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The lost marauder

Written by thewitnes

In a world where giant humanoid machines called Iron giants dominated on the battle fields of man, there existed a group of machines so deadly that they were band from ever being used.

These iron giants were a super weapon created for war with unparalleled performance but at the expense of its pilot's life, the crimson marauders were double edged sword made in desperation only to be used once!

The pilots of these machines were fused to them with the aid of a mechanical harness, upon fusing with the machine the harness hijacked the signals the body received from the brain (the neural pathways ) and it took over by acting like it was the body itself.

To compensate for the extra load of information and to improve the pilots performance these machines fed a constant dose of adrenalin into the spine of the pilot, with such an increase to mental and motor function the human brain could only handle so much before expired.

Within hours upon fusing with the machine the pilot's brain was overdosed to the point of death.

It was a dark day; the heavens were covered in a thick dark blanket of clouds. The heavens started to cry as it bared witness to yet another tragedy of war.

The sights the clouds saw this time was a military base under siege and inside of this military base under attack every one of soldiers who occupied its corridors feared that the end was upon them.

All of them except for one.

Simon, the lead engineer ,a slender man with short cut brown hair in his late 20's ,was the man who was placed in charge of this particular base and its inhabitants.He was an engineer who was given the task of developing a super weapon to bring an end to the war.

He succeeded in his task but he was ashamed of the monsters he had created.

As the sounds of mortar shells rattled the structure Simon stood in front of one of these monsters.

It was a Crimson marauder and he glanced at it with a tear in his eye. He walked around it as he placed his hands on the cold white tiled frame of the machine.

Why did it have to come to this he asked it?

'' Simon'' one of the artisans who helped build the Ghost approached him.

What is ''Damien'' he asked back. The man stood at attention next to him, it's the Ghost Simon... it killed another one.

The pilot you mean Damian, the pilot isn't just another one!!! Simon screamed at him, Simon with utmost respect you were the one who built it.

Don't remind me.

They walked around it until they stood in front of the cockpit hatch of the machine.

Damian opens it.

I'd rather not Simon

Do it or you will be next one inside.


Damian lifted his arm and placed his hand on a lit panel on the machine, they heard the sound of the hydraulic latches loosening and the hatch opened up pushing the pilot seat forward but what they saw was a grim reminder of the reality they created.

Inside of the seat there was blood running from the pilot's eyes, nose and ears, his nails were bloody and his flight suit and back were covered in deep scratches caused by the pilot.

The pilot tried to claw himself loose from his harness which fused him to the machine but he was too late, the smell of the blood which pulled on the pilot and the cockpit was nauseating.

Simon stood there, his face was covered by the look of horror, it turned green out of sheer terror, a second later he turned his head away as it became too much for him and he vomited next to it.

''Damian'' he said

Yes ''Simon''

Remove the pilot at once!!!!

B b but t sir r r r, ''Damian'' stuttered, how do I do that

Cut him out like the ones before him.

Simon's response was harsh but Damian complied with his instructions and the body was removed like all of those he had done before.

Simon walked away as to not witness the ensuing bloodshed, he walked towards a flight of stairs continuing down to the main floor of the base.

As Damian was removing the body of the pilot there was another succession of motor rounds followed by 4 machines.

Suddenly they heard a huge thud and they felt the earth rattle followed by a dust cloud as the main hanger dour burst open.

Simon the enemy has broken threw the main hanger gate of the facility, said a female voice, it was Delilah as she walked towards Simon.

Delilah was a beautiful woman also in her late 20's.She had raven coloured hair which hang loosely down her neck, it was shoulder length and she wore a cream colour robe rounded of by a set of goggles above her head.

She was the head of the intelligence and counter espionage group situated in the region.

Behind them stood another person at the top of the stairs.

Alex was his name, he was no one in particular, the only thing which kept him there was his connection to Simon and Delilah.

He was a friend of both of them but he was always living in the shadow of his friends' lives

Damian refits the Ghost with a new harness and preps it for another pilot Simon said as the dust started to clear but Delilah grabbed his arm.

Don't be silly, it's a death sentence.

Yes, but it is one of my own design

Booommmm!!!!! The shot of a massive gun was heard and the staircase at Simon and Delilah's back disintegrated in a flash, they looked behind them and the stairs were no more, the impact of the round was so violent it threw Damian out of the machine as he was finished installing a new harness.

Seconds later a squad of 4 heavily armed iron giants revealed themselves to everyone within eye sight of them.

As the 1st one came into view, it was quickly established as the squad leader of the group as it bore an unlikely painted frame and its armament were different from the other 3

It was painted in a dark red and brown camouflage pattern whilst the other units were simply brown in colour.

He had a 360 mm canon in its left hand and a Gau 8 avenger minigun bolted to his right arm.

It had a set of heavily armed legs which held firmly its small body.

The other machines arms were modified canon turrets and they had each had armour plating hastily welded on their thinly built legs and frame.

Each canon turret had its heavy barrel replaced by a 3 barrel Gatling type machine gun.

my name is Inferno the Scorcher and our demands are simple: hand over Simon the engineer of the Crimson marauders and all your lives will be spared he said to all the people he saw and without a second to spare the other brown units stepped forward with turrets drawn, failure to do so will result in death.

The soldiers started to bicker amongst themselves.

Delilah looked at Simon and she grabbed and pulled him away and into a nearby room in fear that the soldiers might turn him in.

Simon was shocked at her quick response but he knew it was for the best but suddenly the question dawned on him

Where is Alex?

Simon stared at Delilah as he asked her the very question, she didn't know.

