5 | The Foundation of Ishtar Kingdom to Iona Empire

The Ishtar Kingdom is known to be full of glory back in the days when the world is still at peace. With the foundation of the Goddess of Beginning and its alphas, the one who held power the most is Ishtar abundant with fruits, vegetables and fertilized land that farmers can plant their food with it. The Ishtar Kingdom is famous for its paradise-like town structures and its religion having a close relationship with the nature.

It is the most unique and beautiful Kingdom all over the other two which made Olympia and Rahania Kingdom feel jealous of. But that wasn't the reason why a war broke out in between the three countries. It all started after the war between The Alphas, The Goddess of Beginning and The God of End and how Cain was defeated. At that time, when the 1st Generation of Alphas died, the 2nd Generation of Alphas were born and thus a new alpha was created and that is the Lady of Prophecy. She can be called the Saintess of Beginning or the Messenger from the Mother Beginning. The Lady or Prophecy told everyone that there will be an upcoming storm that in years will wreck this world.

But the nobles of Olympia didn't listen except Rahania and Ishtar. The Olympia Nobles thought of the Prophecy as absurd which made a huge debate between the leaders of the country. When the 5th Lady of Prophecy was born, a rift between the Church of Olympia and the Imperial Family was made because of the differences in beliefs of both the nobility and the holy followers of Aurelia and Anastasius.

Which then, a cold war broke between them with numerous debates, assassinations, and many more crimes that the Imperial Family made in the shadows. The 5th Lady of Prophecy began to see visions about the rightful Emperor for the Olympia Empire. This rightful Emperor will become the bridge between the three countries and will make the world peaceful.

But human greed is always lurking behind the shadows. The Imperial Family's 5th Prince decided to rebel against the royal family and it's country by learning dark magic secretly. Soon after, Duchess Vierra who was still known as a commoner decided to join hands with the 5th Prince and became his Empress in the future. They both joined hands and awaken the sleeping Cain and became his first ever followers after he rose from the sleep death.

The Church protected the 5th Lady of Prophecy, in the process, she travelled across the vast land of each country to go to Ishtar Kingdom and asks for aid for this cold-blooded war. The Ishtar Kingdom agreed with the plausible conditions that the Lady of Prophecy made and so they began to fight on this cold war. But it got into the point where the 5th Prince killed the whole members of the royal family and now became the emperor. One by one, he killed everyone without mercy alongside Vierra who later marries The Duke of South. Of course, Vierra failed to be his Empress because at that time there was a suitable woman who can become his Empress. Vierra was furious of course, but she didn't give up. She still married the Duke of South who became the mother of Aniya's half-brothers.

Everyone who's followers of the other gods besides Cain died at the hands of the new Emperor. There are only two remaining followers of Aurelia and the other gods. And that is, The 5th Lady of Prophecy and The Duke of South. The 5th Lady of Prophecy died first making the war in Ishtar and Rahania defeated by Olympia Nobles alongside Duchess Vierra's genius schemes. The once beautiful and fertilized land of Ishtar now became barren and was announced to the world that Ishtar is now a barren land filled with slums and omegas whose weak and feral.

The Duke of South, knowing the scheme of his wife made a move but he was too late. His wife poisoned him from the beginning of their wedding night giving him poison little by little every night. She manipulated him — giving a placebo effect of his condition. She even manipulated the children telling them that their dearest father has died due to illness but that wasn't true. The Duke of South died painfully, but he wished for Aniya who he sees a chance within her to change the path and unbind the curse that has been going on between them.

The Lady of Prophecy whose now in the 5th generation aligned with its Emperor also made an announcement to the 5th Emperor to never trust anyone easily. But the weak and soft-hearted Emperor fell in love to a woman who has deep past connections to the God of End and it is also the distant relative of Duchess Vierra.

The Lady of Prophecy failed, so she secretly moves behind the shadows of the rest of the Alphas to protect the future of the Empire and the other two Kingdoms. When Duchess Vierra was married to the Duke of South, the place where the Alpha of Wisdom was born — she found out that the Empress is a distant relative of hers. She tried everything in her power to be favored by the emperor for she craves more power but she always failed. Until Duchess Vierra met the God of End and gave her power to manipulate everyone's mind. In the end, she won the favor of the Emperor and the Empress using manipulation. She pretends to give kindness to others, while behind the curtains she slowly poisons the whole Empire.

