

Everything I have in life, I've worked hard for. I've worked my butt off to be on top of the game. Failure?

That word doesn't even exist in my vocabulary. For me, if you want something, you have to give yourself the means to get it. I grew up in a poor environment, I had it rough. Then I met Deacon, a dealer in my neighborhood. He taught me everything I know about hustling and stealing. I entered the business at the age of fifteen. I started with small deals and then I met big fish, I entered an influential environment where I met only influential people. I met little rappers that I worked with and that today are world famous. I started with them, then I met several others and built my career on them. The media, the concerts, the public image, there is no one better than me in this business.

I build every star that's out here and I can undo them too. I get everything I want, I get everyone at my feet. Especially men, all men. All but one. Matthew. I've been working with him for more than three years, three years of offering myself to him like a piece of candy. But he still ignores me. Once I even broke into his hotel room during a concert.

He simply asked me out with all the gallantry he so often shows. I told myself that he just wanted to make himself wanted. But three years is a long time. So I gave him some space, I even came to believe that he was gay. Until her. Emme. A woman who looked like absolutely nothing. I didn't know him to have a girlfriend, if he did I would have known. I always know everything about everything. So who is this girl. Is this a way for him to get rid of me?

Does he just want to make me jealous? I'll find out eventually. His behavior has changed a lot since that threat thing, like he's decided to hang on for dear life. Matt has always had a darker side and I think that's why I've always been so attracted to him. I'm drawn to the darkness. I can recognize vices in people and I'm sure Matt has them. I walk towards the dress I just saw.

<< This dress will look amazing on you. >>

My friend Sharonne tells me. She is the only one who knows everything about everything in my life. We come from the same village, we made the same dirt and to arrive where we are, we sweated blood and water, with as for currency only the end justifies the means. We crush all our opponents like insects, I'll do the same with this Emme.

<< I know I say as I stand in front of the mirror. >>

<< How about you tell me a little about this girl. >>

<< You mean the nobody who's trying to take her away from me? >>

<< Yes she says as she takes a sip of coffee. >>

<< She probably figures she can take it away from me. I fought for three years to get it for myself. There's no way she can make me lose it. >>

<< What about Nate in all this? >>

I sit next to her and think for a moment. Nate is one of the musicians in the band. I've been sleeping with him for a while, he's nice and all, but he brings absolutely nothing to my life.

<< You know very well that Nate is nothing but a distraction. >>

<< But you have to admit, he's pretty damn hot. >>

<< Yeah I know, after all I'm the one who chose him. >> We both burst out laughing.

<< When is she coming I can't wait? I can't wait to see what she looks like. >>

<< She doesn't look like anything you'll see. >> The door of the store opens on her. She enters I get up and go towards her. She is dressed in a simple jeans and t-shirt no refinement fa

<< Hello. You are late. >>

<< Good morning. Sorry I was stuck in traffic. >>

<< You only had to get up a little earlier. >>

<< I would have. But Matthew wouldn't let me out in time. >>

<< Of course. >>

I turn to Sharonne who gives me a wary look, I'm this close to gutting her, as if I'm not frustrated enough as it is. Sharonnese gets up and walks over to the bitch.

<< Hello. My name is Sharonne. >>

<< Emme. You have a very nice store, she says. >>

Sharonne is immediately charmed, she loves her store so much that every time she is complimented on it she melts like snow in the sun.

<< Oh thank you. I worked very hard to get it. >>

<< I've already picked out dresses for you. You can go in there and try them on. >>

<< Uh thanks. But I could have done it myself. >>

<< I'm in a better position to know what the critics like and don't like so you go into the booth and put these dresses on me. >> I say, snapping my fingers.

<< First you're going to stop talking to me like you're talking to a little girl and then you're going to stop giving me orders. >>

<< I'll order you around if I feel like it. >>

<< I don't know who you've mistaken me for but certainly not one of your minions. So talk to me in a different way, or I'll leave and you'll deal with Matt. >>

If she tells Matt, I know he'll get mad. I'd better calm down and keep my head down.

<< Okay. Will you please come into this cabin and try on the dresses I've already picked out for you? >>

<< Sure! Said she with a smile falsely kind. >>

Before going to the cabin. Sharonne approaches me and whispers.