Alex stood on the platform and the demand Inferno made upset him immensely and he noticed the Ghost cockpit was still ejected.

I don't know Delilah said to Simon as her first response was to save the closest person nearby.

Suddenly the Ghost leant forward, it broke the platform as it leant into a sprinter starting position.

Brrrrrrrrrrr, the rocket motors at the back of the Ghost body started up and the earth started to rattle as the 4 motors started to come to life.

Dahh!!!, an explosion was herd as the motors thrusters ignited shooting the machine forward, shaking the building and the ghost started in a lightning fast sprint towards the 4 machines.

Simon pushed Delilah out of the way as he heard the motors starting up and he opened the door,

Who the hell is piloting the Ghost Simon screamed out!!!

Its Alex Damian replied as he barely managed to get to safety.

Simon protect ''Delilah' 'Alex said threw the radio.

Simon could feel his face growing in heat as the sudden realisation struck him making him cry out of concern

The thought of seeing Alex dead inside the Ghost was a horrifying thought to him.

Alex you fool how could you! YOU know what the Ghost will do to you!!!,

Alex may have been living in his friend's shadows but he couldn't imagine live without them so the only thing he knew he could do was to operate the white demon in an attempt to save them.

As soon as the Ghost started to move the 3 iron giants opened fire.

The distance between them was about 150 meters and the distance was closed in an instant as the Ghost sped towards them.

As it was a mere 10 meters from the brown machines it cut its motor of to swing the Ghost around and the motor ignited again in a space between 2 of them to slow down its speed and the motors thrust were cut again.

Its hands were glowing bright red from the air resistance they sustained in the quick dash.

The ghost turned to face the 3 iron giants, it went down on both legs spreading them out, shooting his right hand wide open forward whilst pulling his left hand clenched in a fist down inwards towards his body.

2 of them moved out of the way but the 3rd wasn't as lucky as the hand smashed into his cockpit burning a hole right threw it killing the pilot in an instant.

You bastard the other 2 brown units shouted simultaneously whilst they started to fire their guns in the direction of the Ghost but as soon as the first round left the barrels of the guns the motors of the Ghost rotated 90 degrees to the left to launch it into a spin out of the bullets line of fire.

In its spin it dislodged the machine its hand was burned into towards the other two and it struck the second machine in another instant the second machine was destroyed.

The Ghost corrected its stance in an instant.

Every one of the bullets missed the Ghost and it saw a gap as the last of the 3 brown machines re loaded its guns.

It launched itself at the machine in front of him but this time he didn't break its speed as it got close to it, instead it spread open its hands to carve deep gashes as it flew past it.

The Ghost cut of the throttle on the motors as it turned around after it passed the last brown machine.

The Inferno stood and watched in amazement at the ferocity in which the Ghost was despatching his squad.

The Ghost then opened the throttle, it accelerated towards the last Iron giant and the motor cut off again, it turned around and the motor turned on again facing the last unit.

It was vaporised in an instant as the 5000 degree Celsius flame melted the machine down in an instant.

Marvellous simply marvellous Inferno proclaimed at the sight.

The Ghost then turned his head to face inferno, don't think I forgot about you Alex said as he finished melting down the last machine.

As they stared at each other Inferno moved towards Simon, the Ghost reacted to its movement by slumping its body forwards into the sprinting position from before.

Boooommmmm!!!! The rocket motors ignited and it launched itself at inferno.

Seeing the Ghost in action Inferno knew he didn't stand a chance,

inferno was a man with pride, he was sent to stop the Ghost or any of the Crimson marauders from ever being produced, if the Ghost was this strong, who knew what an army of these abominations could do and he be dammed if the world he loves would come to an end on his watch, so the only option he had left was to blow himself up and take both the Ghost and Simon with him to hell.

The inferno took a mad dash towards Simon but the Ghost closed the distance between them in an instant, it slammed into the Inferno and with a mighty thud and it broke through the wall in front of him, it struck a small ditch at the back of the base and it with the inferno was launched into the air and out of sight.

As the Ghost disappeared from eyesight Delilah saw her chance, she rushed towards a radio to speak to Alex but the moment she switched on the radio to speak to him she and everyone could hear the boom of an explosion.

As soon as she turned on the radio tears started to run down her face as she could hear him scream the second she pressed the 'on' button, her legs grew week and the weight of her body drove her to the ground.

She let go of the radio she held in her hand, she just stared at the thing-she was in shock as his screams echoed in her mind,

Simon saw her as she fell and he was concerned so he immediately rushed to her side.

Delilah what is wrong he asked her, her body shook and she pointed towards the radio.

Simon picked it up, pressed the button and there it was again the gut-wrenching screams of a man in pain, Delilah couldn't stand the sound so she pressed her hands on her ears to muffle out the sound.

The screams lasted seconds but to them it felt like hours.

Finally, the screams stopped and there was a silence, a sound no more.

Simon let go of the radio, he picked Delilah up and carried her away.

Upon seeing both their leaders' reaction everyone knew Alex was dead.

The next day a funeral was held in memory of the fallen and to Alex the man who saved them all.

At the funeral there wasn't a smile, there was a lot of drinking but no amount of alcohol could ever ease the pain of having lost a friend

, later that day they received the order to stop the production of the Crimson marauders because the war was finally over, with a peace treaty being signed by every major country which participated in the war.

Delilah, Damian and Alex parents were present during the memorial surface but Simon wasn't, the news that the war had ended struck Simon the hardest because he felt like Dr Frankenstein, he wanted to pilot the Ghost to protect these friends but in the end the monster didn't kill its master, it killed his best friend instead.