Now, the new Emperor with its Empress and Duchess Vierra on their sides is now full control of the Empire behind the shadows, and a newly born 6th generation of Alphas including Chrystiana, The Lady of Prophecy and The Alpha of Moon and Snow. Aniya, The Alpha of Wisdom and Schemes. Thaddeus, The Messenger of Alphas. Samuel, The Alpha of Sky. Lewis, The Alpha of Ocean. Artemis, The Alpha of Hunting. Hiro, The Alpha of Life. Lovelia, The Alpha of Light and Love. Hethan, The Alpha of Death. Cassandra, The Alpha of Battlefield which later was then the great grandmother of Louisette Hildegarde.

The new 6th Generation of Alpha has been made and Aniya was given the power to control the Alphas and become the follower of Cain in the orders of her Mother Duchess Vierra. She controlled everyone including Tina's soft heart playing it smoothly but as she spends her time with her, she starts to feel guilty for betraying an innocent lamb knowing full well that Tina can become a Goddess without any support of the nobles or humans for her.

To pay for her sins she made after losing Chad and also protecting him from Duchess Vierra, she gambled and admitted her mistake towards Tina. When Tina found out the truth, she was devasted. For days, she couldn't process and locked herself up into a world she created for her own — a void.

After days, Tina came back to the normal world and found out that his husband and his friend has been cheating on him with Mara. All the humiliation and pain they gave her made her shed tears. She couldn't accept the fact that everyone betrayed her.

"Why me? What did I do wrong?" She kept asking the same questions on her head. And when her heart starts to fill corruption, she went outside her created world and made chaos the world that gave her pain. She created a most destructive war where millions of people died. She was still an Alpha and a descendant of a Goddess of Beginning — which gave her a curse of immortality suffer of corruption that Cain gave her.

The corruption in her heart and physical body become even more corrupted when she killed all the Alphas. She left Chad as the sole survivor and used Aniya for her means because of the deal they made. While, Mara's manipulation is still in her head, Aniya's manipulation made Tina's thoughts balanced but her empathy has succumbed to the darkness. She no longer feels any sympathy but pain and grief over the death of everyone.

When Tina found out it was Cain's all doing alongside Mara, her world shattered and realized to what she has done. She lived in grief because of the mistake she did. She killed them without listening to their explanations. It is not because she simply wants to kill — but because of the thought they betrayed her, the words coming out from their mouth will always be lies.

For the last time, Cain and Tina had a battle and it made Mara killed in the process. Cain was defeated but he isn't dead. End couldn't "end" simply after all. Since then, she built another world and created another life using the powers she got as Aurelia's Descendant. She built an empire where everyone is equal, she led the whole empire into peace and harmony. She became a powerful figure where everyone loves and cherishes her.

But to Tina, those praises of love and cheer — all she hears is the screams of humans begging to not be killed. Her face was half covered in corruption so she would always wear a black veil in her face and a black dress to mourn forever in the deaths of the Alphas and live in regret. She was then recognized as the Master of all Empires as she rebuilt Rahania and Ishtar — now known as Iona in the new world with their memories intact to their mind.

Tina changed her name to Lucia to not let others recognize her and as a way to trying slowly forget the past she couldn't forget. They say that Tina's favorite place is the Iona Empire. The kingdom where Hiro was born and raised as she believes that the said Kingdom, she recreated still contains the memories they both shared because everything looks the same as the old world does.

Until Tina found a way to break the curse that was cast upon generation to generation especially the corrupted curse that was given to her. Tina knew very well the cost of breaking the binded fates between them and so she gambled even if it is only a small percent chance to accomplish. And then, she vanished.


The betrayal Tina had been something Aniya couldn't forget and forgive herself for what she has done. But now that she was given the chance to go back time as Aniya again, she promised to herself she will protect the ones she loves the most. This time, she will find the people who took care of her, and love her for who she is when she's Elyse. And she will protect her friends from the future manipulation of Duchess Vierra, Mara, and Lovelia. For days, Elyse trained herself day and night.

As usual, she sneaks out to train herself without the knowledge of her Duchess Vierra. The Duchess inherited the power of the "foreseen eye". It is the same as the Goddess of Wisdom's eye however, it is only weak compared to the "Owl's Eye". At such a young age, Elyse is skilled in both sword art and magic arts. She would swiftly dance with the sword — playing with the enemies like a poisonous flower carrying an innocent beauty along with it.

Months has passed and in just a few days, Elyse's 10th birthday as Aniya will commence on the day when the 1st snow fall to the empire and as a mark that the summer is gone. And in just a span of another months, Tina will be born again and the silent battle will commence.