Abrupt call

Qin Yan and Xi Ting were then led to a table nestled in a secluded corner, offering privacy amidst the lively ambiance. A pristine white tablecloth draped the table, adorned with flickering candles in delicate crystal holders. A small bouquet of fragrant roses graced the center, their petals hinting at the romance that lingered in the air.

Taking their seats, the couple settled into the plush, upholstered chairs, feeling a sense of anticipation building. The sommelier approached with an extensive wine list, offering guidance and recommendations to ensure the perfect pairing for your meal. 

After thoughtful consideration, Xi Ting decided to indulge in a glass of fine champagne, its effervescence tickling the couple's senses. 

As they clinked your glasses together, a subtle toast marked the start of a romantic night. The sommelier expertly suggests a delightful wine pairing that would enhance the flavors of each course.