The fact that he created the machine which killed his best friend haunted him from that day on.

As the days went by after Alex died his friends tried to live their lives and they continued on but a string of sightings all over the Egyptian desert was about to change everything, the Ghost was very much active.

It was late in the afternoon and Al Nubaria was under attack by rebils.it was small town a distance away from the Egyptian capital city of Chairo.

As it was under siege by rebels, its citizens fled for tare lives but as the sun was setting on the horizon an Iron giant appeared in a flash of fire and smoke and it landed In the middle of the town with a thunderous clap as its legs made contact with the earth.

The people around the centre of the town were dumbstruck by the experience of it and they stared at the giant white machine in a mixture of awe and confusion.

Please just leave me alone! the iron giant shouted and the people ran away from the machine screaming.

Stop it the pilot was begging to anyone who could hear him but as soon as he screamed out the rebels saw him and opened fire on the iron giant.

He was scared out of his mind as each bullet struck the machine, sending a wave of pain into his body, the continues supply of adrenaline had worn down his mind but protecting people was second nature to him, he couldn't stop it.

In his fragile state of mind everyone who took up arms he saw wanted to hurt or worse kill him and being stuck in such a state for days he was lost to the far reaches of his mind, the only thing which drove him forward was the pain he felt with each consecutive bullet hit on his machine.

He was a husk of a man lost to pain, he was acting out of instinct like a wild animal.

As the rebels saw the Ghost just standing there motionless they approached it, thinking they had just taken down an iron giant but still they continued to fire their guns at it

After his pain threshold was reached the combat protocols of the machine took over for him.

The Ghost swung around its right arm towards its back to disconnect the solid rocket booster set from its back.

The soldiers quickly realised their mistake as the Ghost swung around the boosters and in a mighty thud of blazing glory he opened the throttle igniting its propellant bursting, vaporising everything in front of it in a crimson scarlet flash.

Seconds later as the dust from the blast cleared, what was left of the rebels was nothing more than a line of smouldering, burning earth.

With a mighty thud which came from the distant valley a canon shell was fired towards the Ghost by a tank but in his drugged state the Ghost swung its right arm 90 degrees, igniting the booster motors and the thrust pushed him away from the encroaching projectile.

The Ghost scanned the horizon until it saw the dust cloud in front of the tank, it reconnected the booster set to its back, slump forward and it launched itself at the tank.

Meer meters from the tank the booster set relented on its thrust, it swung around its body, redirecting the set downwards, planting his feet firmly on the ground he opened the thrust again and the dirt from the ground was kicked into the air forming a dust cloud around itself and the tank.

Boom!!!! The sound of the tank firing its main gun was herd once more followed up by the sound of small arms and then there was silence.

The people stood there watching, waiting until the dust settled and as soon as it did they saw a burning hunk of metal.

Minutes later the news of the incident was leaked online to the amazement of the world that the Ghost was still alive and active.

Donnerkrieg or ''thunder warfare'' as the Germans called it was the driving factor in the Ghost design.

Its body was highly aerodynamic with big sharp plating covering its entire body.

Mounted to its back was an Omni directional rocket booster set specifically designed for sustained high speed combat?

Its armour consisted of duel layer composite metals and alloys.

The first layer was a white tiled aluminium alloy to provide protection from the heat which came from the speed in which the Ghost operated.

The second layer was a thick woven ballistics fabric covered in a highly sensitive electromagnetic paint which upon contact re-laid a signal to the machines central processor to indicate damage.

The weapon of the Ghost was its sharp aerodynamic body as well as its sharp claws.

Its hands were made from layering 2 metals over each other, the top layer was extremely susceptible to air resistance whilst the core layer consisted of a denser stronger metal to provide the hands with density and strength.

As soon as the Ghost started to move, the drag those claws made with the air heated them up to glowing point. Light weight and fast, the Ghost was never built to last.

Some view hours after the incident at Al Nubaria there was a sighting of the Ghost outside of Sadat City.

Whilst playing outside in the desert a stone throw away from the city 3 teenagers crossed paths with The Ghost.

The 3 teenagers were kicking a soccer ball around until one of them kicked it to hard and it flew off into the bushes and down a hill.

They went to go find their ball but what they found was something they never thought they would see, it was the Ghost but it was slumped forward, its legs were folded inwards pressing down on a big boulder, it's head resting against the same boulder as its legs, its booster set was faced downwards towards the ground and its arms hung loosely from the body.

They saw the ball close to the leg of the machine but they dared not near it until one of the boys got close to it to fetch his ball.

As he approached the Iron giant he grabbed his smart phone from one of his pockets and he took a video of it as he got closer to the ball.

When he reached his ball, he realised that there was blood dripping from the machine, he could see patches of skin sticking out from the holes he saw which littered the machines backside, as soon as he got his ball he and his friends ran away as they saw the machine starting to stand up.

Life continued for Delilah as she tried to move on from that day, she was recalled from her assignment in Egypt and her boss gave her leave to grieve but she refused it, instead opting to continue her work at the CIA in hopes to forget.

It was in the middle of winter and Delilah was walking to her office with a steaming mug of hot chocolate in her hands blowing at it, Delilah ' her best friend 'Miranda' called out to her as she passed her by, there has been another sighting of the Ghost, not this again she hissed as she continued on her way to her office focusing, thinking deeply of the cup of hot chocolate in her hands, focusing on the warmth of it against the cold office air.

