A women !


The next morning, after I had finished talking with my mother, I finally agreed to meet Nicolas in a café to talk about this bodyguard thing. I'm not very comfortable with this. I have always been very close to my audience and I have never needed a bodyguard for anything. It's true that the stakes are different now. Some crazy woman has got it into her head that she owns me. Fame has this constraint that once you are famous, you belong to your fans and not to yourself. It is in this type of situation that I often understand Tessa's decision when she said she didn't belong in my world. I let out a sigh and got out of bed, I'm exhausted, I got home super late yesterday, after cleaning out my locker I went to sit with my musicians again, we downed a few more beers. I tried to find out if the security guard had seen anyone enter my dressing room, he reassured me that he had not.

No one entered my dressing room. This whole thing is getting more and more frustrating, it's not possible that someone can come in and out at will without being noticed and especially without being bothered. I go to the living room and I find that Maro, my housekeeper, has already prepared breakfast for me. I silently thank her and pour myself a strong cup of coffee, without sugar. I stand behind the window and look at the city. New York is a noisy city, far too far from my native Colorado where the grass is green and the air pure. In New York, all night long you hear the noise of cabs, cars, nightclubs. Thank God my building is soundproof so I don't suffer too much. The door opens behind me. It's Meghan my agent and her sister Violet.

<< How's my golden goose? >>

<< I hate it when you call me that. >>

<< But that's what you are though. >>

<< Yeah right. >>

Meghan walks up to me and places two sonorous kisses on my cheeks. She's twenty-six and one of the best agents in the country. She's the one who spotted me when I was singing in a bar, I chose to trust her and I've never regretted it. She made my career take off and imposed my style of music with that of the greatest. If today I am rich and my children will be able to live happily with all their descendants it is thanks to her. Violet is her little sister, she drags her everywhere she goes. She is a rather self-effacing kid who is afraid even of her own shadow. With her huge glasses, she looks like a nerd.

Her gaze lingers on my chest, I lower my eyes and I suddenly realize that I am shirtless. I am quite modest. Not that I'm ashamed of my body, goodness no, I have a body that all the biggest movie stars would dream of. It's just that I hate showing it in public, even for my photo shoots I rarely do it. I turn to the chair behind me and grab the t-shirt that's sitting there and put it on.

<< Your private concert yesterday was fabulous! Did you check the social networks? It's all over the news. >>

<< No. You know I never go on those things, that's your job. >>

<< Speaking of which, it would be nice if you had an Instagram page so you could be closer to your fans. >>

<< We've talked about this before, my answer is and always will be no. To make someone dependent on me again? No, thanks. >>

<< What? She says in a serious voice. Did you receive threats again? >>

<< Yes. >>

She looks at me with a serious look and gives a sigh before turning to her sister.

<< Violet darling would you go get me my planner from the car I forgot it. >>

<< Sure! she says as she heads for the door. >>

Meghan lights a cigarette and takes a puff before answering me.

<< What was it this time? A bunch of flowers? A dead animal? >>

<< You should quit smoking. And no it was a mini altar made in my name with enough red paint to look like blood. >>

<< An altar? Just that? >>

<< Yes. My mother is worried. >>

<< Oh sure, poor mom. >>

<< Don't talk like that about what you don't know. >>

<< Okay! I didn't mean anything bad about your mother. Just let me see what I can do. >>

<< It's all seen. Mom contacted a protection agency. >>

<< What? Meghan asks as she walks over to me. That's my job. Your image is that of a liberal, unconventional artist, so if you get bodyguards you'll be less accessible to your fans. >>

<< I know all that figures. But this person broke into my house, violated my privacy. >>

<< Why didn't you let me handle it? >>

<< I've been telling you about this for months and what did you do? >>

<< And of course you went to your mom! I talked to her about it and at least she was kind enough to listen to me and try to help me, not like you who never listens to what I tell you. >> She approaches me languidly.

<< Of course I always listen to everything you tell me my love. >>

Besides you know, if you have all these problems it's because you don't have a woman in your life. She rubs herself against me and licks my lips. The smell of her cigarette gets into my nostrils. Meg has always been attracted to me, and has never hidden it, it's me who has always pushed her away. Mixing pleasure sex with work is a very bad idea so I've always put a stop to her advances. She's really starting to aggravate me. If she wasn't the best at what she does, I would have fired her a long time ago. Someone is clearing their throat behind us.

<< Your agenda Meg. >>

She hurriedly removes her hands from my body and walks over to her sister.

