There was nothing more she wanted except to answer the questions in her head about "love". To Lucia, or should we call her, Tina, her original name doesn't know what true love feels like. She kept on wondering how can people fall in love with the right person, the right place, and at the right time. While, some people fell in love with the right person, and the right place, yet the wrong time.

Tina never felt the familial love she ever so wanted since she was a kid. She was raised in an orphanage where the Sisters take great care of her. And when I mean it that way — I meant that the Sisters love Tina like their own daughter. A little girl with black midnight hair and deep purple eyes mixed with starry night-like eyes — a beautiful combination between her parents, Caeden and Rafaela.

After Rafaela's death, Caeden loves Tina so much even though they only spend each other such a short time. Mysteriously, Tina was brought to the Orphanage and there the Sisters heard Tina's cries in front of their door without a note in her basket. The Sisters checked up on her after taking her in on that cold night, hoping for a note or a memento of her parents. Unfortunately, they couldn't find anything inside her basket. They sometimes believed that Tina was abandoned, but The Sisters still hopes that one day, maybe not today, or not tomorrow, but somehow – one day, Tina will meet her parents.

That "one day" of meeting her father came. However, all she ever received is cold shoulders and mistreated moments inside the doors of Zues Manor. When Tina found out that Duke Caeden Zues is her father, she didn't feel anything and kills him on-spot. There's nothing kindness left in her heart but pain and anger.

Tina grew up beautifully. She has the personality of her mother, Rafaela. Mischievous, bright, smart, and most of all brave. Meanwhile, she has eyes that look like her father – those deep purple beautiful night-sky-like eyes, a combination between Rafaela and Caeden but she looks a lot like Caeden. Thoughts of her parents not wanting her would sometimes come into her mind. Nevertheless, Tina didn't let the negative emotions give in to her. She smiles through her pain, suppressing her cries in front of everyone. Then, she met a young boy named Hiro.

Hiro is the Crown Prince of Ishtar Kingdom and went to Olympia to find the rumors of The Lady of Prophecy being alive. It is only in the rumors yet it made Hiro feel alive to hear such a statement since The Lady of Prophecy is their only hope to stop the war and help their Kingdom to grow back up.

It was nothing but just a dollhouse. It was all a game — a game that Hiro set for Tina to manipulate her to help him but instead of getting his mission done, Hiro starts to have feelings for Tina from time to time. Hiro wanted to confess his feelings toward her but he has no guts to do so.

"She's too beautiful to have feelings with — no, more like too noble for me to fall in love with." He thought to himself. Hiro grew to love Tina in secrecy and when Tina was adopted by the Zues Family he knew that Tina is Caeden Zues's long-lost daughter.

Yet somehow, Duke Zues denies that Tina is not his own daughter but only just a puppet for the reputation of the Zues Family and the secret scheme of The Royal Family of Olympia. Months later after Tina debuted as a member of the Zues Family, she was engaged to the Crown Prince of Olympia — Samuel.

When he heard the news his heart broke and something pierce his heart while his chest throbbed in pain. His legs felt weak and his surrounding starts to be silent. He couldn't believe what he heard. His love getting married to someone else. He couldn't help but get worried that she'll get hurt because it was the Crown Prince of Olympia and he is famous for being a bad boy in their Empire or even outside the Empire. He was jealous yet also mad at himself, regretting that he couldn't confess his love for her.

Later on, Hiro found out that Tina is the Lady of Prophecy however he ignored it, and instead, thinks about Tina marrying Samuel. Watching his love marry someone else that isn't him made his heart feel wretched. He wanted to hold her and never let go, but whenever he thinks it that way he couldn't help but think about Samuel at her side instead and not him. It breaks his heart to see Tina away from him. He isn't scared of anything, but he became scared when it comes to Tina. He's scared to lose those beautiful smiles and laughter of hers. He couldn't gamble it. Nevertheless, Hiro stayed beside him and protected Tina from Aniya and her family's scheme toward her.

Hiro won over Aniya — succeeded in protecting Tina. But that is what he thought. When everything is in chaos and Aniya confessed her sin towards Tina, she went mad and killed everyone in her sight because she thought, everyone, is not "real". She was quickly consumed by corruption as she bathe in their own blood. Hiro thought he won over Aniya by protecting her innocence – but he failed in reality. It was a stormy night, thunders roaring behind the broken glass window as Tina slowly approaches Hiro with a sword on her hand covered with the blood of the Alphas.

Hiro of course fought for himself yet his heart was breaking to see Tina being consumed. He felt guilty and regrets start to eat him as he watches Tina trying to kill him. "She isn't Tina, I must finish her, or else, I might die! My family needs me…" Hiro thought while fighting Tina. Of course, Tina is strong in sword fighting which made his appearance look terrible with his body full of scars and blood coming from Tina's sword. He then glanced to Tina's eyes, with that he felt frozen. Her eyes somehow is telling him something which made his heart ache and the memories they made flashbacked in his head.

"… But how can I kill my beloved?" He continued himself and with that, he was cornered by Tina.

When Hiro was cornered, he accidentally stepped into something which made him fall, fortunately, due to Tina's reflexes, she caught him before he can really fall. Turns out, Tina, fortunately, came back to her own self before Hiro can fall down completely. She woke up to her senses the minute she realizes that Hiro is falling down. To her, it was slow motion. The second she exchanged glances with Hiro and tried to go back to her senses – she realized she made a big mistake.

"Hold my hand, and don't ever let go!" Tina cried, regretting what she did. Hiro's tears continue to stream down from his face as he smiled at Tina.

"You are so beautiful, Chrystiana..." He softly spoke.

"I wish I can hold your hand once more before I go. I like you, Tina. I like you — no, I love you. I love you to the point it felt like a sin for loving you." He admitted while looking at Tina with tears in her eyes.

"You jerk! Stop confessing and think about your life! I'm sorry, Hiro! I'll save you, okay? I'll save you so please just hold my hand… D-don't let me go… Please don't let me go, I am begging you. I'm sorry… Hiro…" Tina scream loud at first but as she kept repeating her words, her tone became soft and her eyes are begging while looking at him. Tears kept streaming from her eyes.

"Don't cry, my love, it does not fit you." He whispered.

"No... No! This is all my fault! I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Hiro. Please don't let go! I will explain... We will talk... Just please don't let go..." She whispered, begging for him to never let go yet he was silent.

He was smiling.

And for that moment, Tina knew that Hiro will let go.

And he let go of her hand.

And she watch him fall.

"NO, HIRO!" she shouted out loud, frozen from her spot as she cried.

Tina was once praised as The Moonlight Queen, The Empire's Gentle Mother, and The Lady of Prophecy. If having those titles had such a price to pay, she wouldn't gamble to risk it all. Tina has lost a friend, a lover, and a family. She lost Sylvia, Hiro, and Hezelle.

And for that, Tina became ashamed of her face when she found out the true reason behind the death of her friends and family so she covered herself up with a black veil wearing a black dress as a sign of eternal mourning for their deaths. The other reason is because of the corruption being visible in her face down to her body. With just having a faceless face or a mysterious figure she achieved made another world for everyone to live renaming Olympia to Aracnia.

And she became Master Lucia of the Aracnia Empire. The one who sought freedom and defeated the Devil Cain in the battle between them.

"The Binding Fates Season 1: The Descendants from the Past, Descendants in The Future."

Written by: Siella Spring