''Delilah'' her friend Miranda called out again, there is evidence this time and it looks legit, those words rang in her ears and the mug fell from her hands spilling its hot contents all over the flour as Delilah forgot about the cup and rushed to her friends desk, she longed so much to see her friend Alex once more.

as soon as the video started playing she was happy but the closer the camera got to the Ghost the more upset she got as the damage became more visible, the Ghost was shot to hell, its frame broken, deformed and full of holes, they finally found proof that Alex was alive but what was left to be found of him scared her.

This was the 3rd report they received in a matter of days.

The 1st report came from Ahmad, it was rumours of a white demon which attacked some of rebels in the area

The 2nd report came from Al Nubaria, where the ghost intercepted a group of rebels laying siege to the town

And finally, it was the 3rd report from the teenagers.

Something in the sightings were very strange, Delilah saw that there was a pattern to all of it, she followed the line and she realised all of it leaded to the Ghost appearing in Cairo, the capital city of Egypt.

The pattern was strange, why the sightings, why now, what was going on, she didn't know, the chance to see her friend blinded her from the truth.

She immediately picked up the office phone and she called Simon to tell him about the news she received and where it all led.

Simon picked up his phone and he was ecstatic with the news, whilst speaking to Helena he had one hand on the phone and his other hand he guided it down a black yet strangely familiar frame.

As they spoke the 2 arranged to meet in the city of Cairo and to discuss the details of their plan in person.

Minutes later the plane ticket was bought and Delilah got onto a plane on her way to meet up with Simon and Simon did the same.

On the plane in the cold embrace of the night sky the desert was a beautiful place, Simon looked out the window to take in the sight of the peaceful landscape but he could see smoke and fire on the horizon, it was no doubt the signs of rebels doing what they do but out everything he saw he singled out a quick succession of flashes, he knew from the flashes that it was the Ghost.

Don't you worry my friend, we will save you

It was still nigh time by the time they landed, they met up in a nearby restaurant, ordered a meal as airplane food is never that greater plus who doesn't like a stake diner anyway, during the meal it was decided they were to go to the last place the Ghost was sighted and continue their search from there on.

After their meal they got into an armoured limo, escorted by a group of soldiers.

As they were exiting the airport Delilah immediately spotted a truck with a large container on a flatbed.

What is in the container she asked Simon?

Don't worry about it, it is just a backup plan.

On their way to Sadat City they fell prey to an ambush on the M75 highway by a group of rebels.

As soon as the driver saw the first rebel rising from the sands with his gun raised he immediately called out to the rest of the convoy to ready themselves

Sir and Mam get your heads down! the driver screamed at them both as a shootout began against the 2 forces.

Delilah ducked her head down in fear and the world disappeared, all the memories of that day came rushing back to her and she started drowning in it.

Simon saw her face going blank, he grabbed her by the shoulder of the blue shirt she was wearing.

Are you ok Simon asked her as a bullet struck him on the arm and she was pulled out of her daze?

She nodded ok in response as she realised where they were, she immediately tore a piece of cloth from her sleeve as she saw the crimson stain on Simon's shoulder.

Just then clang!!!!!! They heard a bullet striking the drivers helmet and the driver fell backwards between them, dead with a bullet hole in his skull.

as the battle continued around them a thick sand storm rolled over the area and silence befell the area until the thunderous roar of a rocket motor broke the silence, the only thing they could see threw the dust and darkness was a white blur passing them by followed by the bright red flame of the booster set on its back, they immediately realised it was the Ghost.

Did Alex know they were in danger or was it pure luck of the draw, they didn't know but they were exited none the less.

Alex saw his friends as he passed them by but in his state of mind he didn't fully notice them.

As the Ghost passed the thick wall of the sand storm he started Scanning the horizon and the Ghost saw 3 iron giants in brown paint accompanied by a small force of at least 50 men In front of him.

without a second's hesitation The Ghost preceded towards the 3 iron giants ,in its dash it spread out its claws until they were glowing bright red, it boosted towards one of the iron giants, cut the thrust with momentum pushing him forwards, it leapt into the air disconnecting the booster set from his back with his right arm swinging it above his head level with its body as it twisted its body sideways horizontal to the ground spinning just above one of the machines, its left claw made contact with the iron giant, ripping its head and peace of its upper torso clean off of its body.

Whilst in the spin it swung the booster vertical to the ground then ignited launching the Ghost into the air, into the darkness of the night sky the Ghost vanished as it flew into the air but a moment later everyone felt the earth shake close by in the direction of where the other brown giants were. The second machine s upper torso was crushed into his lower legs and thanks to the upper arm of the Ghost now resting in the bended body ware the chest should have been, in its dissent the Ghost slammed his upper arm like a hammer into the machine beneath it

the broken mangled frame erupted with flames with the Ghost standing behind it as if though it was summoned from the depths of hell, the light the fire made glistened of every bullet mark, every dent and every piece of broken of steel of the Ghost exaggerating each and every detail of the Ghost's horribly damaged frame

The rebels who saw this were demoralized the instant there eyes met with it and the metal monster just stood there, its face halve blown away, the sound of blood dripping was heard as it stood there motionless.

The dust storm finally rolled over the area they were and the Ghost vanished into it, the rebels ran away as the Ghost faded into the storm.

Sur the Ghost has been spotted just like you said it would.

Good soldier, now rest in peace, I down the Ghost will show mercy.

Yes, sir thank you.

The pilot could here footsteps but he saw nothing, the Ghost was finally moving again but death didn't come for the pilot.

