
Snowrabbit Xun: [Your girlfriend is here.. (insert wink emoji)]

Jiang Xun also reposted the Simu's video. As soon as she did it, not even a minute later, the post had a million likes, and people could no longer ignore it.

[Oh my GOD! Am I crazy? My Goddess just posted something after so long!]

[Rabbit's number 1 fan: +1 You're not the only one going insane! I think I need to check my eyesight. My Snowrabbit is finally back!]

[What?! Upstairs, are you telling the truth? She's back?]




This comment received a hundred thousand likes and was replied to by more than a hundred thousand.

However, no matter how many fans reacted and liked the post, there were still some bitter fans and haters who wanted to clash with Jiang Xun's fans.