9 | The 10th Birthday Part 2

"Thank you all for joining us to celebrate my youngest daughter's birthday. I would like to congratulate my son, Jason, and Henry to receive another reward for their academic excellence..." Duchess Vierra continues to praise her sons meanwhile, she never praises her daughter. Well, she was a bastard and everyone looks at her the way her mother does.

"I also want to congratulate my son, Edward to receive another medal for academic excellence. And to his swordsmanship, he defeated the son of Reiki." Because of her statement, everyone laughed at Chad who was inside the banquet hall. Thaddeus sigh while Thaddeus's father was frustrated by the embarrassment she gave to him — to his family. Chad doesn't care about it at all and shrugged it off.

While Duchess Vierra is having her speech, behind these huge doors were the young and pretty Elyse and her escort, Edward.

Elyse didn't seem to mind her speech, but in Edward's eyes, she seems worried and frustrated that her mother didn't include her in her speech.

"It's okay, Aniya," Edward spoke out of the blue which made Elyse look at him. "I am here." This is what Edward wanted to say to his little sister but he didn't say a word after telling Elyse that it is okay which makes Elyse left in confusion. What does he mean by it's okay? It's okay that Duchess Vierra didn't include me to her speech? Ha- I've been hearing her speeches forever and now hearing it again is irritating my ears.

Said Elyse to herself. But unto inspection, it seems that he is worried about me. But how can that be? He doesn't care about me at all. Elyse continues her train of thought. Edward didn't speak a word, yet he suddenly held her hand tightly as if it were a sign of reassuring her.

"What —" Elyse was about to speak when the head butler of their mansion called their names and the doors slowly open, as Elyse also hears the crowd clapping towards Edward. Of course, it isn't for Elyse — but for Edward. When she entered the room, she quickly felt the intense glare they give her. She flinched, scared of all the eyes glaring at her. Amidst the crowds, her fear of their glares calmed her down when she saw Chad smiling at her. She smiled back and he went down to the stairs as Elyse let go of her hand from Edward's grip.

Edward watched the young Aniya going down the stairs gracefully as she locked eyes with young Chad. When she accepted his hand, they both greeted each other. And that's the end of his observation as the young guests quickly crowd him with all the young ladies piling at him and young men asking for his wisdom.

"Greetings, Young Master Edward." A familiar figure approaches the young Edward with high and might. Black raven hair and purple eyes staring deeply into your soul — it's Duke Zues.

The Young Edward quickly then bowed how his head yet Duke Zues stopped him. "I think your mother won't like it if you do that," he spoke and Edward only give him a small smile. "My mother cannot control me, Duke." He answered and Duke Zues proudly nodded his head.

"How is your younger sister doing?" He spoke out of blue about her which made Edward feel awkward. He cannot answer his question because of how he treats her.

"She's... fine." Edward lied and Duke Zues sensed that. He sighs and patted his left shoulder. "I know how your mother treats your younger sister. But I guess all of these people here are manipulated by her — even the emperor himself." Edward looked horrified when he said those words.

"Your Grace! —"

Duke Zues only chuckled. "Don't worry. Your mother can neither manipulate me, or kill me. Either way, she couldn't do anything to me."

"But Duke, my mother can still attack your surroundings and slowly attack you face to face. I still believe that my mother is behind the kidnapping accident of your daughter and not the emperor nor the Empress of this Empire." Edward spoke with such strong words.

Edward looked so highly of Duke Zues instead of his mother. In his eyes, Duke Zues is the true noble and the only hope for this miserable and chaotic Empire behind the luxurious curtains that Duchess Vierra has for the country. Everyone is in her grasp yet there are still two people that she cannot directly kill nor touch — Edward and Duke Zues. In addition, if Duke Zues's daughter is proven to be alive there are already three of them that cannot be touched by Duchess Vierra.

But little did they know that there is one hidden card to defeat her and that is Elyse. Although, she does not want to prove herself to everyone. She wanted to appear weak and fragile that can be manipulated by her mother. But after what happened earlier, Elyse can no longer hide her true abilities from Duchess Vierra. And that is part of her plan.

"Such strong words you spoke of it, son. But let's leave it at that, I will still not stop to search for my daughter." Duke Zues said pretending as if he doesn't care about it and Edward knew how Duke Zues longs for his daughter. Because of this, he is curious about what his daughter would look like.

In the midst of talking between aristocrats, two children dance in the middle of the room.

Chad and Elyse held hands as they both start to have their first dance. It was no problem at all because the main character of her birthday is not Aniya — but her brothers and her mother again. So, she felt relieved to have her dance to Chad easily. As they danced on the floor with their graceful moves, everyone couldn't help but to be mesmerized by their unique beauty — as if they shared God's blood in their veins. The main character of this dance — of this party should've been Vierra and the brothers yet with their dance, they caught everyone's attention.