<< I'm not sure she'll be easy to beat this one. >>

<< That's just what makes it exciting. If she was easy to beat, it wouldn't be a game anymore. I said with a smile. Let's start by seeing how these dresses fit her. >>

<< At the same time you took the prettiest ones. You should have taken some ugly dresses. >>

<< Believe me, I didn't miss the urge. But I don't want the press to pick on Matt. >> << Your precious Matt. >> I smile as I turn to her.

<< My precious Matt. >>

Emme comes out with the first dress. I have to admit it really suits her. I mean she has a great body so it's no wonder this dress looks so good on her.

I'm a little jealous, this dress didn't fit me as well when I tried it on myself. It's amber in color, with sequins, a train behind but not too long. The kind of dress you wear at a party. Certainly not for an interview. I make a sign of the hand to tell her to go to change. She enters once again in the fitting room and comes out with a pantsuit, classy yes but to go to the office and again not for an interview. She enters again in the cabin and comes out with a set skirt and jacket.

The skirt is quite short with a slit on the side and three golden buttons. I am almost jealous, the set is blue and she wears it with a black top and it suits her very well.

<< Perfect says Sharonne. >>

<< Yes it can go. >>

<< Me I think it's too short. >> She says.

<< No, no the shorter it is the better it is my darling says Sharonne this set is beautiful on you. It remains only to find the shoes which go with. >>

She goes in another room and returns with a pair of black pumps and a magnificent handbag.

<< All that's left is the hair and it will be perfect. >> She concludes.

<< I really have trouble recognizing myself in this outfit. >>

<< Yet it's you. >>

<< How much is it? >>

<< Two thousand dollars. >> << What? That much? >>

<< And that's not counting the shoes and the bag. >>

<< But all my money is going to go. >>

Sharonne gives me a questioning look. This chick is dating a superstar and crying over a measly five grand.

Who is she trying to kid that she doesn't get money from Matt? She goes to change and comes back with the pants and t-shirt she was wearing before she arrived. She hands the clothes to Sharonne.

<< I'll just take the shoes, that's all I can afford. >> Sharonne and I look at her and we are more than surprised.

<< Okay she replies. >>

She goes behind the counter and puts the shoes in a package and hands them to her.

<< Well I have to go bye and thank you she says as she hands her card to Sharonne. >> Then she goes out and leaves us standing there.

<< This is amazing says Sharonne. >>

<< Who are you telling? No but she really wants us to believe that she can't afford these clothes, I know Matt well and he's far from being cheap. >>

<< Well maybe you don't know him as well as you think. >>

I give Sharonne a murderous look then pull out my phone to call Matt.

<< Yeah. >> He answers me on the first ring.

<< Your girlfriend just made me feel the shame of my life in front of my friend. >>

<< What happened? >>

<< I picked out the most beautiful dresses for her at Sharonne with gorgeous accessories and she left under the pretext that she couldn't afford them. Money is meant to be spent. She better not waste everything I worked my ass off for. >>

There is a silence on the other end of the phone. I knew it would upset him, men like Matt are anything but cheap and I know exactly what I'm talking about. She'll have to explain when she gets home.

<< She has her reasons excuse me. I have to leave you. >> And he hangs up the phone on me just like that without adding anything more.

<< What did he say? Sharonne asks me? >>

<< You know what? I say while taking my Chanel bag on the table. I'm going to go relax because if I don't, I'm going to have a fit. >>

<< Are you going to the spa or are you going to see Nate? >>

<< Nate of course, only he can completely relax me. >>

<< Of course! >> Says Sharonne while smiling.

Hours later I am in bed with Nate where he has just made love to me as he knows so well how to do. He knows everything I like in bed, I'm lying in his arms smoking a cigarette.

<< You should really stop with this bullshit. he says to me. It helps me relax. >>

<< Considering the day I had today. What do you mean? >>

<< I spent the day with Matthew's girlfriend... >>

<< What Matt has a girlfriend? >> He cuts me off.

<< So you didn't know that either! I find this story really strange. >>

<< Maybe now that he has a girlfriend you will finally stop fixating on him and focus on us. >> He says, hugging me. I push him away violently.

<< Us? But there is no us, you and I are meeting for sex, when are you going to understand that? And I don't know who this chick is, but one thing's for sure, I'm going to kick her out. Now shut up and fuck me. That's what you do best. >>