When the dust finally blew over the Ghost stood motionless in front of the pilot and his machine but something was of, it didn't move but it was staring at him, the pilot could hear the sound of gargling as if though something was choking on blood followed by rapid breathing, it is then he saw blood again coming from the Ghost.

Inside of a dark spot on its chest he saw the reflection of blood shot eyes staring at him, a moment later there was the sound of a cough, blood flew out of the cockpit and then the blood flowing out of the machine lessened.

These symptoms displayed looked like a punctured lung to the pilot.

In front of him he didn't see a monster anymore but instead he saw a man in pain wishing for the end to come.

He moved his hands inside the cockpit of his machine and the machine responded by lifting up the gun it held in its hand.

The Ghost noticed the movement and the booster set on its back came to life, igniting sending him in the opposite direction of the last Brown iron giant.

Dadadadada!!!!!! the gun went off striking one of the rockets in the booster set and a small fire erupted from the motor, a second later the motor exploded sending the Ghost downwards, slamming it into the ground, sand flew everywhere as the Ghost skidded along the flat ground.

The iron giant moved towards the Ghost to end its live, not out of spite but out of mercy, the stories the pilot herd about the Ghost spoke of a demon which killed everything and everyone which saw it, the brutality he saw was evident of that in the way it killed his friends but weren't they the one who started all of this, Perhaps he was over thinking it but why didn't the Ghost kill him? , the question lingered in his mind as he slowly approached the Ghost.

By the time he reached the Ghost it was trying to lift itself up with its arms but it couldn't because of all the damage done to them.

Rest in peace Ghost he said as he lifted his gun towards the Ghost, suddenly 2 devilishly red eyes pierced threw the dark void in front of him, his controls became unresponsive and the Ghost vanished behind a shape of black, he tried to move his machine but he got know ware, sparks went flying and his controls went limp as 2 sharp bangs were herd followed by the disappearance of the iron giant's arms into the void of the night sky.

He noticed something which looked like a jaw opening up with a flame inside of it beneath those chrimson eyes, he pulled on a lever which opened a hatch behind his seat and he dove out of the machine when he saw a flash of chrimson erupting from its mouth.

When he came to his senses moments later his machine was no more, melted away by a demon of the night.

The Demon now moved towards the Ghost, when it reached it a shiny light erupted from the centre of its chest and a hatch opened up beneath it to reveal its pilot... Simon

the Ghost laid there in front of this dark figure, its features nearly identical to its but this figure was different, its body was covered in a dark composite paint capable of rendering it invisible to radar, extending out of the centre of its head was a long horn like rod imbedded with sensors to pick up heat, infrared and all other types of readings about its surrounding, it had a mechanical jaw with a pilot light burning in the centre of it.

From its jaws 2 pipes protruded and flowed down its neck towards its back which housed 2 externally kept fuel tanks full of napalm.

Its body was slumped forward to compensate for the extra load of the tanks, an elongated neck connected the head to the body, its arms were similar to that of the Ghost but they were more rounded in appearance.

Instead of composite metal claws it had 2 flat metal rods imbedded into its hands with multiple explosive charges at ether sides of it working like a nail gun to extend and retract them, the edges of these rods were sharp, toped if by a sharp point which were located in its palms.

Its booster set was replaced or rather upgraded with each of its 4 boosters connected to folding arms which in its current configuration mirrored the look of the booster set found on the Ghost.

On the cockpit hatch was a motorised winch, Simon climbed out of the cockpit, grabbed the winch and he descended to the ground

When he reached the ground, he lifted his right arm which had an electronic gauntlet attached to it towards his chest, he pressed a button on it and the demon facing his back disappeared into the night.

He pointed towards the survivors of his convoy and instructed them to move the last of the vehicles to move and sign a light on the Ghost, they did what he asked and the vehicles moved and lit up the Ghost with all the lights they had.

When the lights began to bathe the Ghost, it lifted up its body and the haunting truth of Alex disappearance revealed itself to all of them, immediately some people turned away.

Its once beautiful white frame was almost damaged beyond recognition, the frame was riddled with bullet holes, its white glimmer completely gone, its torso had dry stains of blood all over it, and its head had one eye still functioning with the other eye melted away.

Delilah immediately gasped as the shock of the damage overwhelmed her, she lifted her hands over her mouth to make les apparent her emotions to everyone.

She took a few steps forward towards the Ghost, he noticed her and him wild the Ghost to its knees, with each and every movement they heard a grunt coming from its pilot, the sound was nauseating to the people who witnessed it, the motors were straining in its body as it moved but eventually it stopped moving.

When the Ghost finally stopped moving Delilah and Simon noticed a big jagged hole inside of the Ghost chest right where a normal person's hart should be, the light which acted as a cockpit release was completely destroyed.

Inside of this big hole they saw 2 bloods shot eyes staring at them, when a light finally managed to fill the dark void inside the hole they saw the rest of him or ratter what was left of him.

Inside the machine there sat a horribly burnt man with 3rd degree burns all over his body tears were running down his burned-up face, he didn't say a word but the look on his face said it all.

Please I'm begging you release me his eyes pleaded with them but they couldn't do it

His burnt-up body was covered in burning hot metal which no doubt came from the hole inside its chest, it was imbedded no burned into Alex flesh.

A normal man would have died from such horrible injuries but Alex wasn't so lucky, the adrenaline coursing through his veins kept him alive through every horrible bullet, every peach of hot metal burning its way into his flesh.

Whilst taking in the sight in front of them Alex tears intensified and the sounds he made sounded like a wounded animal dying, as he was crying he looked both Delilah and Simon dead in their eyes, he was begging them to show him mercy, to grant him the release he so righteously deserved but they couldn't do it.

