I am not well

Nei Zhaoyang smiled, "Before you came along, I've never seen Bro Xi treat anyone with such concern and gentleness. Really!"

He even raised his volume to make his point, "He isn't even this nice to Aunt Xi. If Aunt Xi was around today to see this, she'd definitely be jealous!"

"Get on with your eating. So much food and it still can't stuff your mouth." Nei Zhaoyang felt someone kicking his leg under the table. It was Xi Ting.

"Hey, Bro Xi, you're so gentle to your woman and so rough with your brother here. Isn't this contrast too much!" Nei Zhaoyang whined. He lost his image with that pouty look.

Qin Yan couldn't help but laugh at him. And her laughter had him lock his eyes on her. He was just pouting and grumbling a moment ago, and now he was looking at Qin Yan blankly.