Chapter 4 - Reunion

Hearing her still call him father, Alex felt warm in his heart.

He said with a smile, "I am back Lea."

Lea or rather Emilia rushed forward and hug him.

While hugging him tears kept falling from her eyes. She kept on crying and Alex shirt got wet from her tears.

Yet with an affectionate face he kept on stroking her hair.

Emilia was the girl Alex adopted in his previous life. She was just a small child back then and now looking at the grown up woman crying in her embrace like a child Alex remember the time he first saw her.

At that time Alex was broken inside due to his wife's death.

He became a cold blooded individual who doesn't spare his enemies and because of that he made many enemies in his previous life.

He was injured because of those enemies and stumbled upon a hut in the forest. There he saw a small child living alone in the hut.

At that time he just want to recuperate from his injuries and just sat down near the hut to saw to his injuries.

After when he opened his eyes he saw the curious eyes of a girl looking at him.

He ignored her but she asked him to came inside the hut as the weather is cold and it is dangerous outside.

Alex kept ignoring and yet the girl kept on bringing him food and warm clothes.

She also started chatting with him though the conversation was always one sided as Alex rarely said anything.

This kept going on for months before Alex whereabouts were known and some of his enemies appeared.

At that time he was almost healed.

Before the enemy and Alex started fighting a little girl rushed forward and said to the enemy to leave Alex alone as he was injured and a good person.

The enemy amused by this flung the girl aside with a flick of the wrist.

Yet the girl who is a normal human kept standing between Alex and his enemy.

Seeing the girl's kindness Alex was reminded of his wife.

Before this little girl, she was the only one who had shown him kindness in this cruel world.

Seeing this Alex slaughtered the enemy and then help the little girl in recovering her wounds.

After that he told her that she should come with him as the location is discovered and it would be dangerous for her here.

The girl happily agreed.

After travelling with her for some time Alex came to know that the little girl had no parents and she was living with her grandmother till her death a few months back.

After that she survived on her own in the forest filled with many dangers.

Knowing this Alex checked her constitution and came to know that she had a strong and unique physique.

He asked her if she wanted to cultivate and she nodded and told him with a serious expression she want to became strong so that she could protect him from the bad guys.

Hearing this Alex laughed. It was a long time since he had last laughed.

He taught her many cultivation techniques for her unique physique and many other techniques.

She was also a good and earnest student and was able to grasp those teachings easily.

After she became strong enough to protect herself, Alex told her that she should go on her own way.

She refused and said she wanted to follow him.

Alex told her he had many enemies and travelling with him would be dangerous yet she refused and continue to follow him.

Alex in his heart knew that he became too attached to her and doesn't want her to die because of him.

He doesn't want to feel the same pain he felt before.

Yet the girl stubbornly followed him and there were many times when their lives were in danger and with each other help they overcame them.

After that Alex rose above all and became the Evil God and his rein of terror lasted till the moment he was betrayed.

He also gave her the name Emilia and her status became his adopted daughter.

Before his death he personally sent Emilia on a mission. He knew there were some suspicious activities going on in his empire. He doesn't want any harm to come to her.

At the time of his death he sent a message via transmission to Lilith to protect Emilia and don't let her take revenge for him.

After that he used a forbidden technique to injured the masked individual and get reincarnated in the mortal plane but due to his injuries his soul became injured and he was not completely reincarnated. He only get his memories back because of his cultivation being at Lord realm and this also repaired his injured soul.

After Emilia stopped crying she look at him and said with a smile, "It's really you father. I knew you will come back.

I felt your aura in this mortal plane for a brief moment 23 years ago but it disappeared immediately after.

I knew you were here so I came here to found you but due to being injured I was unable to found you and so I started this business so that I can found clues about your whereabouts.

I knew you would come back. I miss you very much."

Alex sighed, "I have done you wrong Lea. I also didn't treat you good previously and made you injured yourself. I am failure as your father."

"No I knew father has always loved me but due to mother's death you were sad. I knew you always sent many protectors in secret to protect me whenever I was going outside and I knew this pendent you gave me is a protective artifact containing father's strongest attack and defensive technique. Even when you were dying you ordered big sis Lilith to protect me instead of thinking about yourself. Father has always been good to me and you are the best father one could ask for.

That's why father this time I will protect you."

Alex start laughing and said, "You brat still want to protect your father. Your father is omnipotent. Even those traitors was not able to finish me. This time I will get revenge on those traitors and on every single one of those who had made you suffer while I am gone. So this time too I will protect you and never let any harm come to you."

Emilia pouted and said, "You keep on saying that yet you were betrayed by those trashes. You even sent me on a mission before, This time I will not go anywhere and protect you."

Hearing this Alex had a scene of EMOTIONAL DAMAGE and he smiled and said, "Then I will be in your protection your highness."

"That's more like it", Emilia said with a proud nod.

Then both Alex and Emilia start laughing.

Lilith was watching the scene and has a smile on her face and her seductive appearance was nowhere to be seen.

If demons from underworld saw this they would jump in the fiery pits of hell as they would thought how could this sadistic and seductive woman can show such an expression.

At that time Emilia came to Lilith and hugged her.

"Thank you big sis Lilith for protecting me all this while and for bringing father to me."

"You know master is almighty nothing could harm him. Of course he will be safe and with me the Queen of Underworld by his side who would dare harm him."

Hearing this Alex has a urge to spank this woman. When he summoned her after reincarnating she kept bad mouthing him and yet now she keep praising him and also doesn't forget to praise herself as well.

'She really is shameless. I wonder from whom she learnt this shamelessness.'

If people who knew him hear his thoughts they all would have one answer for this

'Of course it's from you.'

As they were talking a knock came from the door and a woman's voice came, "Miss for tonight's banquet who should we send?"

Before Emilia could answer Alex asked her about the banquet.

"Oh! My company have some business deal with White family and they have a banquet so I would send someone from our company to show them some face due to our cooperation."

Hearing White family Alex knew it's about the banquet at Emerson family mansion.

He said to Emilia, "You should go yourself to this banquet."

Emilia was confused and said, "Why?"

"The banquet is at where I live so you should come and I would like you to meet someone."

Emilia doesn't question any further and said to the woman outside, "I would like to go there personally."

The woman outside was startled and said, "Miss it's just a small White family banquet you don't have to go there personally."

"No it's an important event and also gather all board members and you also get ready and tell them to get ready and come with me to the banquet, Tonight I will like everyone to meet the real boss of this company."

The woman outside was startled and said, "Yes Miss."

Alex understand what she was trying to say.

"Lea you don't need to do that. I don't want this company. You have build this business yourself. It's your own empire."

"No father has given me everything and this time I will like to give father this company. I know that father will not be satisfied with a company of a mortal plane but as long as you are in this mortal world this company is the most powerful and you will not lack any resources."

Alex thought of something and said, "Well I have an idea."

"What idea" ,Emilia asked.

"You will know tonight", Alex said with a evil grin on his face.

Seeing this evil grin a shiver ran down Lilith's spine. She know that when her master smile like that there will be someone who is not going to have a good end.