Simon took a few steps back and looked away because he couldn't handle it, he knew he that when he started on this journey that he might face his friend but the brutality of Alex injuries he wasn't prepared fore,

He was ashamed at what he had done.

Alex was broken and he felt rejected seeing his friend turn away at the sight of him, he gathered his will and the Ghost was trying to stand up but he couldn't, he stood up but immediately fell knees forward to the ground.

Alex don't move Simon turned to face him he screamed but the agonising sight continued once more and this time the Ghost fell over completely, know laying on his side, the arms moved to pick up its torso but the movement immediately stopped when a soft hand reached into the cockpit and touched Alex face, it was Delilah.

Seeing him struggle overrode her feelings of dread and her body just reacted to help him, even for just a second but the rest of her mind followed close by.

Simon raised his right hand and pressed a button on the gauntlet signalling the Nightmare to stand ready.

Alex looked at the hand on his face and he turned his head as he saw Delilah in front of him, his eyes closed as she started to speak to him, she was pushing down her emotions of dread as Alex wasn't ready to experience such reactions from both the 2 people he sacrificed his live to protect.

He started to murmur but a finger on his lips silenced him, don't worry – everything is going to be fine she whispered to him, she placed both her hands on the sides of his face and she rested her head against his.

Alex tiers dried up and he exhaled, his breathing stopped and the Ghost fell forward, Delilah started to panic as she herd it and the machine fell around her but the Nightmare caught it.

Simon something's wrong, Alex stopped breathing, the Nightmare immediately removed the booster set on the ghost and placed it on the flatbed truck which transported it, and 2 mechanical doors folded around the Ghost, glossing the flatbed. now safely inside the confines of the flatbed a team of medical personnel rushed Alex and the Ghost.

Delilah turned to face Simon

Did you know this was going to happen to him she screamed?

Not to him no but to someone else yes, his reply was cold, almost emotionless

But why did you build it and this new Crimson marauder- she was staring at the Nightmare.

How many lives do your machines need to take before you find peace, her dread turned to rage the moment she saw Simon the creator of it all

It only needed to take one life Delilah! he snapped at her, only one live and it should have been mine!!!

I didn't ask you to save me that day, heck if you'd save Alex instead then everything might have turned out differently.

Delilah realised her anger was misplaced

I wanted to die like I deserved to

You don't mean, that do you?

Yes, I do

Delilah saw the look of pain in his eyes and she left Simon, she had done enough damage on hammering him already, she rushed towards Alex to see if he was ok

Simon walked towards the nightmare, he grabbed the winch by the hand and got into the cockpit of his machine, the Nightmare proceeded towards the front of the convoy to lead them to Chairo. It is then he noticed a soldier trying to hide from them.

The flatbed which transported the Nightmare had a crew of medical personnel and engineers stationed on it with scaffolding around it which served as a way to do maintenance.

Delilah opened the dour which led into the flatbed and she saw the medical personnel running around the Ghost screaming, the engineers around it were feverishly trying to patch up the damage on the Ghost.

Stabilize him now a doctor screamed in the confusion to a nurse which was in the hole inside of its chest next to Alex,

The nurse was panicking when the machine started to move around him, I can't a pulse! he isn't breathing, the Ghosts arms folded inwards towards ins chest.

The Nightmare dove forward towards the soldier, he grabbed the soldier, and start speaking or this thing is going to be the last thing you'll ever see

Ok the soldier nodded

Just then Simon herd the doctor call to him, Simon we can't control the Ghost, its flailing its arms around putting us all at risk.

The Nightmare released the soldier, someone grab that man, I'll be there in a second, he immediately moved to the flatbed.

A moment later a large rod fired threw the container severing the laches which kept it closed and the nightmare reached into the flatbed and used its arms to restrain the Ghost.

Simon saw Alex coughing up blood, doctor do something now or I'll show you what this machine can do to a person.

The doctor freed for his live as Simon made true on his threats, he grabbed a scalpel, a lung pump and a piece of surgical tubing, he jumped into the cockpit with his nurse now trying to search for the cause of the blood he was coughing up, he found a small piece of metal stuck in his chest, he pulled it out and he herd Alex taking a deep breath but it didn't last long, his lung collapsed.

Alex body was shaking as the peace of steel was pulled from his body and then there was nothing, no movement from him.

Delilah ran towards the cockpit of the Ghost, she grabbed the nurse by the colour of his shirt and she yanked upwards throwing him backwards over the side of the Ghost, the nurse hit his neck on the way own on the steel flour, she felt bad for her action but she would apologise later.

What the hell miss!!!

Don't start with me!!! She shot the doctor a furious glare as she jumped into the cockpit, the doctor was busy inserting the medical tubing into his collapsed lung and he opened it up but even with his lung sort of fixed up he still wasn't breathing.

Delilah bent downwards towards Alex, she took her hands to his face as he now lay dead in front of her, she wished for more time, so many things were left unsaid and so many feelings were left UN shown.

She took her left hand, dragging it along his hair, with her right arm she rested it on his chest and she planted a long overdue kiss on his lips as her final goodbye to the man she loved, just then the doctor felt a pulse, Alex began to breathe again.

The doctor pushed Delilah out of the way and he began the process of evacuating the fluid inside Alex chest.

Delilah was happy that Alex didn't die and Simon found momentary peace.

Simon immediately turned his attention towards his captive whilst Delilah fell asleep next to Alex, clenching his hand

He got out of the Nightmare to confront the soldier,

I built the Ghost as a silent infiltrator so how come you knew where to attack me or it he asked the soldier

You don't know what's coming, he didn't forget, he Wants revenge for that day

Who is he!?

