Chapter - 2 - I Did Know About It

I turn back agin to see my parents suffering, trying to get a lift, while my brother was trying to clean all that curry mess... Which was created not so long ago... Atleast I'm safe... Let him suffer...

Do they think people will let in someone with tons of luggage and three weird people in their car? I'm not weird I am natural. :p

"Hey people..." They didn't hear me talking


"Gosh... What to do now?" My father interrupt me

"Oh god just hear me out once...."

They finnally saw my face... Wow was I that loud?

"Let's just call some mechanic... Sure it'll take lot time but it's better than standing still and waiting- or shall I say begging someone to let you in..."

"Great idea..." My parents said... Hooo finally... phew


Why this stupid Lilliput... I thought they'll call someone, they'll come, then say this part is missing, then go, and search, and bring, and then repair... Oh wait if these people don't have spare parts then this can happen here too...

"Oh yes let's go" My father said

"I didn't know your father was this dumb... I mean that shop is right in front of our eye's... How was it out of our sight?" My mother said

"Where is your specs?" I ask

"Oh yeah!"

God People!!

After some time my father and my brother came with mechanic... Hope he says he does not have any spare parts!! PLEASE GOD!!! PLEASE!!! JUST PLEASE!!! THIS TIME!!

"Oh it's simple I'll repair it in few second" He said with a smile...

Oh really? You don't know but, I can kill you in a millisecond... How's that??

"How long will it take?" Will take some days please... Some days... PLEASE GOD!!! PLEASE AGAIN!!! PLEASE!!!

"As I said few seconds but it'll take atleast half-"

"DAY RIGHT?!" I ask

"No... Mam... Half hour? Yes"


"Sis... Why is your face so red? It looks like monkey's butt..." My brother ask

Is this a chance?

"Oh!! My head hurts!!! I'm not feeling well!!! Let's go to a hospital!! It must be somewhere over there." I point at some far distance where there's nothing but road and trees... Atleast it is our way back old home heh...

"Don't worry... Once this car is repaired we will find you a hospital... I mean we need to search a new hospital near our house, right? Any one who disagree's ?" My father said...

Yes I do... What reasons shall I give tho?

"Oh! I do... I mean the hospital we regularly visit, or that doctor.... Hmmm... We'll not find the same doctor there too so yeah... Maybe we should head back?"

"Oh don't worry about it!!! I got it covered!!" My brother said


"Oh I told that doctor to make a list of whatever problem we have and write it in a paper!!! So I have list!! It's fine!!! My brother said...


"And where is that paper?"

"Oh it's right here!!!"


"Oh he- ok where is it..." YAY MY CHANCE!!!

"No worries... You can tell him to message you... Do you have his number?" asked my mother.


" Oh yeah! I do" Sheeth

"Then ask him he'll text you back when he sees your message..." Sure my intelligent mother...

PAIN. ------------------------------------------------------------------


"Here sir!! All done..." Mechanic said.

Yes my life's done aish...

"Thanks. Here's the money... Do you know how long it takes to reach XXX?" (I don't know any place... So it's upto your imagination where you want to be)

"Oh it's near... Hmm... It'll take maybe some hour's... Like three to four hour's? Maybe... There's a short cut too but, you know... It's dangerous... That way is... Like lot of bumps and all... That road is not constructed well" The mechanic said...

Phew... Nice no short cut...

"Oh thanks... Of course if that road is problematic, we will rather take the long route..."

"Ok sir!! Have a great journey ahead!!"

And that's how we left that place...

Ahhh few hours later we finally arrived!!!

"WOAH THIS HOUSE IS BIG" my brother exclaimed

Yeah yeah it's big by one centimetre... Well atleast it's big... Even it's for LITERALLY ONE CENTIMETRE...

"Yeah yeah" I said

"Hey check out your rooms you have individual room's... Oh there are two rooms? You two have to share a room..." My mother said

"WHAT??" me and my brother said

"But we had individual room's back then!! Why not now!!"

"God it's just room... You can divide the room as you want no issues..."

"Oh god!!"

Just how will I survive here... Such a pain...

Well I may join classes from tomorrow... Maybe I'll find a new friend... Who knows... Let's see... Hope I find someone like me... Someone who understands and helps me out... If only that happens I'll be free... There will be no need to cry...

But my brother doesn't know why we came here tho... I wonder what he'll do... Will he do anything to protect me or will he stay silent and do nothing?

I'll tell him about this issue tonight!! But what if he say's he knows about it, and says the exact word my cousin said? I'll sob whole night for sure... Because he is not my relative but my own brother... A brother who will not support me...

Let's wait till it's night... It's five forty-five now...

Hope he supports me...

And that's how I start fixing our room while thinking stuff...

My brother was sitting in front of me... Shall I just ask him now? Will it be fine? I'm impatient...

Let me just do it.

"Hey! Do you know why we are here?"

"Isn't it some academic or job transfer thing?"

"Well yeah but there's another reason too..."

"What's the reason?"

"Well... So hear the long story... So our father set me up with our eldest cousin who I thought of as brother... So when I was a kid in thought 'WOAH HE'S A GREAT GUY!!! A GREAT ELDER BROTHER!!!' but I recently found out that I'm engaged with him... But I just look at him like a brother... So itseems he had a chance to break off this marriage thing, but instead he said yes.. And when I ask him if he knew about this stuff he said 'OF COURSE' I'm disgusted... I don't like him that way... I don't understand why this happens..."

No sound's were heard after that... Pin drop silence...

"If I tell you the truth... I did hear our parents talking about this issue... And when they saw me they act like nothing happened... But remember when you went to school when I was unwell they told me everything about it... I didn't know you didn't knew about it, at that time and I disagree... But then I was just ignored and was not allowed to say anything... Later when I found out you are clueless I tried to tell you but I couldn't because they didn't let me talk to you properly... And now I can't even help you anymore... I tried everything like threatening, bringing up fights spreading rumors about you... Hah do you remember when I called you a bully? People ran away from you but it didn't effect that guy... I still tried to talk but they just ignored me... So I couldn't help you... I'm telling this now to you because you asked me... Or I was not allowed to talk about this matter with you... But don't worry... Heh... Even if I'm younger child, I'll support you... If you wanna run away with someone I'll help you don't worry... But I'll never let you marry someone you don't like... In the end if you run away I'll be in peace..."

Just how much these words touch me....


My tears were sucked back by my eyes...

"YOU BRO!!!" I shout while hitting him


"Well you are right... *sigh* Let's wait till that marriage actually happens... And also I'll join classes from tomorrow... Maybe I'll find someone like her again..."


"Ok!!! Now fix the room!"


Author's Note:- So people as I said before in description.... That this is for competition purpose... So I will be engrossed in story now and will correct grammer later so don't judge me🥲 I'll surely try ro correct them in future when I'm free but I'll continue the story now... Because rechecking every mistake everytime takes a lot of time...And also this keyboard is stupid. 😭 So please be patient and Share the story if you like it 🤗