Little bun?

Yang Lin had stretched her leg successfully tripping Qin Yan. Qin Yan fell down on her face with a thud. Everyone in the room started laughing again.

Qin Yan felt an intense pain and her eyes filled with tears. She felt extremely humiliated. She winced and got up with much effort. Everybody was laughing and nobody cared about her. She stormed out of the room and went straight to the washroom.

"Sister!" called Qin Muran but she did not follow Qin Yan.

"Muran, let her be! Let's enjoy together!" Mu Yuyin exclaimed happily.

"But sister.."

"Don't worry, She'll be fine."

Qin Yan heard all this and felt more ashamed. After entering the washroom, she started washing her face. But her tears could not stop falling. 

'Why does this happen to me? Why does everyone behave like this? What have I done wrong? Why am I like this? Everyone is normal except me..Will I never get justice? Will I never be treated well?'

Her tears were getting washed away with the water splashing on her face. She then wiped her face and cried in a corner for a long time. She pulled herself up and thought about getting out of the hotel.

Just as she came out of the washroom, somebody suddenly struck a rod on her head and she fainted instantly.

Mo Ran realized that this hit caused the death of the host Qin Yan. But what she could not figure out was who was behind this. Was all this planned by Lu Yaran or Qin Muran? Or were both of them involved? Qin Yan didn't have such strong enmity with anybody other than the two mother daughter. She had to find out the culprit and give it back to them tenfold.

As she was immersed in her thoughts, Mo Ran (from now on, referred to as Qin Yan) heard a trembling sound. 'Who is here? Did the hooligans find me so quickly? No that can't be. The door of store room didn't open. Something is inside here. Is it a rat? Is there some kind of animal?'

Qin Yan instantly became alert. She followed the sound and found a little boy trembling behind the rusty cupboard.

'How did a child end up in the store room? Where are his parents? How can somebody be so irresponsible to leave their child here!'

Filled with anger, Qin Yan walked towards the boy. As she got closer, the boy lifted his small head and looked at her. He looked about five years old. He had pinkish delicate cheeks, dark round eyes, and long thick brush-like lashes. Realizing that he was caught, a hint of panic flashed past the boy's eyes. He suddenly arched backwards. He then hugged his knees and his trembling continued.

Qin Yan's heart skipped a beat as if someone twisted her heart painfully. She could not help but walk closer to the boy and ask, "Little bun, what's the matter?"

Just as she touched his hand, Qin Yan reflexed back. 'Oh my God, his body is burning with fever. I wonder how he is conscious till now. His temperature is already this high. If not treated soon, the consequences would be dire.'

If this was any other situation, Qin Yan wouldn't have bothered about it. But as a doctor, she had a great sense of responsibility towards a patient much less a cute little bun who she felt attached to.

By this time, the boy had already fainted. Qin Yan felt conflicted. What was she supposed to do? It was necessary to provide instant treatment to the child and for this she had to get out of here as soon as possible. But getting out meant going straight into the hands of the gangsters. Also, she didn't know the identity of little bun or his parents. How was she supposed to inform them?

When she was pondering everything, the boy's trembling worsened. She realized the crux of the situation and embraced him into her arms.

'I have to get out of here and save the child' Qin Yan decided, 'No matter what the situation is, I have to fight it out.'

She carefully covered the little boy in her arms and ran out of the store room. She didn't look back and only focussed towards the exit.

She didn't know how she gained the strength and how this body supported her but with her mind focussed and heart firm, she ran out of the fire exit without any hindrances.


In the private room, Qin Muran threw her phone in anger.

"What's the matter Muran? Are you alright?" Yang Lin asked.

"Yes, I just feel a little uncomfortable. I need some fresh air. I'll come after some time." With that, Qin Muran stood up to leave.

"Are you sure you are okay? Do you want me to come with you?" asked Yang Lin.

"Yes, there is no problem. You enjoy. If there is anything, I'll let you know." After saying this, Qin Muran smiled apologetically at others and left the room. Nobody noticed a vicious glint passing through her eyes.