After Elyse met with Aniya in her dream. She felt more elated for the upcoming days, thus, she went into the library and read more books to gather more information about Tina. Unfortunately, as she skims through the pages of the books about Tina or Lucia, there is no helpful information that can be used in the future.

Elyse forgot Aniya's warning about Louisette as she locks up herself in the library all day and night for days. Chad even found her in the library who fell asleep on the floor. He couldn't let a young lady sleep on the floor wearing a skirt now, isn't he?

Chad approaches her and carried her in a princess carry and puts her on the couch. He summons a comfortable blanket and pillow for Elyse to sleep on. Chad stares at her for a moment and after that, he went outside the library and left Elyse sleeping.


The Grand Ball is upcoming in 3 days. Elyse didn't prepare much since she is not found in any fancy dresses. But the emperor told her to wear one of his sister's dresses and she didn't reject his offer. In fact, Elyse wanted to see herself wearing Aniya's supposed-to-be clothes again. Days went by, and Elyse felt changes in herself. As if she's not being herself anymore — a weak, quiet, and shy person who's avoiding every possible fight in Louisette.

With that being said, the visitors from across the world came to Rahania Empire, and is now their arrival. Numerous servants, butlers, and maids were seen in the hallways with their employers. Elyse even found a glimpse of the Princess of Chetan Kingdom with Seth, King of Chetan Kingdom. Everyone looks gorgeous as if they just came out of a fantasy novel with their ethereal beauty.

To make the visitors more entertained while waiting for the grand day, the visitor students of Aracnia, and the students of Rahania together with Iona Empire hosted a party individually. For example, Louisette's tea party is happening today and Elyse is invited.

Her heart is telling her to not go afraid of what Louisette will do, but her guts are telling her to do so. In the end, she went with her guts and went to the tea party wearing a fancy dress from Aniya's wardrobe.

Elyse wore a "takchita", ornated with fine and decorated fabric. The colors of her dress were gold and white, shaping her perfect hourglass figure. Elyse also wore a "maang tika", a headpiece of jewelry that has blue sapphires surrounding the chain and an emerald in the middle as the pendant.

Everyone is awestruck to be blessed with Elyse's ethereal beauty — not only that, Elyse also looks like Aniya.

Louisette sat there staring at Elyse with her dead eyes reminded of what she believes, "the one who killed her mother". When Elyse glance at her, Louisette's expression quickly changes into bright and cheery as if she's welcoming Elyse to the tea party.

For some reason, Elyse read what Louisette's been in her mind. Louisette is not happy looking at Elyse's appearance what's more, when she read Louisette's mind, she couldn't help but feel happy to piss her. Louisette is always the one who likes to annoy Elyse, and because of that, Elyse felt content to also see her annoyed by her presence.

Elyse puts a fake smile as if she learned it naturally, she gave Louisette her courtesy with the words, "It is a pleasure to meet The Lady of Hildegarde, Louisette Hildegarde." She greeted me with a bright smile on her face.

Louisette smiles back and nodded her head. "There is no need for such manners, my Lady. You are the Descendant of Aniya; it would be a sin for you to give me your honor." Louisette spoke and approached Elyse slowly — whispering to her ears.

"Don't think I didn't notice what you just did earlier? I guess you already met with your Descendant and got her emotions and thoughts within you naturally. Or... you are Aniya in the body of Elyse." Louisette whispered with a threatening tone of her voice. For some reason again Elyse found her words threatening and a hint of truth. She couldn't figure out why is it true Elyse is Aniya when she is just her Descendant.

Elyse smirked like a devil and her lips touched Louisette's ears, "Threaten me all you want, I don't care. How did you know I am Aniya? Or... Did you get a deal with Mara?" Louisette quickly pulled away with a shock on her face, her eyes have a hint of loath while her face was shocked.

It was all just a bluff to make Louisette believe. Elyse already knows Louisette doesn't have any dealings with Mara — but she is shocked to hear Elyse talking about Mara and her as the reincarnation of Aniya.

Elyse and Louisette looked at each other as if they're having their silent battle between eyes when Odelle interrupted them.

"Elyse! Louisette!" Odelle shouted with her cute voice as they watch Odelle waving at them with her bright smile. She's wearing her country's traditional clothes — Iona Empire (Ishtar Empire).

Odelle ran towards them and suddenly hugged both of them.

"Having a tea party without me?" She spoke.

"N-no, Odelle! You're Hiro's Descendant. You should —" Louisette spoke.

"Nah, I'm too lazy for that. Although what's the point of having tea parties when you're just going to brag about what you have in your life? Duh." Odelle cuts off Louisette and she flinched.

'Woah that hit her hard huh?' Elyse thought looking at Louisette.