<< Thanks honey. What are you planning to do today Matt? >>

<< I'm going to meet with Nicholas. And then we can discuss what I told you about. >>

<< Well you keep me informed and don't forget you have a press conference in three weeks. >>

<< Don't worry I don't plan on forgetting that. >> She and her sister head for the elevator, she turns to me and winks before telling me.

<< Call me. >> I turn to the bathroom dejected great! My day is off to a really good start. I finish taking my shower and I get ready for my appointment with Nicolas. 13 hours I am ready. I gave him an appointment in a restaurant not very far, a rather discreet restaurant where someone as famous as me will be able to pass unnoticed. I put on a cap and go down to the street. It's getting harder and harder for me to go unnoticed.

At every corner, at every step, people recognize me and invade my space. Not that I blame them, no, but they should also understand that even celebrities need to be left alone. I pass the reception, the receptionist looks at me with a charming smile.

<< Hello Mr. Baxter! >> I smile back at her.

<< Good morning Mia. >> I then walk past Lincoln, a nice enough young man who works there as a doorman.

<< Hi Linc so who won? The Yankees or the Dodgers? >>

<< The Yankees of course. >>

<< Then I owe you two hundred dollars. >>

I open my wallet and pull out the damn two hundred dollars and hand it to him.

<< Thank you sir. >> He says with shining eyes I give him a friendly pat on the shoulder and head to my car. Ten minutes later, I am in front of the restaurant, through the window, I can see Nicolas who is already waiting for me.

He was always like clockwork, one of the vices of military school. As soon as he saw me, he got up, I went up to him and hugged him.

<< My old man he tells me. It's so fucking good to see you. >>

<< Do you realize that we are in the same city and we have never seen each other? >>

<< That's mostly your fault. Mister super star. >> I laugh and we sit down.

<< It feels all funny to tell me I'm here with you. >> Nick tells me.

<< Yeah I know it's totally crazy. So how are you doing ? >>

<< That would be more like my question to you. >>

<< How's your wife and your beautiful princess. >> He takes out his phone and shows me the pictures.

<< Look, she's already four years old. >>

<< But no... The last time I saw her was the day of her baptism. >>

<< Exactly. Do you realize what kind of godfather you are? >>

<< Shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! I really need to make this up to you. >>

<< And forbidden to say such words in front of her. Children are like sponges. >>

<< Exactly! >> << How about we talk about what's on our minds? Your mother called me. >>

<< I know, she told me she would. >>

<< What I don't understand is why you didn't tell me you. >> I can hear the frustration in her voice and I'm starting to regret it.

<< I'm sorry man. Don't take it like that. I just trivialized the whole thing, I didn't know it was going to get this big. I'm really sorry. >>

<< It's okay. Your mother and I have already talked about it and I have come up with a solution. >>

<< What is it? >>

<< I've already put together a whole team. But the goal here is to find out who's behind this so we can stop it before it goes too far. >>

<< I couldn't agree more. >>

<< So I put two teams together. You'll have bodyguards and you'll have one person looking out for you at all times. >>

<< Isn't that what bodyguards are for already? >>

<< Dude, you got threats in your house, in your locker, that person has to be very close to you, so you need someone to stay close to you at all times. >>

<< Like? >>

<< A girlfriend. >>

<< Uh... I don't quite understand. >>

<< One of my elements will pretend to be your girlfriend and stay with you at all times to watch over you. >>

<< Will I have to live with her? >>

<< Yes. >>

<< Damn it! Does my mom know about this? No. >>

<< Did I ever tell you about my sister Emme? >>

<< She's married, right? >>

<< Was... She got divorced two years ago. >>

My attention is drawn to noises behind us. I turn around like most of the men here. A beautiful young woman enters the restaurant. She is dressed in a red pencil skirt and a black blouse, her long blonde hair hanging down her blouse. She walks with so much elegance that she looks like a mannequin, she is one with the ground, she seems to float.

She takes off the sunglasses she is wearing and shakes her head, she squints and seems to be looking for someone, her gaze stops on our table and she moves towards us. Nicolas smiles at her, he seems to know her. << Hi says she as she places a kiss on his cheek. >> When she bends, all the male looks follow her every move.

<< Hi he answers her. Finally you are there. Let me introduce you. Emme this is Matt, and Matt this is Emme your bodyguard the one who will pretend to be your girlfriend. >>

I swallow my glass of water hard.