I hate her. I loathe her so much. She was the reason why my mother died. She was the reason why Lucia put the curse on us. Everything — everything is her fault.

And so, to make an act of perfect revenge, from the very beginning I have been thinking. What if I destroy her just like how she destroyed my mother and my family?

And so, I didn't do anything to her for the past few days, and quietly observed her. And this day is really the best. She's alone because everyone in the Council is busy except Arbor and Arrow. And so, I gave a little bait on them and made a plan to stay away from Elyse for a while.

And so, I followed her to her room. I quietly watched her as she tries to change her appearance. Where is she going? Why is she so careful?

I froze when something caught my eye. It was the necklace — no, the shard of the Devil. Why is it here? When Elyse finally goes, I quickly went inside her room and get the necklace from her drawer.

When I touched the shard, I saw some memories of it and I smirked.

Is that so? Elyse has been betrayed. The District Leaders whom she trusts so much are the very reason why her family died, what's more, the old Master deliberately ordered it for them to kill her family!

I laugh.

I see, she got betrayed already. It's too bad it wasn't me but at least she already tastes the feeling of losing someone you love.

My, Elyse. You were playing right through the District Leader's hands, especially the old Master. I see you were looking through the documents and the reason why you joined the Student Council is that you want to find the old Master.

I laughed once more.

I'll wait here until she gets home from her "personal investigation."


[Elyse's Point of View]

After I successfully went outside the Academy, it made me feel strange to see various huge buildings and crowded people in the Capital. This is the Capital City, the 1st District of the Aracnia Empire where the leader is Yohan.

The Capital looks more crowded than the Capital City in the 4th District. There are more people and carriages, highways, and huge buildings. I could also see witches riding their brooms in the sky and other magicians who freely roam the road.

I also see some aristocrats walking gracefully. I smiled. So, this is what it feels like to live in the Capital City of the 1st District. The books say this is the district where The Old Master lives and rules all over the world. The 1st District is a home for everything.

I walked through the crowded people with a bright expression. I paused when I suddenly feel a Deja vu when I pass right through a little pathway in the streets.

This place seems to be another one because this place is full of commoner dancers, street vendors, and etcetera. I walked through the streets, in awe to watch people dancing, singing, kids playing, and customers buying things from the vendor.

"Young miss!" A vendor called me out of nowhere and I turned around to look at her. She pointed at me and approaches me.

"Would you like to buy these bracelets?" She said and again, I feel a sense of Deja vu when I glanced at the bracelets especially when a beautiful yet simple green jeweled bracelet caught my eye.

I grab the bracelet gently and even the way I grabbed it feels familiar. Have I seen it before?

Suddenly, a memory flash came into my mind and I saw Lucia buying the same bracelet for a certain someone. From that memory, I assume the bracelet is for someone.

'I guess it must've been for Hiro.' A random thought came into my mind after the flashes ended.

"Hiro? What does it mean... Hiro? One of the members of Alphas?" I mumbled.

"Oh! You have such a great eye, Miss! This bracelet is suitable for any gender. Are you giving it to someone?" The lady vendor said and even the way she talked to me felt so familiar.

I open my mouth and acted the way how the memory was like in my mind, "Yes. It's for someone else." I said with my gentle eyes looking at the bracelet as if cherishing it gently.

Did... Does Tina love Hiro?

I bought the necklace and wore it on my left wrist. What's going on with me? I feel strange. The image of Tina having the most gentle and pure expression she had on her face made my heart ache with guilty.

But why?

Maybe the love story between Tina and Hiro was true. They might become lovers at some point before marrying Samuel. I sigh. I still don't get it. The memory in my head with Lucia or Tina is that she loves Samuel so much — so much that she even got hurt by his betrayal when Samuel chose someone better than her.

Then why did Tina make such an expression?

Why does she care so much about Hiro? I can't seem to recall my memories. Maybe one day I might recall it.

As I was walking in the streets, someone grabbed my arms and I quickly get my little dagger and swiftly pointed it at its neck using my other arm.

"Hey." Arbor's voice echoed in my blank mind and I gaze up at him. I froze as I witnessed his sweating face and neck, his messy hair, and his eyes piercing gaze at me.

"Arbor? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"That's what I should be asking you, Elyse! What are you doing here? This place is too dangerous and I assume you don't get permission?" I flinched.

"H-how did you know?" He sighs. "It's obvious because you changed your appearance." He answered.

My eyes widen in surprise to realize something.

"How did you know it was me?" I whispered but it was enough for him to hear.

"Why couldn't I?" He replied once more and I looked at him again.

What does it mean? I don't quite get it.

The way he looked at me in such worried and gentle eyes — what does he mean by that?

"I meant that my cover-up should be perfect! No one can recognize me —"

"Well, I can still recognize you." He cuts my words off by slowly leaning onto me while holding my other arm.

"And I will still recognize you. There couldn't be anyone but you, Elyse." He said staring at me intently.

"I see. Well, that's bad." I answered and avoided his eyes. It felt weird and strange. Why is he staring at me like that?

"I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?" I immediately shake my head off.

"N-no! Of course, not you're not uncomfortable. So anyway, what are you doing here?" I changed the topic and he let my arm go.

"I am searching for Lu." He answered.

Lu? Her name sounds familiar, did I hear her name somewhere?

"Lu is the Alpha of Craftsmanship. She lives and stays underground. Also, she's the one who made this device and our senior." Chad's voice rang in my head as I tried to remember her.

"Didn't she live underneath the Academy?" Arbor quickly looked at me.

"Huh? How did you know?"

"Well, Chad told me." His expression suddenly turned sour. Eh? Did I say something wrong?

"Anyways. Yes, it's true. Lu lives underneath the Academy because she's also the Alpha of Fire. Also, she didn't live underneath the Academy in the first place. It was something she decided to because of her artworks." Arbor explained to me as we started walking in the side of the streets.

"I am going to her real home. It's Friday and she always went to her house to rest from Friday to Sunday. She's still a student anyway, almost graduating." He turned around and looked at me.

"Are you coming?" I paused. Meeting Lu would be nice. I would get to know her and meet a new member of the Student Council. I had only ever heard of her and didn't meet her in person, this could be my chance.
