Face smacking

"What the hell are you talking about! Qin Yan, How dare you think about something like this! It's one thing that you have such poor grades, but dropping out of the school? Don't you think you have embarrassed us enough! How will I show my face in the society as a dropout's father!" Qin Yicheng roared.

Qin Muran hurriedly pacified her father, "Dad, please try to understand sister. She is having a hard time studying. For her peace of mind, it's better for her to drop out."

Lu Yaran added flames to the fire, "Muran, you don't have to speak on her behalf. What will she do after dropping out? Her reputation is already bad in our circle. Nobody wants to get associated with her. Moreover, with her personality, if she drops out, I won't be surprised if she goes astray. I won't allow my daughter to drop out."

Although Lu Yaran was totally unconcerned about Qin Yan and wanted to destroy her, she still had to put a facade of a strict parent. On the surface, her words seemed to be reprimanding her daughter but actually she was tarnishing her.

As expected, Qin Yicheng's anger grew, "Your mother is right. We absolutely refuse to support her decision."

Qin Muran didn't expect her parents to refute this suggestion so firmly. As she thought of her efforts going into vain, she grew restless. She nudged Qin Yan and indicated her to say something.

Qin Yan looked calmly at their faces. She knew the real intentions of mother and daughter from the start, but she was unsure of Qin Yicheng. Now she realised that her so-called father only cared about his reputation in society and nothing else. This helped her in deciding the ways to deal with these people.

She sneered in her heart, "Father, I never said that I want to drop out. Neither to you, nor to Muran. Sister, I wonder why did you have such misunderstanding about me?"

Qin Muran was startled, "But didn't you say you are struggling in studies and wish to quit school?" She could not understand why Qin Yan was not supporting her claims.

Qin Yan said calmly, "It is true that I am struggling in studies. But, as far as I remember, I never said I want to quit school. Tell me if I'm wrong."

Hearing that Qin Yan didn't have the intention to quit, Qin Yicheng's temper came down a bit. He still asked Qin Muran, "Muran, when did Qin Yan tell you about quitting?"

Qin Muran now realised that Qin Yan had never mentioned quitting school. It was her who instigated Qin Yan to do so. She looked at Qin Yan and saw her smiling sarcastically. She understood that she had fallen into her own trap. Qin Yan had backstabbed her. She glared hatefully at Qin Yan.

"Maybe, I misunderstood sister. I apologise for my mistake. I am really sorry," Qin Muran ran towards her room with tears in her eyes.

Lu Yaran felt a heartache seeing her beloved daughter in this condition. She also knew that her daughter had fallen into this bitch's trap. She ran after her daughter in order to console her.

Qin Yicheng massaged the space between his brows. He was troubled by the whole situation. Now he was in no mood to eat and thus left the room.

Qin Yan sat in the dining room with a smile. She truly enjoyed the show. 'This is just the beginning. I will make your lives terrible, much more than what you did to the little girl.'

She ate her food leisurely. Because she didn't have lunch and even the breakfast was thrown away by her, she was very hungry. She filled up her stomach and left in satisfaction.

After the dinner, Qin Yan decided to take a stroll in the garden behind the villa.

Looking up into the night sky, she was welcomed by countless stars, constellations, and the moon.  For her, the starry night sky was a time of comfort and peace.

The serenity and quietness of the nearby trees swaying in the gentle breeze, and the sound of crickets in the night, granted her time to reflect on her life; yet, a time to set dreams for the future.

She had a rare moment of peace. In her previous life, she was constantly busy with different patients and barely had time to rest. When she transmigrated, she was again welcomed by chaos. So, she enjoyed the moment and lived it fully.


"Mom, I was just trying to help sister. I had no bad intentions towards her. When I saw her struggling, I offered to help her. But I didn't know that she would pay me back like this. I have been totally humiliated in front of father. Dad must be thinking that I am a liar. Mom, believe me, I didn't lie," Qin Muran cried before Lu Yaran.

"Darling, I trust you and I am sure that your dad must also trust you. So don't think too much. It is that wretch's fault. She won't let us be at peace. I must let your father see her true colours and kick her out of the family," Lu Yaran consoled her daughter.