"Anyways! Let me join you for a while. Pretty please?" Odelle pleaded and Louisette left a chuckle while she pats her head. "Of course, there's no rule you won't join us, Odelle." Louisette softly spoke to Odelle which made Elyse left astounded. The Louisette she knows doesn't do such a thing, but maybe what they say 'do not judge the book by its cover is true. Although she's really annoying.

For a moment, Elyse caught a glimpse of Louisette's gentle side. And then she thought, "If that didn't happen to her, will she stay the same — as gentle and kind as ever?" Elyse asks herself now wondering what happened to Louisette and why she hates her so much.

What she said before was only a bluff — but I guess she might be right about it. Something must have happened and Elyse blindly blamed for what Aniya did.

"I have never done such a thing," Aniya's words echoed in her mind.

"Aniya?" Elyse spoke in her mind.

"That's right. Although you cannot see me, I am speaking through your mind connecting to mine." Aniya answered.

"I have never done such a thing. But they blame me for being the one who ruined everything which I won't deny. I do ruin everything as I ruin myself. And everything is my fault," Aniya spoke almost her voice cracking. Elyse could feel the painful emotions she had as if they were her own. Is this what it feels like to be connected with your Ancestor?

Elyse didn't say anything instead she followed Louisette and Odelle going to the table in the garden where the Tea Party is held. Elyse was quiet the whole time, while Odelle and Louisette with the others are having fun. For a moment she felt as if she doesn't belong to this circle.

And at this moment — it felt familiar.

The ones who're having tea parties are the aristocrats of Iona and Aracnia. How unlucky of her to be with them. Both Iona and Aracnia hates Aniya except Rahania.

She gracefully sips a cup of tea while she quietly listens to their chatter of indirect insults toward Elyse.

"Oh my, I'm sorry if you're left out Descendant of Aniya," Louisette spoke out of the blue while she laughs at Elyse. She sighs. "Here we go again," Elyse muttered.

She gave Louisette a smile and laugh softly, "My you're such a considerate woman, Lady Hildegarde. I must say I am enjoying my alone time with myself more than conversing with such nonsense topics." Elyse answered and everyone felt offended and embarrassed.

"How dare you say that, Lady Valentina! —"

"There's no need for formalities, Lady... Uhm... With a big hat and dress. I don't need to listen to your indirect insults towards me." Elyse answered. She's getting annoyed at their useless insults towards her although it was not direct, she knows the words they carefully chose just to insult her.

"I confess, I admire you for choosing good words. If only you use it for political or useful things or sense, maybe your Emperor Hiro would love that." Elyse continues and glares at the Lady who's faring in anger.

"Lady Elyse, you don't need to be that mean. They're just admiring how beautiful and intelligent a woman you are. As Aniya's Descendant, you are intelligent on the battlefield and skillful in any kind of weapon. It must've been a misunderstanding," Louisette interrupted.

"That's right! You shouldn't assume we're insulting you, Lady Elyse!" A woman answered as she sided with Louisette.

Elyse sigh. "My, 5 ladies against one innocent lady." Elyse then smiled, "Then, should I say you're weak since you couldn't handle me since you're siding with each other?"

"That is enough! Stop the fight, Elyse!" Odelle shouted to stop them from fighting.

"Odelle. I believe you didn't get the picture here. As you can see from earlier, I am just enjoying myself while everyone is enjoying chattering, bickering, and insulting in front of me. Can't you see that your lovely friend, Lady Hildegarde does not stop them from insulting me?" Odelle was speechless but she still tried to defend everyone.

"Odelle, I admire your kindness. But I must admit, don't be kind always. If you do that, everyone will use it against you. Being innocent can be both a weapon for yourself or for others." She continues.

A woman suddenly stood up while Elyse still speaking.

"But you don't have to be so harsh Elyse —"

"I have been keeping myself away from hurting them. Odelle, keep quiet unless you understand me —"

The woman who stood up earlier suddenly threw a cup of hot tea into Elyse's dress which made her eyes widen in shock. The tea dripped from her head into her white dress. Everyone gasps and Louisette tries to stop herself from laughing but she burst into a laugh.

"N-no... wait please listen to me. I'm sorry Elyse—" Odelle spoke but before she can complete her sentence, Elyse stood up and cast a spell throwing them a bucket of hot tea. Everyone scream in horror and in pain while Elyse was there only glaring at them her eyes starting to change from hazel eyes to Golden yellow.

Elyse is mad.

She approached Louisette while glaring at her but Louisette didn't flinch and stare back at Elyse. Elyse patted her back and whispered to her ears, "Touch me more and you will see hell." Elyse spoke with her threatening tone and gracefully walked away from the garden leaving the ladies screaming for help.

The Tea Party was in complete chaos.