"Goodness! Look at them dance!" A young aristocrat said.

"How noble they do look; it is as if I am witnessing the true Messenger of Gods and the Goddess of Wisdom dancing at each other!"

"They look like legendary books! Ah, it felt so novel."

The crowd kept murmuring about them. In the past, there was a party. A party where everyone can have fun with each other. The Messenger of the Gods, as mischievous and playful as he danced to everyone — he even got the chance to dance with the Goddess of Wisdom. They danced to the floor and everyone was mesmerized by the combined beauty of their dance.

Witnessing the dance of the two Descendants of its said God and Goddess feels like a miracle to them. The music stopped and everyone clapped their hands as they cheered to them. Elyse and Chad laughed and both ran away from the crowd. They stayed on the veranda and ate the cake they stole from the party. They talked for hours they couldn't count until it is time to put a show on the party.

It is again Duchess Vierra's speech. As she gives her speech to everyone, Elyse acted as if she had just witnessed something good. With her bright smile and not-so-elegantly appearance as she ran towards her mother, she excitedly said, "Mother! I know how to use my powers now!" Everyone gasps at her statement.

In this timeline, when Aniya was still 10 years old, she couldn't learn any magic so the rumors spread that the reason she couldn't learn magic is that she doesn't have mana. But telling everyone in this hall that she just learned something is shocking. Because, after all, Duchess Vierra was the one who spread the rumors.

"What do you mean, Aniya? You don't have —"

"Look!" Then, a burst of light came from her hand and everyone covered their eyes. When the light disappeared, everyone is amazed at the beautiful paper birds flying across the room with sprinkling golden clouds of dust from their tails.

"Mother! I think the Goddess of Wisdom has given me her blessing! I will become the next head of the family!" With her statement, everyone is again shocked. Surprised by her sudden moves.

"What?" Duchess Vierra couldn't hold it any longer and slapped her child in front of many. Everyone gasps at the scene. "Your ungrateful wrench! How could you say that to your brother?!" She shouted and Elyse only stood there, pretending to cry as tears fell down from her cheeks.

No one helped her — everyone only watched her crying on the floor. Yet, there was one. Duke Zues is also present at the party.

"What is the meaning of this, Duchess Vierra?" Duke Zues arrived at the scene with perfect timing. Elyse secretly smirked and glared at Duchess Vierra.

Vierra noticed her glare and was about to speak yet she refrained. She now starts to cry. "I'm sorry... I was flustered because of my dear late husband's wish for our first son to be the head of the family, and yet —"

"And yet you hurt such a young child? I have enough of this Duchess Vierra. You held the party yet you made her feel unwelcomed. You even humiliated her in front of everyone. Yes, I was watching the whole time, Duchess Vierra." She was taken aback by Duke Zues's statement and he carried Elyse in his arms.

"I will give her treatment so; she will be staying with me for a while." Duke Zues said and they both went to the infirmary. Meanwhile, Duchess Vierra was fuming in anger and Edward was only on his mother's side watching his sister be carried into another man's arms.

"Can you believe your sister? Wanting your position? How bold she is!" Duchess Vierra shouted at everyone while Edward is only silent. The other boys were comforting their mother.

"Are you hurt?" Duke Zues asked Elyse and she nodded her head. She then went down from his arms and bowed her head. "Thank you for taking care of me, Duke Zues but I think this is where I should be," Elyse said with such graceful tone in her voice. It felt mature to see her speak like that.

"What... do you mean? The Duchess just hurt you, and you don't want to go to the infirmary?" Duke Zues asks in puzzle. Elyse sigh, "Getting treatment is not worth it." She answered.

"What do you mean?"

Elyse then brightly smiled at him. "Thank you for getting me out of there for a moment, Your Grace! I should go now, but I believe this won't be the last time we meet. There will still be the future, and I hope you will look forward to it." Elyse spoke and suddenly disappeared right in front of him using her magic powers. Duke Zues was left dumbfounded.

"Duke Zues, it's time to go." His footman spoke from behind and he nodded his head.

"Yes... Let's go back." He said and went inside the carriage.

"Your Grace, aren't you forgetting something?" The footman said after Duke Zues entered his carriage.

"Hmm?" The footman sigh and shakes off his head with a smile. "Your Grace, you promised young master Hethan to give him a present. You... have also forgotten that it is your wedding anniversary to Madam Hildegarde —"

"Enough. I don't want to hear it, let's just go." He spoke with his cold voice and the footman was left with no other choice but to obey. They left the chaotic surprise birthday party of Aniya.