
The sterile, fluorescent-lit hospital room was quiet, the faint beeping of medical monitors filling the air.

The secretary Song Mei, sat in a stiff plastic chair beside her boss, Xi Yaohua, who was laid out on the hospital bed, looking pale and weak.

Xi Yaohua had been suffering from viral infection since last week and thus he was admitted to the hospital. Song Mei had been taking care of her boss since nobody else was available.

She reached over to adjust Xi Yaohua's blanket, making sure he was warm and comfortable. She also noticed that his water pitcher was empty, so she got up and went to the hallway to fill it up.

Xi Yaohua looked at Song Mei when he saw how worried she looked at right now and knew that it wasn't fake. A sudden thought appeared in his mind but he crashed it as soon as it formed.

'No... I already have Qin Muran.... Why would I have these thoughts for my secretary?'