34 | Bereaved

"Are you looking for this?" Louisette said while she held the necklace in her hands showing it to me. I tried to snatch it away from her using magic but she was quick to nullify my powers.

"So, you're also a magician," I said and she nodded her head. Looking at her powers, she must be on the same level I am.

"That is right! Now, we don't have to be so fast here Elyse. We should..." She spoke and starts approaching me slowly. I didn't back down as my eyes scowled at her. The necklace from her hand disappeared as she playfully touches my hair looking at me with her smirking face.

"... Have fun would you agree, Elyse?" I gnash my teeth while glaring at her. I could feel my eyes slowly starts to change color for the first time as it felt weird at the same time.

"Give it back to me! —"

"What? The necklace? Hah!" She went back away and starts laughing hysterically.

"My you still want the necklace, after all, that threat?" She laughs. "I would never be threatened by you," I answered.

She looked at me with a calm and collected face and scoffed.

"Even after I say... The district leaders have betrayed you?" I could feel something burning deep inside me and I quickly pushed Louisette into the wall with my eyes feeling hot. My vision starts to blurry with black and red, does this mean the color of my eye changed?

"Hah. When you're in this state, you looked exactly like Tina who made such an expression when I tried to warn her about the betrayal. But when you are calm and smiling, you looked like Aniya." She commented and her eyes glowing too. What? She sounds like Lewis talking right through me.

"Do you know Elyse? This necklace did not come from your parents but from the district leaders. They gave you such an important necklace that was actually a devil's shard." I paused. What?

What does she mean? Don't tell me she's trying to deceive me.

"Even the way you think looks really like Tina. My, who are you really Elyse? Are you Tina, Aniya, or yourself?"

"You! —"

"There's no point in giving me all the blame, Elyse. It's their fault." The necklace appeared right in front of my face as she spoke these words, "This necklace is the missing shard of the devil or would I say the ancient God who betrayed the principles. Do you remember the history, Elyse? Or, do you remember what you just witnessed while you were inside the memories of Lucia?" She said and I start reminiscing the memories I got while I was inside Lucia's memories.

"...for the sake of the world." Lucia's tender and a hoarse voice echoed in my mind, slowly remembering what she just said after she defeated the devil in the war.

Her painful expression is etched in my heart as I keep reminiscing her eyes that glanced towards me.

"But there's more, Elyse." I came back to the present when Louisette starts to speak more. Her eyes didn't glow anymore and it seems that she was back to herself.

"I know who killed your parents." She stated. I gnash my teeth once more.

"Don't you fvcking kidding with me!"

"Do I look like that to you right now?" She answered and I froze. What's this now?!

"Yohan, the 1st District Leader was the one who killed your family, Elyse. Especially your father." After hearing her words, I couldn't feel my fingers and thumb anymore as well as my beating hard racing fast as I froze from my spot.

My eyes start to cool down and came back to their original color as my vision too.

"You're just trying to deceive me, aren't you?"

"Elyse, what is The Alpha of Battlefield it is to you? A useless title? Each title was given to a certain person fitting for it. If Aniya has the eye, the Alpha of Battlefield has too." I couldn't utter a word from her answer.

What does she mean? Is she trying to deceive me? Them? Killing my parents? I don't understand. Maria and the others have been helping me since the very beginning.

But come to think of it, why were they helping me?

From the beginning, we don't know each other. I was just a normal girl living a normal life with my parents and my brother. That day too, everything was great. It was all great but that one night changed it all.

My parents were murdered, and even my mother tried to save me and my brother but I failed. I failed to protect my brother and he ended up getting killed by an assassin.

Come to think of it, it doesn't really make any sense. And just when I was about to get killed, they saved me. How did they know me? Is it because I was Aniya's Descendant? But from what I've known other Descendants of hers lived their life until their death because they hide perfectly well.

The necklace too, how did they know my parents wanted to give it to me? How did they know it was from our family?

Everything is now connected.

Ah, I see. They used me too.

Just like how the other Alphas used Lucia in the past.

I heard Louisette's footsteps walking away from me and my tears starts to fall slowly from my eyes as I looked down.

"Are you satisfied?" She stopped and turned to look at me with eyes filled with hatred.

"This is just the beginning, Elyse." She said and finally walked away. I laughed alone while my tears starts to stream more.

Is that how much everyone hates me? Even to the point of betraying me too? I don't even know I was her Descendant. My family didn't say a word about it. Even if I am indeed her Descendant why must I carry the burden of their past mistake? Fvck it all, I am so tired to be this weak.

But I couldn't help as my tears keep streaming down my eyes. They won't stop me from falling as I wailed like a child.

Right from the start, I know they are suspicious people but I don't have any other choice but to trust them. I want my family back. I want my normal life back. I unconsciously entered a deal without having much thought about it. Pathetic me, like Lucia I was fooled by them.

Mama, Papa, I miss you. I need you now, Mama, Papa.

All I ever wanted is my life to go back to how it was. I never intended to be entangled in their fates. I just want to serve the Master and live a normal life and nothing more. Not like this.

The image of my family flashes in my head as I keep crying in my room. I suddenly felt warm arms surrounding me, patting my back while I cried. I hugged him and I recognized his scent.

It's him. It's Chad's scent.

I cried even more until I fell into a deep sleep.


[Thaddeus's POV]

I looked out the window as I stretch my body from sitting too much in my chair and staring at the papers the whole day. The festival is coming up soon and I needed to prepare as much as possible. This task was handed to me by Raymond. Well, what choice do I have?

I witnessed the moon rising up from the sky as the sun slowly fades away. I sigh and looked at my cup. I needed another coffee. It's actually my 10th coffee for today. Haha, I'm going to see heaven sooner or later.

I heave a long sigh again as I tried to stretch my arms. As I walked through this huge hallway in the dormitory, I noticed Elyse's room door slightly open. I took a peek and I instantly regret what I did.

My eyes widen in shock to hear their conversation.

"Yohan, the 1st District Leader was the one who killed your family, Elyse. Especially your father." I froze. That voice just now is from Louisette.

That bitch! What did she do to her? —

"Are you satisfied?" I was about to storm in when I heard Elyse's reply from her. I could also hear Louisette's footsteps coming towards me as I was in front of the door. I could feel her stop and glance back at Elyse.

"This is just the beginning, Elyse." She answered and opens the door. Our eyes met and I clench my fist and gnash my teeth.

To my surprise, Louisette has a strange expression. Or, is she just covering it up to make me feel pity for her? She's a disgusting two-faced bitch who hurt Elyse.

When she finally left, I heard Elyse's cries and I instantly turn to look at her and stormed her room. She didn't feel my presence and keeps on crying. I knelt down on one knee and put her in my arms, gently caressing her. I felt her arms hugging me back and she cried even more. Screaming and sobbing. The room was full of her crying sound.

I don't know the full details but I heard from Raymond that her family died because of suspicious people. Maria was the one who took her in and made her enter the Academy Elyse has been dreaming of.

When I heard about her situation from Raymond, I somehow felt pity for her. Her family was killed and she tried to survive day after day in the hopes for her family to be back again.

Losing someone you cherish the most is something you cannot describe in just one word. It's painful, it's infuriating. To witness the death of her family is something that I wish I wouldn't experience.

After hours of her crying, Elyse finally fell asleep in my arms. I picked her up in a princess carry and puts her into the bed.

"Sleep tight," I whispered and kissed her forehead.

I hope for the future days to come to make your life feel at ease and more glorious for you to come.