You'll find out soon enough

Finally, after a few hours the sun rose up on the horizon but the city of chairo was burning, smoke was bellowing from its once peaceful interior as fires started to spread outwards.

Everywhere the eye could see there was blood flowing in the streets like water, people screamed in a panic as they saw a demon which came from the sky above, this demon started to run amuck in its streets.

The army of Chairo deployed to stop it but they were no match for this beast.

More than a thousand soldiers deployed to destroy the demon but no one survived the encounter.

When the military failed to stop it the people fled from the city in there hundreds.

Simon who stood watch noticed the smoke coming from the city but he was too tired to process it, he was piloting a crimson marauder and he had a harness attached to him but he operated it using the same controls as all the other iron giants in existence.

Foot pedals on the floor of the cockpit controlled its legs, 2 joysticks, one in each hand to control each of its arms and its weapon systems.

Simon started to nod off when a screaming motorist past the convoy, its hooter awoke him from his slumber and there was more to come as he saw the rest of the cars behind it.

The soldiers in the convoy were spooked by the sudden appearance of all the traffic but they saw that they were blocking the traffic.

Delilah was woken up by the noise as well, feeling quite tired as everything which happened felt like a dream, she was lying next to Alex and she immediately looked to her left to see if he was still there and he was.

The doctors were still busy around Alex, he was covered from head to toe in bandages with all manner of tubes and cables leading out from underneath the bandages towards computers and many other types of medical instruments she had never seen before.

She stood up when she noticed a group of doctors standing across a light panel showing x-rays from Alex spine.

The reason for the Ghost not killing Alex on day 1 was the debate the doctors were discussing amongst themselves, what the x rays showed was the degree of fusion between Alex and the Ghost, with a big cluster of shrapnel which was imbedded into his spine.

The noise of the traffic honking became louder and louder until everything became too much for Simon.

Simon lifted his left hand and pressed a button on the gauntlet attached to his right, the mechanical harness came to live, a tentacle like arm shot out from the Nightmare into a hole inside the harness, Simon felt a crippling pain signalling the tentacle activating the harness boring its way into every nook and cranny into his spinal column, his body grew numb and his vision of the cockpit interior blurred and faded away, replaced by the view from the Nightmares head.

Before the pain became too much the adrenaline overdose started to take effect.

Inside the cockpit Simons eyes started to bleed as every bit of information of the surroundings flowed into his mind, he could feel the boosters on his back, he moved his arms and the legs and arms of the Nightmare responded.

He switched his optics to thermal and he was now fully aware at the destruction in the distance.

He saw the burning buildings in Chairo, he now could hear the people of the city screaming, and inside of all this hell and destruction he saw a familiar camouflaged machine in the centre of it all

The inferno....

Delilah heard a scream coming from the nightmare, when she looked up she saw it moving.

Penance Simon declared over the radio, Delilah protect Alex he said to her before Simon felt the powerful motors on his back again.

The Nightmare slumped forward into a sprinters position and with a huge thud the motors came to life, igniting, launching the Nightmare in the direction of the burning city.

Minutes later the Nightmare was inside the city, 2 of the booster motors folded over his shoulders and the other 2 moved to his side in a square formation, in that configuration 360 degree maneuverability became possible.

The inferno stood tall in the centre of Chairo. his iron giant was a 4-legged fortress which was armed to the teeth with 4 missile racks, each containing 9 missiles situated in the leg portions of the machine, its upper body was a heavily armoured mass of steel resembling a fortress with 2 folded arms which had been fitted with booster motors to give its bulk the necessary speed to attack.

The centre housed a turret fitted with 1 500mm smooth bore cannon and fitted around the entire body were 8 auto tracking 100 mm anti Giant defence turrets.

A crimson red and brown camouflage paintjob rounded of the Inferno.

As soon as the Nightmare came into eye distance from the Inferno one of the 8 turrets sent a round of scorching hot steel into his direction, missing him just barely, hitting the side of a building

That was close...

The nightmare's front right booster ignited, pushing it behind a building.

Simon moved slowly to the buildings edge when he saw a missile flying towards him, shit! the 2 front boosters shot forward pushing the nightmare backwards.

Booommmm!!!! The missile struck the building disintegrating a chunk of it in an instant.

The Nightmare narrowly avoided the blast, the 2 forwards facing motors moved, his left swung to its back and the 2 at his back straightened out whilst its right fired of pushing it into the street then the right moved to its back and aligned itself with the rest as the debris hid him from the Inferno

With the 4 motors now aligned, they opened up full throttle, accelerating the nightmare towards the inferno at a blistering pace.

Meer meters away from the Inferno the Nightmare swung its hands forward, the 2 metal rods fired into the ground propelling the Nightmare into the air, launching him in an arch over the Inferno.

In its small short flight, the booster set separated from its current configuration and all 4 repositioned downwards, 2 of them ignited 50% whilst the other 2 opened 100% sending the Nightmare into a spin above the inferno with both rods still extended.

The 2 rods struck 4 of the turrets cleaving them in half but as soon as they struck the folded arms it broke his momentum as the blades carved into its arms, the 4 motors swung around, ignited and they levelled the Nightmare as its feet landed on the ground.

When the Nightmare landed on the ground Simon saw 3 missiles flying towards him.

Delilah thought about Simon's words, this situation was similar to the events of THAT day where she lost herself, Simon and more importantly Alex, she started to sink into the emotions of that day until a sound coming from the Ghost pulled her from her thoughts followed by an explosion in the distance.

