7 | The Family Line

The time has come and Elyse will now walk down the hallways she used to walk on when she was still Aniya. The beautiful and elegant wall paintings, each luxurious type of furniture, and the huge chandelier above the high ceilings of the mansion. She's finally going out for the first time after the regression. The beautiful landscape of the ancient Olympia — indeed lives up to its expectations.

Elyse glances through the huge glass window of her beautiful room matching her title. Gold, white, and green. Although she's now in her old room where she lives as Aniya, she still feels like a prisoner inside this elegant room. The servants only bring her food inside her room, she wasn't permitted to go outside and eat with the rest of the family. She's not permitted to go outside the manor of their house — because she's a bastard and her existence hasn't been proved by everyone. Duchess Vierra believed in order to be accepted in society, one must be approved by others. She applied this belief to Aniya.

Elyse only sits the whole day inside the room without anything to do but read and sleep. She couldn't contact anyone or talk to the servants. Duchess Vierra believed that one should not talk to lower classes, which Aniya believes is absurd. Lower class, middle class, and higher classes are all equal humans — we always die.

Morning greeted Elyse as she sits down in the window of her bedroom — the day has come and it is finally her 10th birthday. Elyse woke up by herself, dressed and washed by herself. When the servants came to her room, everyone was shocked to see her now dressed for the party. They were late. Elyse knew this already because in the past this also happened. Every time. Aniya wakes up every morning while waiting for the servants to serve her — she's always late for the meetings which are why her half-brothers do not permit her to attend meetings.

But when she became Thaddeus's wife, the servant of his household treated her right regardless of her gloomy aura. Everyone likes her there.

"Are you really that lazy to serve me?" Elyse spoke to herself for "Aniya". The servants start to tremble, in fear of her presence as she looks at them with glaring eyes — they bowed their heads below.

"P-please forgive us, Your Grace! We didn't think you would wake up early..." A maid said.

"Y-yes! Because usually, Your Grace, you always wake up late in the afternoon s-so —" A young maid spoke out of blue.

"Who told you to speak to me so informally?" They all flinched at her low voice. The servants felt ashamed. She's only 10 years old yet she looks so mature for her age, and scary at the same time. Is she still the same Aniya they knew about? The one who is weak and scared of everyone even though she's Duchess Vierra's daughter?

"Please forgive us, Your Grace!" Everyone said aloud and Elyse sighed.

"This morning, I have an appointment with my half-brother Edward. I also need to meet Mother after, so if I am late, Mother will be furious. But as you all know Mother loves me so much, right?" Elyse spoke and the last words coming from her mouth made her want to throw up. But she smiled sweetly and continues to speak, "So, I should just tell my mother you all made me late. Because you went to my bedroom late, you even disrespected me, and... hmmm. What's more...?" Elyse acted as if she was looking above the ceiling.

Then, she clapped both of her hands loud and it made them flinch, "I should tell Mother and my half-brothers that you all touched The Future Alpha of Wisdom's body!" Elyse spoke with a happy tone.

"Y-your Grace! Please spare us!"

"We didn't mean it, Your Grace —"

Elyse's smile disappeared and glared at them with her furious eyes. "If you do not want them to know then get out and call the butler to personally escort me to my older brother." She ordered and everyone moves their feet and walked away calling the butler right away.

The butler arrives at her room and escorted Elyse. She knows the place yet she just wants someone to escort her so the servants will know about the power she will once hold. The plan is starting; however, she must move in much caution.

They both arrived at another garden — a garden that was tended for centuries and it is said that the tree in this garden is connected to the Imperial Palace's Garden. But that is not true, only speculation. The ancient tree is in the abandoned garden — the garden that both Chad and Aniya frequented in the past. These trees symbolize life and wisdom which is why it is also a vital part of the Family of Wise Men.

The butler bows his head down when she enters the garden. From afar, she saw her older half-brother Edward sipping a cup of tea while reading a book. His posture looks graceful. His legs were crossed while he intensely stare at the book. Maybe he's in the good part of the story.

Elyse quietly approached him and starts to give him courtesy.

"Your Grace, The Future Heir of the family of Wise Men, greets the Heir Alpha of Wisdom, Aniya," Elyse spoke with her graceful tone of voice. Edward didn't look her way so she boldly invited herself to sit down which made him taken aback.

"You're finally looking at me, Edward," Elyse said and starts serving her own tea.

"Do you need something?" He asks.

"Have you forgotten something?" She turned the question around. Edward didn't say anything but he sighs.

"It is my birthday today, Edward. You should greet your only youngest sister here a happy birthday." She said and gave him a smile.

"You're only 10 years old. There's nothing worth celebrating for." He answered. 'Cairo is more such a lovely brother than Edward' Elyse thought.

There were many questions inside her head to ask Edward and her other half-brothers. But all she could do is shut her mouth. It's nothing worth being hurt for it again.


"If... These things didn't happen. Will you treat me like a real sister in another world?" Elyse thought while looking at the table with her blank mind. In her past life, she wanted to have a brother. A brother who can protect her, a family who will love her. She knows she was an idiot for craving love for someone who clearly is using her.

And that is why she's going to change everything to trigger the events and find Tina. But aside from that, she wanted to change everything also because she wanted to pay for her mistakes as the past scenery is unfolding again right in front of her. It was hard to remember it all — it opened a scar inside her deepest heart. Yet she remained strong because, in this life of hers, there is now a family who genuinely loves and supports her.

"That is right, Edward. But don't worry, I am just here for formality. This has been a tradition in our family. Well then," Elyse starts to stand up.

"I shall be on my way," She spoke and starts walking away from him. On that note, Edward suddenly had a feeling of loss in his heart as he watches her walk away. It felt as if this has already happened back in the past.

When Aniya admitted her betrayal to Tina knowing fully well that she has become stronger than before, she left the family and let them escape. To Edward, it left a huge impression on her. It was as if at that moment, he realized how precious Aniya was actually when she was ready to sacrifice herself, and a pang of guilt tripped in his heart as he watched her back walking away from them. They all ran and escaped — but that wasn't successful. Their carriage was ambushed, and in the end, everyone died.

But that's all in the past, and Edward doesn't remember a single bit of it because it hasn't happened. But somehow, Edward strongly feels this has happened. She's only 10 years old, yet she looks as if she won countless bloody wars with sweat, blood, and tears of hers. She looks mature and not her usual way, it's as if she's changed.

Edward closes his eyes, shaking off that thought of his head. That can't be, it's impossible. And yet, she somehow still feels very powerful — enough for the seat of the Family Head.