She heard screaming, stop Alex we are trying to help you!!! a doctor screamed but he didn't listen, the Ghost started to move, it sat its body upwards throwing her and the doctor from its chest, he caught them both in his hands and he pulled out all the wires and tubes that led into his body.

He put Delilah and the doctor on the flatbed, he saw the look of shock in her eyes, it hurt him, stop Alex!!! Delilah screamed but the Ghost stood up

Delilah don't worry about me, he finally spoke.

Of course, I worry I just got you back

Alex was happy with those words but he knew the Inferno was active and seeking revenge.

I wish I could stay but that machine Simon is piloting is going to kill him.

They herd 3 explosions in the distance and the Ghost grabbed the damaged booster set from the ground, reconnecting it to its back, slumped forwards and in an explosion of fire and dust he was gone.

When the smoke cleared the Nightmare was still left standing with its booster set, all 4 of its arms swung over its shoulders, faced forwards and his jaw was fully opened, the set ignited to destroyed the missiles before they could hit him.

The ground started to shake as the Inferno turned its fortress like turret to face the Nightmare

Marvellous, just marvellous, I came looking for the Ghost but instead I find a Nightmare instead, clearly you aren't the one I'm looking for so step aside.

The Inferno fired his cannon at Simon but the 4 motors levelled horizontally and then ignited again pushing him backwards out of the cannons line of fire

The Ghost entered the city at a blistering speed, he saw the Inferno facing the Nightmare then he noticed the partially blown up building, 3 stories

a quarter of the way up this 12-story building was damaged almost half way through, the building was on the brink of collapsing and Alex being a lover of demolition would be glad to help it along.

Continuing towards the building the Ghost spread out its claws, it cut the throttle on the booster set with momentum pushing him forwards towards the building.

Clearly you aren't the Ghost, you lack the clarity, the ferocity, the grace of the booster dance called death I saw on that day.

Simon noticed the Ghost approaching and he said nothing, the Nightmare stood up and the booster set swung backwards, realigned to face its back in a standard frontal boost configuration and fire erupted from its mouth to distract the Inferno

The Ghost was finally within reach of the building, it jumped towards the building with its claws carving out concrete 1 story above the damaged levels.

The building was creaking from its damage but it didn't fall over, the Ghost then climbed to the top of the building, eventually he reached the top of the building and he was appalled at the destruction, he slumped forwards on both knees with and hands, the booster set levelled horizontally and opened up full throttle.

The inferno noticed the sound of the boosters and it was like music to his ears.

Finally, there was a crack and the building started to fall forward

Revenge Ghost I missed you!!!

As the building started to fall the Ghost relented on his thrust, he made a back flip of the top of the building and the motor opened up the throttle gain.

Boom, boom, boom, the Ghost smashed through the 3 damaged flours and he emerged underneath the towering inferno, claws spread wide open , he cut threw 2 of the inferno's legs, The inferno fell towards his side.

As the Ghost emerged from the building the Nightmare launched forward with the 2 metal rods extended and he passed the other 2 legs cutting them down in a flash. Fore a split second the 2 crimson marauders noticed each other, they spun to the side and they narrowly missed each other, they after they passed the Nightmare exited through the hole the Ghost made and the building finally fell on the Inferno boooommmmm!!!!!

With the Inferno now buried underneath the rubble the Nightmare scanned the rubble to look for life, a mechanical hand shot through the rebel and grabbed the left arm of the Nightmare, the Ghost immediately slammed its right claw into the arm and the arm descended into the ground with a souvenir in hand.

The 2 machines stood facing each other and slowly they walked towards each other

Forgive me Alex said to Simon

What are you apologising for, I'm the one who put you in danger

I'm apologising for this, the Ghost spread its legs out and his right claw shot forwards slamming into the Nightmares chest, the Ghost folded the fingers of the claw around the cockpit of the Nightmare and pulled.

For a few agonising seconds Simon felt the most pain he had ever felt in his live as his cockpit with his harness still connected was pulled from the machine, after all this time Alex still thought of saving them.

Simon was overwhelmed with anger and joy but his body was paralysed, he couldn't move.

The Ghost sat down the cockpit at a save location, turned his back away from Simon and he went to go look for any signs of live but before he could continue the sharp metal rod the Inferno took from the Nightmare shot out of the ground and it went through the Ghost lower back and it exited from the cockpit where Alex sat, the blade completely eviscerated most of Alex body in an instant and blood flowed out of the cockpit and onto the Ground below, Simon could only sit by and watch this horrible sight unfolding right in front of him whilst he was powerless, the sight drove him mad and he was heard screaming out like a man possessed

The Blade descended into the ground and the Ghost slumped forwards, motionless, the earth started to shake and the arms of the Inferno started to clear the rubble around it, when its upper body was dug out the Ghost started to move, it disconnected the Damaged booster set from his back and it fell to his side, he ignited the throttle to full burst and the motor exploded vaporising the Inferno in an instant

ours later Delilah arrived in the city, Simons paralyses was not permanent as she saw him standing over a molten frame of an iron giant resembling the Ghost , the lower torso was completely incinerated, its arms were noting but bare frame and islanders, its head molten away, she saw him crying over the cockpit and when she stepped forward Simon stop her from approaching the Burned up machine, she joined Simon and they both wept for Alex until they saw something, it was a small gesture, a glowing piece of metal moving.

From the moment Alex sat foot in the Crimson marauder dubbed the Ghost his future was decided and the wheel of fate was set into motion.